据说,有记载的源自斯普纳的Spoonerism只有一句。《牛津引语辞典》(The Oxford Dictionary ofQuotations,3rd edition, 1979)就只列了一句。很多传说中的Spoonerisms,是其他人为了制造幽默效果而“依样画葫芦”整出来的。
We all know the feeling when we have a half-warmed fish in our hearts.
We all know the feeling when we have a half-formed wish in our hearts.
It is kisstomary to cuss the bride.(这是咒骂新娘的气门。)
所要表达的是:It is customary to kiss the bride.(这是吻新娘的习惯。)
Let me show you to a seat.(我带您到座位上去。)
该句被特意说成:Let me sew you to a sheet。(我把您和被单缝在一起。)
Go and shake a tower.(去摇塔。)
本意是想说,Go and take a shower。(去冲个澡。)
You'll soon be had as a matter of course.(不用说,你很快就会被骗。)
其本意是说,You'll soon be mad as a hatter of course。(当然,你很快就会发疯。)
这样的例子枚不胜举。用mad bunny(疯狂的兔子)表示bad money(假币);用flock of bats(一群蝙蝠)表示block of flats(公寓楼);用A lack of pies(缺少馅饼)表示A pack of lies(一大堆谎言);用I must mend the sail(我得修补船帆)表示I must send the mail(我得送信去了);用chewing the doors(咀嚼门窗)表示doing the chores(干家务)。而know your blows(知道你的打击)是要表达blow your nose(擤鼻涕);tease my ears(取笑我的耳朵)是要表达ease my tears(抚慰创伤);It's roaring with pain(痛苦的怒吼)是要表达It's pouring with rain(正下着瓢泼大雨);wave the sails(扬帆)是要表达save the whales(拯救鲸鱼);go help me sod(开帮我铺草皮)是要表达so help me God(上帝保佑我);chipping the flannel on TV(在电视上切法兰绒)是要表达flipping the channel on TV(无聊至极的电视频道)……