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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"Battering ram," whispered Corin. "They're battering the gate."“攻城槌,”科林低声说道,”敌人正在猛撞城门。”
Even Corin looked quite serious now.现在甚至科林也神情严肃。
"Why doesn't King Edmund get on?" he said. "I can' stand this waiting about. Chilly too."“爱德蒙国王为什么不出击呢?”他说,”我受不了这种等待。也冷得很。”
Shasta nodded: hoping he didn't look as frightened as felt.沙斯塔点点头:希望他外表上不像他心里所感觉到的那么害怕。
The trumpet at last! On the move now - now trotting the banner streaming out in the wind. They had topped low ridge now, and below them the whole scene sudden opened out; a little, many-towered castle with its gate towards them. No moat, unfortunately, but of course the gate shut and the portcullis down. On the walls they could see, like little white dots, the faces of the defenders. Down below, about fifty of the Calormenes, dismounted, were steadily swinging a great tree trunk against the gate. But at once the scene changed. The main bulk of Rabadash's men had been on foot ready to assault the gate. But now he had seen the Narnians sweeping down from the ridge. There is no doubt those Calormenes are wonderfully trained. It seemed to Shasta only a second before a whole line of the enemy were on horseback again, wheeling round to meet them, swinging towards them.喇叭声终于响了!现在部队行动起来了——现在马儿小跑着——旗帜在风中飘扬翻动着。现在他们爬上一个低低的山脊,山下整个景色突然展开在他们的面前。一个多塔楼小城堡,城门正对着他们。不幸没有护城河:城门当然是关上的,吊闸放下来了。他们望得见城墙上保卫者的脸,像小小的白点子。城下,大约五十个卡乐门人下了马,正稳稳地晃动着一根大树干撞击城门。但这景象立刻就发生变化了。拉巴达什的主力部队一直是下马步行准备攻击城门的,现在他们看到纳尼亚军队从山脊上奔腾而下。毫无疑问,这些卡乐门部队训练有素。沙斯塔觉得敌人在一秒钟内都上了马,形成整齐的一列队伍,拨转马头,向他们迎过来。"
And now a gallop. The ground between the two armies grew less every moment. Faster, faster. All swords out now, all shields up to the nose, all prayers said, all teeth clenched. Shasta was dreadfully frightened. But it suddenly came into his head, "If you funk this, you'll funk every battle all your life. Now or never."现在是一阵小跑,两军之间的距离时时刻刻都在缩短。跑得愈来愈快,愈来愈快。所有的刀都出鞘了,所有的盾牌都举到鼻子跟前了,所有的祷告都做过了,所有的牙齿都咬紧了。沙斯塔惊惶得厉害。但他脑子里突然想到:”这次你如果畏缩害怕,那么,你这一生,每打一次仗,都要畏缩害怕了。千载难逢,机不可失!”
But when at last the two lines met he had really very littler idea of what happened. There was a frightful confusion`; and an appalling noise. His sword was knocked clean out of his hand pretty soon. And he'd got the reins tangled somehow. Then he found himself slipping. Then a spear came straight at him and as he ducked to avoid it he rolled right off his horse, bashed his left knuckles terribly against someone else's armour, and then - But it is no use trying to describe the battle from Shasta's point of view; he understood too little of the fight in general and even of his own part in it. The best way I can tell you what really happened is to take you some miles away to where the Hermit of the Southern March sat gazing into the smooth pool beneath the spreading tree, with Bree and Hwin and Aravis beside him.然而,最后两军相遇时,他确实对于现场发生的事情一点也不清楚。可怕的混乱和骇人听闻的呐喊。他手中的刀不久就干脆被打掉了。他手中的缰绳不知怎么也搞丢了。他发觉自己正在滑下马来。一枝长矛笔直地向他刺过来,他低头避开时从马上滚了下来,左膝关节猛烈地撞在别人的盔甲上,于是……但试图从沙斯塔的观点去描写战争是毫无用处的;他对一般战斗懂得太少,连他自己在战斗中所扮演的角色他也不明白。把战役实际情况告诉你,最好的办法就是带你到几英里之外的南征隐士家里去,他正在大树的树阴下向平静的池水里目不转睛地凝视,布里、赫温和阿拉维斯都在他身边。
