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来源:新东方 编辑:melody   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

  51. begin to

  52. begin doing

  53. start to

  54. start doing

  55. cause/lead/enable/force/order sb to do sth

  56. attempt to do sth

  57. expect sb to do sth; sb be expected to do sth; sb expect (it is expected) that +句子

  58. be compared to/with

  59. appear/seem to do

  60. at a time when +句子

  61. indicate/state/believe/predict/show/demonstrate/reveal that +句子

  62. not only.... , but also..... ; not only.... , but as well

  63. the relationship between A and B/of A to B

  64. be responsible for (doing) sth/to sb

  65. 句首表“尽管”:whereas/while

  66. at a time when +从句

  67. be likely to do sth/ that +从句

  68. the possibility/likehood + (1) that 从句 (2) of doing sth (3) of sth

  69. (1) use sth to do sth 对 (2) use sth to be 错 (3) use sth as 在SAT中是错的

  70. be/give/have grounds for

  71. forbid sth/doing sth

  72. prohibit./prevent/keep sb from doing sth

  73. depict.... as....

  74. in effect = in fact

  75. not.... but....

  76. not..... but rather....

  77. call for sth/ call for A and B

  78. prove (1) prove sth (2) prove (to be) + adj

  79. regard.... as sth/adj/doing

  80. be known (1) for sth (2) as sb (3) to do sth (4) to + 范围

  81. descend from

  82. on condition that

  83. model.... after....

  84. be based on

  85. look to sb to do sth

  86. however much S + V; however many sth

  87. believe (1) that + 从句 (2) sth to be sth (3) adj

  88. apply to

  89. attribute sth to; be attributed to

  90. be consistent with

  91. be worried about

  92. before sth/doing/从句

  93. associate with; be associated with

  94. on account of; because of sth/doing sth

  95. the same as

  96. benefit from

  97. to (a great) extent

  98. range/vary (in 方面) from.... to....

  99. in danger of

  100. be founded on/in

文章关键字: SAT 语法 固定搭配





