1. allusive:characterized by indirect references即不直接指出,而是引经据典来解释。在阅读题当中一定要注意只有当叙述的方式是indirect(比如从别人嘴里或者文献里记载得到),那么才可以称为allusive,或者allusion。
Eg:Readers previously__ by the complexity and__ of Joyce’s Ulysses will find Gilbert’s study of the novel a helpful introduction.
(A) charmed, obscurity
(B) rejected, length
(C) inhibited, intelligibility
(D) daunted, allusiveness
(E) enlightened, transparency
3. argumentative::descriptive,这两种一般很容易区分,但也有一些不容易区分的时候,argumentative是对别人已经表明了的观点进行(1)条件是否为真,(2)推理过程是否恰当这样一个过程,那么这样的文章就是argumentative,而descriptive的文章只是在叙述,或者会表达自己的感情(喜怒哀乐鄙视欣赏等),但没有分析感情是否为理性,也即感情背后的原因是模糊的。
4. assumption:假设,很简单。现在阅读题经常会出一些逻辑题目,如下:
The next to report is the psychologist, who proposes: “The inside of the barn should be painted green. This is a more mellow color than brown and should help induce greater milk flow. Also, more trees should be planted in the fields to add diversity to the scenery for the cattle during grazing, to reduce boredom.”
Question: The psychologist’s remarks are based on the assumption that
A. any implied psychological similarity between cows and humans is inappropriate
B. psychology derives insight from current theories of aesthetics
C. individualized attention to cows will yield measurable increases in milk
D. contented cows will produce more milk than bored or anxious ones
E. each cow will respond differently to attempts to increase milk production
前提:mellow color (mellow成熟的)
结论:induce greater milk flow (注意should ,must这种单词后面都会引起结论,这样之前当然也就是前提了)
推出方式: more mellow color->induce greater milk flow
more mellow color->induce greater milk flow的推理太突兀,所以应该有中间条件,也即假设存在,即more mellow color->more contented( more contented cows produce more milk)->induce greater milk flow
5. baseless=unfounded,
Unfounded: without a basis in reason or fact. 没有根据的, unfounded rumor 无稽之谈
情景: Talented children "burn themselves out" in the early years, and, therefore, are subjected to failure and at worst, mental illness. 对这句话判断的话,显然是unfounded,要不然新东方的老师要么都是疯子,要么都是骗子,而显然我们是相当正常的人类.
6. Comical:滑稽的,见第二讲讲义。
7. Commentary:评论的,能对得起这个词语的真正意义的恐怕中国只有黄建翔了。因为commentary就是要说出你想说的任何表达你感情和意见的话即可。
8. Criticism:见前面critical
9. dark foreboding:不祥的预感
10. dramatic:dramatize,戏剧性的,什么叫戏剧性的表达呢?比如说,你把小说改编成剧本,然后再搬上荧幕或者成为话剧,这个过程就是 dramatize
11. emphasize,highlight,stress 强调,通常是通过加重语气或者描写的细致一些
12. enumerate:列举。通常和parallel(排比)联系在一块。
13. euphemism:委婉的说法
a polite word or expression that you use instead of a more direct one to avoid shocking or upsetting someone. 比如你说pass away来代替die,还比如老毛常说自己“马上就要去见马克思了”,都是一种euphemism,可以看出euphemism都是通过减低了本来的意思(但动作方向相同来代指程度非常严重的词汇)。
1)“Old Nick” is one of several__ people use when they want to refer indirectly to the Devil.
(A) euphemisms
(B) banalities
(C) arguments
(D) apostrophes
(E) eulogies
2) The Tanaina live in an environment that could euphemistically be described as “difficult”.
Question: The sentence in which “difficult” appears
(A) an exaggeration
(B) an estimate
(C) an understatement
(D) a contradiction
(E) a preconception