For it was in this pool that the Hermit looked when he wanted to know what was going on in the world outside the green walls of his hermitage. There, as in a mirror, he could see, at certain times, what was going on in the streets of cities far farther south than Tashbaan, or what ships were putting into Redhaven in the remote Seven Isles, or what robbers or wild beasts stirred in the great Western forests between Lantern Waste and Telmar. And all this day he had hardly left his pool, even to eat or drink, for he knew that great events were on foot in Archenland. Aravis and the Horses gazed into it too. They could see it was a magic pool: instead of reflecting the tree and the sky it revealed cloudy and coloured shapes moving, always moving, in its depths. But they could see nothing clearly. The Hermit could and from time to time he told them what he saw. A little while before Shasta rode into his first battle, the Hermit had begun speaking like this:隐士想知道他隐居的绿墙之外的世界上正在发生的事情时,他就朝这池水里张望。在池水里,正如在镜子里一样,他能看得见在某一个特定的时间里,远在塔什班南方的城市里街道上正在发生的事情,或是什么船在遥远的七群岛驶进了红港,或是什么强盗或野兽在灯柱野林和台尔马之间的西部大森林里骚扰。这一天隐士一整天没有离开池塘,哪怕吃饭喝水也不离开,因为他知道有重大事件正在阿钦兰发生着。阿拉维斯和两匹马儿也在朝池塘里张望。她们看得出,这是一池魔水。水中不反映绿树蓝天,却在深处反映出那始终在活动着的、云雾似的彩色形象。但她们什么都看不清楚。隐士看得清,他时常把他所见到的告诉她们。沙斯塔骑马进入他初次作战的战场之前一会儿,隐士便这样讲道:
"I see one - two - three eagles wheeling in the gap by Stormness Head. One is the oldest of all the eagles. He would not be out unless battle was at hand. I see him wheel to and fro, peering down sometimes at Anvard and sometimes to the east, behind Stormness. Ah - I see now what Rabadash and his men have been so busy at all day. They have felled and lopped a great tree and they are now coming out of the woods carrying it as a ram. They have learned something from the failure of last night's assult. He would have been wiser if he had set his men to making ladders: but it takes too long and he is impatient. Fool that he is! He ought to have ridden back to Tashbaan as soon as the first attack failed, for his whole plan depended on speed and surprise. Now they are bringing their ram into position. King Lune's men are shooting hard from the walls. Five Calormenes have fallen: but not many will. They have their shields above their heads. Rabadash is giving his orders now. With him are his most trusted lords, fierce Tarkaans from the eastern provinces. I can see their faces. There is Corradin of Castle Tormunt, and Azrooh, and Chlamash, and Ilgamuth of the twisted lip, and a tall Tarkaan with a crimson beard -"“我看见一只——两只——三只鹰在暴风雨峰的豁口里盘旋。有一只鹰是年纪最大的。除非战斗迫在眉睫,它是不会飞出来的。我看见它来回盘旋,有时俯瞰安瓦德,有时俯瞰暴风雨峰背后的东方。啊——现在我看到拉巴达什和他的部队整天在忙些什么了。他们伐倒一棵大树,锯了一大段树干,现在掮着树干从树林里出来了,要把树干当做攻城槌用。他们昨夜的攻击失败了,从失败中学到了一点儿东西。如果他叫他的部队制造云梯,他就更聪明了:但做云梯更费时间,他不耐烦,等不及。他真是个傻瓜!初战失败,他应该立刻骑马奔回塔什班去,因为他的整个作战计划,靠的是速度和出人意外。现在他们把攻城槌部署好了。伦恩国王的士兵从城上往下拼命射箭。五个卡乐门兵倒下了;但不会有许多人倒下的,他们的头上有盾牌挡着。现在拉巴达什发布命令了。跟他一起的,有他最信赖的王公大人,从东部各省来的凶猛的泰坎们。我看得见他们的脸。有托芒城堡的科拉丁、阿兹鲁、奇拉马什,歪嘴伊尔加默思,还有一个红胡子的泰坎——”
"By the Mane, my old master Anradin!" said Bree.“天哪,我的老东家安拉丁啊!”布里说。
"S-s-sly" said Aravis.“嘶——嘘。”阿拉维斯说。

