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来源:新东方在线 编辑:melody   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet



  1. The civil rights movement did not emerge from obscurity into national prominence overnight; on the contrary, it captured the public's imagination only_________.

  (A) fruitlessly (B) unimpeachably (C) momentarily (D) expeditiously (E) gradually

  2. Most of the settlements that grew up near the logging camps were_________ affairs, thrown together in a hurry because people needed to live on the job.

  (A) protracted (B) unobtrusive (C) nomadic (D) ramshackle (E) banal

  3. Quick-breeding and immune to most pesticides, cockroaches are so_________ that even a professional exterminator may fail to_________ them.

  (A) vulnerable...eradicate

  (B) widespread...discern

  (C) fragile...destroy

  (D) hardy...eliminate

  (E) numerous...detect

  4. The seventeenth-century writer Mary Astell was a rare phenomenon, a single woman who maintained and even_________ a respectable reputation while earning a living by her pen.

  (A) eclipsed (B) impaired (C) decimated (D) avoided (E) enhanced

  5. An optimistic supporter of the women's movement, Kubota contends that recent_________ by Japanese women in the business world are meaningful and indicative of_________ opportunity to come.

  (A) advances...diminished

  (B) strides...greater

  (C) innovations...marginal

  (D) retreats...theoretical

  (E) failures...hidden

  6. The patient bore the pain_________ , neither wincing nor whimpering when the incision was made.

  (A)histrionically (B)stoically (C) sardonically (D) poorly (E) marginally

  7. The actor's stories of backstage feuds and rivalry might be thought_________ were there not so many corroborating anecdotes from other theatrical personalities.

  (A) pantomime (B) ambiguity (C) approbation (D) hyperbole (E) vainglory

  8. The_________ ambassador was but_________ linguist; yet he insisted on speaking to foreign dignitaries in their own tongues without resorting to a translator's aid.

  (A) indifferent

  (B) visiting...a notable

  (C) revered...a talented

  (D) distinguished...a celebrated

  (E) ranking...a sensitive

  9. Nowadays life models—men and women who pose in the nude for artist—seem curiously _________, relics of a bygone age when art students labored amid skeletons and anatomical charts, learning to draw the human body as painstakingly as medical students learn to_________ it.

  (A) anachronistic...sketch

  (B) archaic...dissect

  (C) contemporary...diagnose

  (D) stereotyped...examine

  (E) daring...cure

  10. Although Roman original contributions to government, jurisprudence, and engineering are commonly acknowledged, the artistic legacy of the Roman world continues to be judged widely as _________ the magnificent Greek traditions that preceded it.

  (A) an improvement on (B) an echo of (C) a resolution of (D) a precursor of (E) a consummation of


  1. In view of the interrelationships among a number of the African American leaders treated in this anthology, there is inevitably a certain amount of_________ among some of the essays presented here.

  (A) overlapping (B) inaccuracy (C) pomposity (D) exaggeration (E) objectivity

  2. As surprising as the new findings are, Dr. Wilson said he would not characterize them as_________.

  (A) sound (B) revolutionary (C) equitable (D) evident (E) abstruse

  3. The best Eskimo carvings of all ages seem to possess a powerful ability to_________ the great barriers of language and time and communicate_________ with us.

  (A) leap over...temporarily

  (B) reach across...directly

  (C) rise above...verbally

  (D) pass through...infrequently

  (E) leave behind...anonymously

  4. The developing brain can be likened to a highway system that_________ use: less traveled roads may be abandoned, popular roads broadened, and new ones added where they are needed.

  (A) suffers from (B) evolves with (C) detours around (D) atrophies with (E) buckles under

  5. British collectors are notorious for their_________ of interest in_________ art, much preferring to collect antiques and "important" pictures by long-dead artists.

  (A) wealth...modern

  (B) growth...abstract

  (C) lack...posthumous

  (D) resurgence...innovative

  (E) dearth...contemporary

  6. Although Barbara Tuchman never earned a graduate degree, she nonetheless_________ a scholarly career as a historian noted for her vivid style and_________ erudition.

  (A) interrupted...deficient

  (B) relinquished...immense

  (C) abandoned...capricious

  (D) pursued...prodigious

  (E) followed...scanty

  7. The systems analyst hesitated to talk to strangers about her highly specialized work, fearing it was too _________ for people uninitiated in the computer field to understand.

  (A) intriguing (B) derivative (C) frivolous (D) esoteric (E) rudimentary

  8. In Victorian times, countless Egyptian mummies were ground up to produce dried mummy powder, hailed by quacks as a near-magical _________ able to cure a wide variety of ailments.

  (A) toxin (B) indisposition (C) symptom (D) panacea (E) placebo

  9. Like a martinet, Norman_________ his subordinates to_________ rigidly to the rules.

  (A) disciplined...adapt

  (B) con strained... adhere

  (C) coaxed...refer

  (D) accustomed...object

  () coerced...demur

重点单词   查看全部解释    
fragile ['frædʒail]


adj. 易碎的,脆的,精细的

nomadic [nəu'mædik]


adj. 游牧的,游牧民族的,流浪的

pomposity [pɔm'pɔsiti]


n. 自大,傲慢

accustomed [ə'kʌstəmd]


adj. 习惯了的,通常的

anthology [æn'θɔlədʒi]


n. 诗选,文选

indifferent [in'difrənt]


adj. 漠不关心的,无重要性的,中立的

anachronistic [ə,nækrə'nistik,-kəl]


adj. 时代错误的

intriguing [in'tri:giŋ]


adj. 吸引人的,有趣的 vbl. 密谋,私通

adhere [əd'hiə]


vi. 坚守于,对 ... 忠贞,紧抓着,遵守

capricious [kə'priʃəs]


adj. 变化无常的,任性的





