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北京小学英语三年级 Lesson8:扩展练习

来源:可可英语 编辑:hoy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Lesson five Revision
1.listen and circle
1)feet 2)cook 3)say 4)sport
5)look 6)shoot 7)work 8)sun 9)cheap
2.Listen and complete.
A:What are you doing here?
B:I'm looking for my purse.I can't find it.
A:What is it like? B:It's small and brown.
A:What are you doing here?
B:I'm looking for my purse.I can't find it.
A:What is it like? B:It's small and brown.
3.Listen and choose
1)How much is this shirt?It's 80.
(A)70 (B)80 (C)90
2)We like our clasroom What is it like?
It's bright and clean.
(A)Our classroom is small and clean.
(B)Our classroom is big and clean. (C)Our classroom is bright and clean.
3)Can you swim, Li Ling?
No,I can't. And you? I can.
(A)Li Ling can swim. (B)Li ling can't swim.
(C)Li Ling can't swim very well.
4)Is this English book yours?No,it isn't.
Whose is it then? It's Mike's.
(A)The English book is Mike's. (B)The English book is mine.
(C)The English book is his friend's.
1.How much is it?
A:can I help you?
B:Yes,I want a shirt.
A:Do you like this one?
B:Yes. How much is it? A:fifty yuan.
B:OK.I'll buy it.
A:can I help you?
B:Yes,I want a shirt.
A:Do you like this one?
B:Yes. How much is it? A:fifty yuan.
B:OK.I'll buy it.
2.What is it like?
A:I have a new sweater.
B:What is it like?
A:It's red,and very beautiful.
A:I have a new sweater.
B:What is it like?
A:It's red,and very beautiful. it?
A:This notebook is not mine.Is it yours?
B:No,it isn't.
A:Whose is it then?
B:Maybe it's Tom's.
A:This notebook is not mine.Is it yours?
B:No,it isn't.
A:Whose is it then?
B:Maybe it's Tom's.
4.Can you...?
Example A:
--I can dance. What can you do?--I can sing.
Example B:
Can you skate?No,I can't.And you?
I can skate.But I can't skate very well.
Can you skate?No,I can't.And you?
I can skate.But I can't skate very well




