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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Shasta, picked himself up, feeling uncommonly stiff, and ran towards the sound to see what the joke was. A very curious sight met his eyes. The unfortunate Rabadash appeared to be suspended from the castle walls. His feet, which were about two feet from the ground, were kicking wildly. His chain-shirt was somehow hitched up so that it was horribly tight under the arms and came half way over his face. In fact he looked just as a man looks if you catch him in the very act of getting into a stiff shirt that is a little too small for him. As far as could be made out afterwards (and you may be sure the story was well talked over for many a day) what happened was something like this. Early in the battle one of the Giants had made an unsuccessful stamp at Rabadash with his spiked boot: unsuccessful because it didn't crush Rabadash, which was what the Giant had intended, but not quite useless because one of the spikes tore the chain mail, just as you or I might tear an ordinary shirt. So Rabadash, by the time he encountered Edmund at the gate, had a hole in the back of his hauberk. And when Edmund pressed him back nearer and nearer to the wall, he jumped up on a mounting block and stood there raining down blows on Edmund from above. But then, finding that this position, by raising him above the heads of everyone else, made him a mark for every arrow from the Narnian bows, he decided to jump down again. And he meant to look and sound - no doubt for a moment he did look and sound - very grand and very dreadful as he jumped, crying, "The bolt of Tash falls from above." But he had to jump sideways because the crowd in front of him left him no landing place in that direction. And then, in the neatest way you could wish, the tear in the back of his hauberk caught on a hook in the wall. (Ages ago this hook had had a ring in it for tying horses to.) And there he found himself, like a piece of washing hung up to dry, with everyone laughing at him.沙斯塔爬起身来,觉得四肢异乎寻常地不灵活,他朝着哄笑声跑过去,去看看闹的是什么笑话。他所见到的,是一幅十分奇怪的景象。倒霉的拉巴达什看来被悬挂在城堡的墙上。他的脚离地两英尺光景,正疯狂地乱踢着。他的锁子甲有点儿被吊了起来,腋下紧得可怕,中间遮住了半个脸。事实上,他看上去就像一个人正把一件尺寸太小的硬衬衫穿上身去时的模样儿。就后来尽可能收集到的材料看来(你可以确信无疑,这个故事被人们反复讲了好多天),事情的经过大致是这样的:刚开仗时,有个巨人用他的尖钉大靴子不成功地踩了拉巴达什一脚;不成功,是指他未能如愿以偿地把拉巴达什踩个稀巴烂;但也不是毫无作用,因为靴子上的尖钉刺破了锁子甲,就像你或我可能撕破一件普通的衬衫一样。所以,拉巴达什正和爱德蒙在城门口交手搏斗时,他那锁子甲的背后有个窟窿。当爱德蒙逼得他愈来愈靠近城墙时,他跳上了一个高台,他站在台上,手中的剑雨点般向爱德蒙攻击。但接着他就觉得这个地位既使他高出于众人之上,又使他成为纳尼亚弓箭手的众矢之的,他决定重新跳下台来。他有意要观察风色,试探试探——毫无疑问,他确实观察试探了一会儿——他跳得十分庄严十分可怕,口中大声喊道:”塔什神的雷霆从天上打下来了。”但他不得不朝旁边跳,因为他前边儿的人群很挤,正前方已没有他插足的地方。接着,用你可以期望的最简洁的方式来说,他背部锁子甲上的窟窿,被墙上一个钩子钩住了(几百年前,这钩子曾经是个系马的铁圈)。他发现自己像是一件洗好的、挂在那儿晾干的衣服,人人都在嘲笑他哩。
"Let me down, Edmund," howled Rabadash. "Let me down and fight me like a king and a man; or if you are too great a coward to do that, kill me at once."“爱德蒙,放我下来,”拉巴达什号叫道,”放我下来,像个国王和男子汉那样同我作战;如果你是个大懦夫,不敢放我下来,就立刻杀了我。”
"Certainly," began King Edmund, but King Lune interrupted.“当然可以。”国王爱德蒙开始说话了,但伦恩国王打断了他的话。
"By your Majesty's good leave," said King Lune to Edmund. "Not so." Then turning to Rabadash he said, "Your royal Highness, if you had given that challenge a week ago, I'll answer for it there was no one in King Edmund's dominion, from the High King down to the smallest Talking Mouse, who would have refused it. But by attacking our castle of Anvard in time of peace without defiance sent, you have proved yourself no knight, but a traitor, and one rather to be whipped by the hangman than to be suffered to cross swords with any person of honour. Take him down, bind him, and carry him within till our pleasure is further known."“请陛下允许我插一句,”国王伦恩对爱德蒙说道,”不要这样。”然后,他转过来对拉巴达什说道:”殿下,如果你曾在一个星期前提出挑战书,我就会保证:在国王爱德蒙的国土内,上至至尊王,下至最小的会说人话的耗子,谁也不会拒绝你的请求。然而,你在和平时期,挑战书也不送一份,就进攻我们的安瓦德城堡,你的行为证明你自己不是什么真正的武士,而是个奸贼,是个只配由刽子手来鞭打的家伙,不配由任何高贵的人持刀与之交锋。把他带下去,把他绑起来,带他到城里去,等我们公布了我们欢乐的大喜事以后再说。”
Strong hands wrenched Rabadash's sword from him and he was carried away into the castle, shouting, threatening, cursing, and even crying. For though he could have faced torture he couldn't bear being made ridiculous. In Tashbaan everyone had always taken him seriously.强壮的手从拉巴达什手里夺走了他的剑,他被带进城堡里去了,他叫喊着,威吓着,咒骂着,甚至大号大哭着。因为,尽管他能面对严刑拷打,却受不了人们的嘲弄耻笑。在塔什班城,人人都是严肃认真地对待他的。
At that moment Corin ran up to Shasta, seized his hand and started dragging him towards King Lune. "Here he is, Father, here he is," cried Corin.就在这个时候,科林向沙斯塔跑来,抓住他的手,开始拖着他向国王走去。”他在这儿了,父亲,他在这儿了。”科林大声说道。
"Aye, and here thou art, at last," said the King in a very gruff voice. "And bast been in the battle, clean contrary to your obedience. A boy to break a father's heart! At your age a rod to your breech were fitter than a sword in your fist, ha!" But everyone, including Corin, could see that the King was very proud of him.“呀,你还是到这儿来了,”国王用一种十分粗暴的声音说道,”而且压根不听话,竟参加了战斗。一个叫父亲担忧心碎的孩子啊。以你这般年纪,屁股后插根棍棒要比手中拿把剑合适得多。哈哈!”但包括科林在内,人人都看得出国王十分以沙斯塔自豪。
"Chide him no more, Sire, if it please you," said Lord Darrin. "His Highness would not be your son if he did not inherit your conditions. It would grieve your Majesty more if he had to be reproved for the opposite fault."“陛下,对不起,别再责备他了,”达兰勋爵说道,”如果他不继承你的英雄气概的话,殿下就不可能是你的儿子了。如果他应该为相反的错误而受责备的话,那就会使陛下更加伤心了。”
"Well, well," grumbled the King. "We'll pass it over for this time. And now -" '“行了,行了,”国王咕咕哝哝地说道,”我们这一回就放过他吧。现在……”
What came next surprised Shasta as much as anything that had ever happened to him in his life. He found himself suddenly embraced inn bear-like hug by King Lune and kissed on both cheeks. Then the King set him down again and said, "Stand here together, boys, and let all the court see you. Hold up your heads. Now, gentlemen, look on them both. Has any man any doubts?"继之而来的事情使沙斯塔感到的惊讶,丝毫不亚于他生平遭遇到的任何事情。他发觉国王伦恩突然像熊一样把他紧紧抱住,亲吻他的双颊。然后国王把他重新放下,说道:”孩子们一起站在这儿吧,让朝廷上的人都来看看你们。昂起你们的头来。现在,先生们,瞧瞧他们两个人吧。还有什么人会有什么怀疑吗?”
And still Shasta could not understand why everyone stared at him and at Corin nor what all the cheering was about.而沙斯塔依旧不明白:为什么人人都目不转晴地瞧着他和科林?这一切欢呼又是怎么一回事呢?

