Helicopter crashes in central London 伦敦市中心一直升机撞豪宅塔吊致2死9伤
Smoke rises in central London after a helicopter hit a crane on top of one of Europe's tallest residential blocks on Wednesday, killing two. Amateur video captures the scene of the unoccupied luxury high rise and damaged crane.
周三,在伦敦市中心一架直升机撞上欧洲最高的公寓楼顶部的塔吊,造成2人死亡 。监控录像拍下了空荡荡的豪华高楼和 受损塔吊 。
Nine people below were injured, one other critically. More amateur video uploaded onto Youtube shows burning debris strewn down a street. London mayor Boris Johnson briefed a meeting of the London Assembly about the crash.
事故共造成楼下9人受伤,其中一个伤情严重 。更多上传到Youtube的业余视频显示燃烧的碎片散落在街上 。伦敦市长鲍里斯·约翰逊在伦敦议会就此坠机事件召开了简会 。
LONDON MATOR BORIS JOHNSON SAYING: "Many Londoners will already have seen the news that that there have been several casualties including two fatalities. As far as we can tell at the present time the emergency services have responded very fast and have done very well but but clearly our information is changing from moment to moment."
伦敦市长鲍里斯·约翰逊说:“许多伦敦人都看过新闻,事故造成了多人伤亡,包括两人遇难 。现在我们能告诉大家的是,紧急救助已经迅速展开,而且做的很好,但具体的消息仍在不断更新 。”
Helicopters in London are generally supposed to fly along the River Thames but London City Airport said its flights had been disrupted due to poor visibility. The Department of Transport's crash investigation unit said it was preparing to launch an inquiry into the incident.
往常直升机应该都是沿着泰晤士河飞行,但伦敦城市机场称由于能见度低航班已经中断 。美国交通部事故调查部门表示正准备对这一事件展开调查 。