7. empiricism n.经验主义
Scientists require observable data, not -------, to support a hypothesis; sound science is grounded
in ------- results rather than speculation.
(A) induction . . diminutive
(B) experimentation . . pragmatic
(C) intuition . . fiscal
(D) bombast . . theoretical
(E) conjecture . . empirical
8. hedonism n.享乐主义,享乐
9. jingoism(读音,靖国神社) n.沙文主义,侵略主义
10. nihilism n.虚无主义,无政府主义
11. optimism n.乐观主义
12. patriotism n.爱国主义,爱国心 <>treachery/betray 叛国
13. pragmatic adj.实际的,实用主义的 pragmatism n.实用主义
In a ______ society that worships efficiency, it is difficult for a sensitive and idealistic person to make the kinds of ______ decisions that alone spell success as it is defined by such a society.
A) bureaucratic … edifying
B) pragmatic … hardheaded
C) rational…well-intentioned
D) competitive… evenhanded
E) modern … dysfunctional
14. reciprocity n.互惠主义,相互利益
15. totalitarian adj.极权主义的
16. Idealism: 如共产主义也好,社会主义也好,为此奋斗不已,而且没有功利的念头,这就是idealism,理想主义;与此相对的则是materialism,现实主义
The world of Hernrich Boll’s early novels is one of impersonal malice, thinly camouflaged with patriotic and other___ clichés, in which relief is provided only by occasional___ of genuine human emotion.
(A) pragmatic, absences
(B) ideological, manifestations
(C) conceptual, lapses
(D) ephemeral, loss
(E) scholarly, vestiges
17. Practicality:就是materialism的意思。
18. Expectation:期待,期望,是对将要发生的事情一种美好的愿望。
19. Reality:是现在所正在发生的事情。
1.Speculation:the act of forming opinions about what has happened or what might happen without knowing all the facts. 在有限信息基础上的推测,所以这个推测总不是那么的准。此外speculation还表示投机。
3.Anticipation:the act of predicting (as by reasoning about the future),pleasure expectation,所以anticipation表示美好的愿望,而且是有根有据的,而不像speculation,是建立在很少的事实的基础上的。
4.Generosity:慷慨的,情景很简单,generosity,generous(来自于gen),我们复习一下表示慷慨的一些单词 magnanimous(mag大+anim生命),还有benevolent,charitable等
5.Possessive:desirous of owning 占有欲的