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来源:新东方在线 编辑:melody   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet



  1. Because our supply of fossil fuel has been sadly_________, we must find_________ sources of energy.

  (A) stored...hoarded

  (B) compensated...significant

  (C) exhausted...inefficient

  (D) increased...available

  (E) depleted...alternate

  2. He is much too_________ in his writings: he writes a page when a sentence should suffice.

  (A) devious (B) lucid (C) verbose (D) efficient (E) pleasant

  3. In apologizing to the uncredited photographer, the editor said that he_________ that this_________ use of copyrighted photographs had taken place.

  (A) deplored....legitimate

  (B) conceded...inevitable

  (C) regretted...unauthorized

  (D) admitted...warranted

  (E) acknowledged...appropriate

  4. The herb Chinese parsley is an example of what we mean by an acquired taste: Westerners who originally_________ it eventually come to_________ its flavor in Oriental foods.

  (A) relish...enjoy

  (B) dislike...welcome

  (C) savor...abhor

  (D) ignore...detest

  (E) discern...recognize

  5. The abundance and diversity of insects is the cumulative effect of an extraordinarily low_________ rate: bugs endure.

  (A) metabolic (B) density (C) extinction (D) percentage (E) standard

  6. Because he was_________ in the performance of his duties, his employers could not_________ his work.

  (A) derelict...quarrel over

  (B) dilatory...grumble at

  (C) undisciplined...object to

  (D) assiduous...complain about

  (E) mandatory...count on

  7. British_________ contemporary art has been an obstacle even for modem artists now revered as great, such as Francis Bacon and Lucian Freud, who were_________ for years before winning acceptance.

  (A) veneration of...eulogized

  (B) indifference to...dismissed

  (C) disdain for...lauded

  (D) ignorance of...studied

  (E) intolerance of...vindicated

  8. Pre-Spanish art in Mexico is not a_________ art; they are mistaken who see in its bold simplifications or wayward conceptions an inability to_________ technical difficulties.

  (A) formal...ignore

  (B) graphic...understand

  (C) primitive...nurture

  (D) crude...overcome

  (E) revolutionary...instigate

  9. Are we to turn into spineless_________, afraid to take a_________ stand, unable to answer a question without pussyfooting?

  (A) disciples...positive

  (B) hedonists...compromising

  (C) criminals...defiant

  (D) critics...constructive

  (E) equivocators...forthright

  10.The heretofore peaceful natives, seeking_________ the treachery of their supposed allies, became, _________ enough according to their perspective, embittered and vindictive.

  (A)acquiescence in...understandably

  (B)magnanimity towards…logically

  (C)evidence of…impartially

  (D)retribution for ...justifiably

  (E)exoneration of...ironically


  1.Archaeologists are involved in_________ Mayan temples in Central America, uncovering the old ruins in order to learn more about the civilization they represent.

  (A) demolishing (B) incapacitating (C) excavating (D) worshiping (E) adapting

  2. Afraid that the_________ nature of the plays being presented would corrupt the morals of their audiences, the Puritans closed the theaters in 1642.

  (A) mediocre (B) fantastic (C) profound (D) lewd (E) witty

  3. The governor's imposition of martial law on the once-peaceful community was the last straw, so far as the lawmakers were concerned: the legislature refused to function until martial law was_________.

  (A) reaffirmed (B) reiterated (C) inaugurated (D) rescinded (E) prolonged

  4. The sergeant suspected that the private was_________ in order to avoid going on the_________ march scheduled for that morning.

  (A) malingering...arduous

  (B) proselytizing...interminable

  (C) invalidating...threatened

  (D) exemplary...leisurely

  (E) disgruntled...strenuous

  5. The incidence of smoking among women, formerly_________, has grown to such a degree that lung cancer, once a minor problem, has become the chief_________ of cancer-related deaths among women.

  (A) negligible...cause

  (B) minor...antidote

  (C) preeminent...cure

  (D) relevant. ..modifier

  (E) pervasive...opponent

  6. The columnist was almost_________ when he mentioned his friends, but he was unpleasant and even_________ when he discussed people who irritated him.

  (A) recalcitrant...laconic

  (B) reverential...acrimonious

  (C) sensitive...remorseful

  (D) insipid...militant

  (E) benevolent...stoical

  7. An experienced politician who knew better than to launch a campaign in troubled political waters, she intended to wait for a more_________ occasion before she announced her plans.

  (A) propitious (B) provocative (C) unseemly (D) questionable (E) theoretical

  8. Wemmick, the soul of kindness in private, is obliged in_________ to be uncompassionate and even_________ on behalf of his employer, the harsh lawyer Jaggers.

  (A) conclusion...careless

  (B) principle...contradictory

  (C) theory...esoteric

  (D) court...judicious

  (E) public..ruthless

  9. In one instance illustrating Metternich's consuming_________, he employed several naval captains to purchase books abroad for him, eventually adding an entire Oriental library to his_________ collection.

  (A) foresight...indifferent

  (B) altruism...eclectic

  (C) bibliomania...burgeoning

  (D) avarice...inadvertent

  (E) egocentricity...magnanimous

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mandatory ['mændətəri]


adj. 命令的,强制性的,受委托的 n. 受托管理者

photographer [fə'tɔgrəfə]


n. 摄影师

overcome [.əuvə'kʌm]


vt. 战胜,克服,(感情等)压倒,使受不了

complain [kəm'plein]


vi. 抱怨,悲叹,控诉

esoteric [.esəu'terik]


adj. 秘传的,神秘的,难懂的

cumulative ['kju:mjulətiv]


adj. 累积的,附加的



n. 道德

suffice [sə'fais]


vi. 足够,合格
vt. 使 ... 足够

eclectic [ek'lektik]


n. 折衷主义者,折衷派的人 adj. 选择的,折衷的,

heretofore ['hiətu'fɔ:]


adv. 以前,迄今为止





