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牛津小学英语六年级上:Unit 4 Rules

来源:听力教室 编辑:Ookamie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

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Unit 4 Rules
Look and read
Crossing the road You can cross the road at:
traffic lights (crossings)
zebra crossings
1.Always wait on the pavement!
2.Look left!
3.Look right!
4.Look left again!
5.At the traffic lights:Can you see the green man?
Yes.Cross the road.Walk quickly!
6.At a zebra crossing:Is there any traffic?No.Cross the road.Walk quickly!
7.Don't run!
8.Don't play!
Sing a song
This is the way we cross the road,Cross the road,Cross the road.
This is the way we cross the road,On our way to school.
This is the way we stop at the lights,Stop at the lights.Stop at the lights.
This is the way we stop at the lights.On our way to school.
Look,read and think
1.The boy is crossing the road.He is runing.
2.The girl is waiting on the pavement.
3.The boy is walking across the zebra crossing quickly.
4.The girl is running across the zebra crossing.
5.The boy is looking left,then right,then left.
6.The children are playing on the zebra crossing.
Look and learn
Tommy Target running crossing waiting looking playing
can -> can't
do -> don't

关键字: 英语 牛津 小学 六年级