Shasta, picked himself up, feeling uncommonly stiff, and ran towards the sound to see what the joke was. A very curious sight met his eyes. The unfortunate Rabadash appeared to be suspended from the castle walls. His feet, which were about two feet from the ground, were kicking wildly. His chain-shirt was somehow hitched up so that it was horribly tight under the arms and came half way over his face. In fact he looked just as a man looks if you catch him in the very act of getting into a stiff shirt that is a little too small for him. As far as could be made out afterwards (and you may be sure the story was well talked over for many a day) what happened was something like this. Early in the battle one of the Giants had made an unsuccessful stamp at Rabadash with his spiked boot: unsuccessful because it didn't crush Rabadash, which was what the Giant had intended, but not quite useless because one of the spikes tore the chain mail, just as you or I might tear an ordinary shirt. So Rabadash, by the time he encountered Edmund at the gate, had a hole in the back of his hauberk. And when Edmund pressed him back nearer and nearer to the wall, he jumped up on a mounting block and stood there raining down blows on Edmund from above. But then, finding that this position, by raising him above the heads of everyone else, made him a mark for every arrow from the Narnian bows, he decided to jump down again. And he meant to look and sound - no doubt for a moment he did look and sound - very grand and very dreadful as he jumped, crying, "The bolt of Tash falls from above." But he had to jump sideways because the crowd in front of him left him no landing place in that direction. And then, in the neatest way you could wish, the tear in the back of his hauberk caught on a hook in the wall. (Ages ago this hook had had a ring in it for tying horses to.) And there he found himself, like a piece of washing hung up to dry, with everyone laughing at him.

