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小学综合英语 3A Unit 2 Gogo Can Fly

来源:听力教室 编辑:Ookamie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Unit 2
Gogo can fly.Picture 1.
What can Gogo do,Tony? I don't know.Picture 2.
What can you do,Gogo? I can dance.Picture 3.
That's very good,Gogo. Can he sing?Picture 4.
Can you sing,Gogo? Yes,I can.Listen.Picture 5.
Stop,Gogo.You can dance,but you can't sing.Picture 6.
I can fly.Watch. Picture 7.
Picture 8.
That's very good,Gogo.Come down now.I can't come down.
I can't move my head.Gogo structure Can you fly?
Yes,I can fly.
Yes,I can't.What can you do?
I can dance,but I can't fly.
Give short answers.
1.Can Gogo dance?Write each number in the correct box.
1.Gogo can't sing.
2.Gogo can fly.
3.Gogo can't swin.
4.Gogo can't write.
5.Gogo can dance.
6.Gogo can run.Make two sentences like the following,
then read them out.
1.Gogo can fly,but he can't write.
Say and write.
Stop Listen
That's very good.
1.___ .The birds are singing.

关键字: 英语 综合 小学 3A




