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北京小学英语三年级 Lesson6:这是谁的衣服

来源:可可英语 编辑:hoy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Maria:Hi,Peter.Here's a green jacket.Is it yours?
Peter:No.Mine is yellow.
Maria:Whose is it, then?
Peter:Maybe it's Harry's.Harry, is this yours?
Harry:Yes,it is. Thank you.
Maria:You're welcome.
Maria:Hi,Peter.Here's a green jacket.Is it yours?
Peter:No.Mine is yellow.
Maria:Whose is it, then?
Peter:Maybe it's Harry's.Harry, is this yours?
Harry:Yes,it is. Thank you.
Maria: You're welcome.
Maria:Hi,Peter.Here's a green jacket.Is it yours?
Peter:No.Mine is yellow.
Maria:Whose is it, then?
Peter:Maybe it's Harry's.Harry, is this yours?
Harry:Yes,it is. Thank you.
Maria:You're welcome.
Maria:Hi,Peter.Here's a green jacket.Is it yours?
Peter:No.Mine is yellow.
Maria:Whose is it,then?
Peter:Maybe it's Harry's.Harry, is this yours?
Harry:Yes,it is. Thank you.
Maria:You're welcome.
New words
whose mine yours maybe
Look and say
1.Please look at the words.
my mine your yours his her hers
Example A:
This is my book. It's mine.
Now practise.
1)That's your pen. It's yours.
2)This is his ruler. It's his.
3)That's her bag. It's hers.
Example B:
Whose letter is it? It's Li Ming's. It's his.
Now look at the pictures.
1)Whose letter is it? It's Li Ming's. It's his.
2)Whose purse is it? It's Jane's. It's hers.
3)Whose watch is it? It's Bob's. It's his.
4)Whose camera is it? It's Mary's. It's hers.
New words
letter purse watch camera
Example C:
Whose are the glasses? They're Mr Green's. They're his.
Now look at the pictures.
1)Whose are the glasses? They're Mr Green's. They're his.
2)Whose are the gloves? They're Mrs Green's. They're hers.
3)Whose are the shoes? They're Mr Brown's. They're his.
4)Whose are the socks? They're Miss White's They're hers.
New words
glasses glove shoe sock
Tom:This is not my jacket. It's yours.
Billy:That's not your jacket. It's mine.
Tom:This is not my jacket. It's yours.
Billy:That's not your jacket. It's mine.
Tom:This is not my jacket. It's yours.
Billy:That's not your jacket. It's mine.
Jack:Mary,is this your purse? Mary:No.It's not mine.
Jack:Is it Jane's? Mary:No.Maybe it's Lily's.
Jack:Mary,is this your purse? Mary:No.It's not mine.
Jack:Is it Jane's? Mary:No.Maybe it's Lily's.
Jack:Mary,is this your purse? Mary:No.It's not mine.
Jack:Is it Jane's? Mary:No.Maybe it's Lily's.
Mom:Is this tape yours? Jack:No,it isn't.
Mom:Whose tape is it then? Jack:It's Harry's.
Mom:Is this tape yours? Jack:No,it isn't.
Mom:Whose tape is it then? Jack:It's Harry's.
Mom:Is this tape yours? Jack:No,it isn't.
Mom:Whose tape is it then? Jack:It's Harry's.
New word tape
Read aloud
1.or:forty morning short sport horse north
word work worker world worm worth ship shirt shop fish wish
ch:chair China much watch peach teach a short horse We saw a short horse.
horse like a horse He worked like a horse.
Test yourself
1.Listen and circle
1)short 2)match
3)sport 4)meaning
5)work 6)sort
2.Listen and choose
1)Whose letter is it? It's yours.
(A)The letter is mine.(B)The letter is yours.(C)The letter is his.
2)Is this sweater yours? No,mine is green.
(A)My sweater is red.(B)My sweater is green.(C)My sweater is yellow.
3)Whose bike is it? Maybe it's Tom's. his bike is new.
(A)Tom's bike is blue.(B)Tom's bike is old.(C)Tom's bike is new.
4)What colour is your jacket? Blue.Whose is this black one? It's David's.
(A)My jacket is new.(B)David's jacket is blue.(C)Davis's jacket is black

重点单词   查看全部解释    
peach [pi:tʃ]


n. 桃子,桃树,桃红色
v. 揭发,检举

lily ['lili]


adj. 纯白的 n. 百合花

worm [wə:m]


n. 虫,蠕虫
v. 蠕动,驱虫,慢慢探听出

ruler ['ru:lə]


n. 尺子,划线板
n. 统治者,支配者





