Hundreds injured as meteor hits central Russia
A winter morning in the Russian Urals is interrupted by a dramatic explosion. A meteor shoots across the sky early on Friday sending fireballs crashing down on the town of Chelyabinsk. Damage from the meteor shower was clear to see. This zinc factory suffered partial collapse. And many other buildings were damaged.
巨大的爆炸打破了俄罗斯乌拉尔冬天的早晨 。周五早些时候,一颗流星掠过天空,燃烧的火球猛烈的砸向车里雅宾斯克小镇 。流星雨带来的破坏清晰可见,这家锌工厂已经部分倒塌,还有许多其它建筑遭到破坏 。
Residents report seeing burning objects in the sky as the meteor raced across the horizon, leaving a trail of white smoke which could be seen 200 kilometres away. Chelyabinsk authorities said 400 people had sought medical help, mainly for injuries from flying glass.
居民称流星急速穿过地平线时,空中可以看到燃烧的物体,随后在200公里外留下一道白烟 。车里雅宾斯克当局称已有400人寻求医疗帮助,伤害主要来自溅落的玻璃 。
Obama presses for minimum wage increase
U.S. President Barack hits the road one day after his State of the Union speech. His first stop -- a reopened manufacturing plant in North Carolina --- was intended to send a message and to silence critics who say his plans are hurting American businesses.
美国总统奥巴马在发表国情咨文后一天便动身前往各地 。第一站来到北卡罗莱纳州一家重新开张的制造厂,平息那些批评他的计划是伤害美国企业的人,并向他们传递信息 。
U.S. President Barack Obama saying: "It's not a Democratic thing or a Republican thing, Our job as Americans is to restore that basic bargain that says if you work hard, if you meet your responsibilities, you can get ahead. If you work full time, you shouldn't be in poverty."
美国总统奥巴马说:“这不单是民主党或共和党的事,作为美国人我们的工作就是重建最基本的交易,那就是如果你努力工作,如果你恪尽职守,你就可以获得成功 。如果你做全职工作,你的生活不应该贫困 。”
He's calling for an increase in the minimum wage - a point he raised on Tuesday night -- and one that isn't sitting well with Republicans, who complain Obama's plans for economic growth include tax hikes without spending cuts.
他呼吁提高周二晚上提出的最低工资标准,但却并没有获得共和党人的支持,称奥巴马的经济增长计划只是增税并没有削减开支 。
Paralympic star Pistorius is charged with murdering girlfriend
South African Olympic and Paralympic track star Oscar Pistorius, known as the "Blade Runner" for his racing prosthetics, seen here training at the London 2012 games. The athlete was arrested on Thursday after his girlfriend was shot dead at his home in Pretoria. He has been charged with murder and remains in custody.
画面上看到的是2012年伦敦奥运会南非奥运和残奥田径明星奥斯卡·皮斯托瑞斯,他因戴着比赛假肢被人称为“刀锋战士” 。周四其女友在比勒陀利亚家中被枪杀,随后他被逮捕,目前仍在拘留中 。
Model Reeva Steenkamp was reported to have been dating Pistorius for a year. Pistorius, who races wearing carbon fibre prosthetic blades after he was born without a fibula in both legs, was the first double amputee to run in the Olympics and reached the 400 metre semi-finals in London 2012.
Reeva Steenkamp是一名模特,据报道她与皮斯托瑞斯已经约会了一年 。皮斯托瑞斯出生后双腿便没有腓骨,比赛时戴着碳纤维假肢 。他成为奥运会上第一个双截肢运动员,并在伦敦2012年奥运会上进入了400米半决赛 。
Police revealed this was not the first time they had been called to the athlete's home. He is due to appear in court again on Friday.
警方透露这不是他们第一次被派到该运动员家中 。他将于周五再次出庭 。