"Let me down, Edmund," howled Rabadash. "Let me down and fight me like a king and a man; or if you are too great a coward to do that, kill me at once."

"Certainly," began King Edmund, but King Lune interrupted.

"By your Majesty's good leave," said King Lune to Edmund. "Not so." Then turning to Rabadash he said, "Your royal Highness, if you had given that challenge a week ago, I'll answer for it there was no one in King Edmund's dominion, from the High King down to the smallest Talking Mouse, who would have refused it. But by attacking our castle of Anvard in time of peace without defiance sent, you have proved yourself no knight, but a traitor, and one rather to be whipped by the hangman than to be suffered to cross swords with any person of honour. Take him down, bind him, and carry him within till our pleasure is further known."

Strong hands wrenched Rabadash's sword from him and he was carried away into the castle, shouting, threatening, cursing, and even crying. For though he could have faced torture he couldn't bear being made ridiculous. In Tashbaan everyone had always taken him seriously.

At that moment Corin ran up to Shasta, seized his hand and started dragging him towards King Lune. "Here he is, Father, here he is," cried Corin.

"Aye, and here thou art, at last," said the King in a very gruff voice. "And bast been in the battle, clean contrary to your obedience. A boy to break a father's heart! At your age a rod to your breech were fitter than a sword in your fist, ha!" But everyone, including Corin, could see that the King was very proud of him.

"Chide him no more, Sire, if it please you," said Lord Darrin. "His Highness would not be your son if he did not inherit your conditions. It would grieve your Majesty more if he had to be reproved for the opposite fault."

"Well, well," grumbled the King. "We'll pass it over for this time. And now -" '

What came next surprised Shasta as much as anything that had ever happened to him in his life. He found himself suddenly embraced inn bear-like hug by King Lune and kissed on both cheeks. Then the King set him down again and said, "Stand here together, boys, and let all the court see you. Hold up your heads. Now, gentlemen, look on them both. Has any man any doubts?"

And still Shasta could not understand why everyone stared at him and at Corin nor what all the cheering was about.












重点单词   查看全部解释    
traitor ['treitə]


n. 叛徒,卖国贼,出卖朋友者

sword [sɔ:d]


n. 剑,刀

defiance [di'faiəns]


n. 蔑视,违抗,挑衅



adj. 悬浮的;暂停的,缓期的(宣判)

intended [in'tendid]


adj. 故意的,有意的;打算中的 n. 已订婚者 v.

unfortunate [ʌn'fɔ:tʃənit]


adj. 不幸的,令人遗憾的,不成功的

hook [huk]


n. 钩状物,勾拳,钩
v. 钩住,弯成(钩装

grieve [gri:v]


v. 使 ... 悲伤

challenge ['tʃælindʒ]


n. 挑战
v. 向 ... 挑战

fault [fɔ:lt]


n. 缺点,过失,故障,毛病,过错,[地]断层