"Battering ram," whispered Corin. "They're battering the gate."

Even Corin looked quite serious now.

"Why doesn't King Edmund get on?" he said. "I can' stand this waiting about. Chilly too."

Shasta nodded: hoping he didn't look as frightened as felt.

The trumpet at last! On the move now - now trotting the banner streaming out in the wind. They had topped low ridge now, and below them the whole scene sudden opened out; a little, many-towered castle with its gate towards them. No moat, unfortunately, but of course the gate shut and the portcullis down. On the walls they could see, like little white dots, the faces of the defenders. Down below, about fifty of the Calormenes, dismounted, were steadily swinging a great tree trunk against the gate. But at once the scene changed. The main bulk of Rabadash's men had been on foot ready to assault the gate. But now he had seen the Narnians sweeping down from the ridge. There is no doubt those Calormenes are wonderfully trained. It seemed to Shasta only a second before a whole line of the enemy were on horseback again, wheeling round to meet them, swinging towards them.

And now a gallop. The ground between the two armies grew less every moment. Faster, faster. All swords out now, all shields up to the nose, all prayers said, all teeth clenched. Shasta was dreadfully frightened. But it suddenly came into his head, "If you funk this, you'll funk every battle all your life. Now or never."

But when at last the two lines met he had really very littler idea of what happened. There was a frightful confusion`; and an appalling noise. His sword was knocked clean out of his hand pretty soon. And he'd got the reins tangled somehow. Then he found himself slipping. Then a spear came straight at him and as he ducked to avoid it he rolled right off his horse, bashed his left knuckles terribly against someone else's armour, and then - But it is no use trying to describe the battle from Shasta's point of view; he understood too little of the fight in general and even of his own part in it. The best way I can tell you what really happened is to take you some miles away to where the Hermit of the Southern March sat gazing into the smooth pool beneath the spreading tree, with Bree and Hwin and Aravis beside him.

For it was in this pool that the Hermit looked when he wanted to know what was going on in the world outside the green walls of his hermitage. There, as in a mirror, he could see, at certain times, what was going on in the streets of cities far farther south than Tashbaan, or what ships were putting into Redhaven in the remote Seven Isles, or what robbers or wild beasts stirred in the great Western forests between Lantern Waste and Telmar. And all this day he had hardly left his pool, even to eat or drink, for he knew that great events were on foot in Archenland. Aravis and the Horses gazed into it too. They could see it was a magic pool: instead of reflecting the tree and the sky it revealed cloudy and coloured shapes moving, always moving, in its depths. But they could see nothing clearly. The Hermit could and from time to time he told them what he saw. A little while before Shasta rode into his first battle, the Hermit had begun speaking like this:

"I see one - two - three eagles wheeling in the gap by Stormness Head. One is the oldest of all the eagles. He would not be out unless battle was at hand. I see him wheel to and fro, peering down sometimes at Anvard and sometimes to the east, behind Stormness. Ah - I see now what Rabadash and his men have been so busy at all day. They have felled and lopped a great tree and they are now coming out of the woods carrying it as a ram. They have learned something from the failure of last night's assult. He would have been wiser if he had set his men to making ladders: but it takes too long and he is impatient. Fool that he is! He ought to have ridden back to Tashbaan as soon as the first attack failed, for his whole plan depended on speed and surprise. Now they are bringing their ram into position. King Lune's men are shooting hard from the walls. Five Calormenes have fallen: but not many will. They have their shields above their heads. Rabadash is giving his orders now. With him are his most trusted lords, fierce Tarkaans from the eastern provinces. I can see their faces. There is Corradin of Castle Tormunt, and Azrooh, and Chlamash, and Ilgamuth of the twisted lip, and a tall Tarkaan with a crimson beard -"

"By the Mane, my old master Anradin!" said Bree.

"S-s-sly" said Aravis.












重点单词   查看全部解释    
scene [si:n]


n. 场,景,情景

banner ['bænə]


n. 旗帜,横幅,大标题
adj. 特别好的,

ridge [ridʒ]


n. 脊,山脊,山脉

remote [ri'məut]


adj. 偏僻的,遥远的,远程的,(感情等)距离很大

bulk [bʌlk]


n. 体积,容积,大批,大块,大部分

describe [dis'kraib]


vt. 描述,画(尤指几何图形),说成

assault [ə'sɔ:lt]


n. 攻击,突袭
vt. 袭击,突袭

smooth [smu:ð]


adj. 平稳的,流畅的,安祥的,圆滑的,搅拌均匀的,可

trumpet ['trʌmpit]


n. 喇叭,喇叭声,喇叭手
vt. 宣扬;鼓吹

frightened ['fraitnd]


adj. 受惊的,受恐吓的





