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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
When Aravis came to herself she found that she was lying on her face on a low bed of extraordinary softness in a cool, bare room with walls of undressed stone. She couldn't understand why she had been laid on her face; but when she tried to turn and felt the hot, burning pains all over her back, she remembered, and realized why. She couldn't understand what delightfully springy stuff the bed was made of, because it was made of heather (which is the best bedding) and heather was a thing she had never seen or heard of.阿拉维斯苏醒过来时,发觉她正俯卧在一张特别柔软的床上,房间内什么陈设也没有,石头墙也是未经雕琢的、粗糙的。她不明白为什么安排她俯卧;但当她要想翻身而感觉到整个背部灼热发烫、十分疼痛时,她记起来了,明白了非得俯卧不可的缘故。她不明白这床是用什么舒适而有弹性的材料做的,因为这床是用石南荒原草(最好的垫褥)做成的,而她从未见过或听说过这种草。
The door opened and the Hermit entered, carrying a large wooden bowl in his hand. After carefully setting this down, he came to the bedside, and asked:门打开了,隐士进来了,手里拿着一只大木碗。小心翼翼地把碗放下后,他来到床边,问道:
"How do you find yourself, my daughter?"“我的女儿,你自己觉得怎样?”
"My back is very sore, father," said Aravis, "but there is nothing else wrong with me."“父亲,我的背上很痛,”阿拉维斯说道,”但没有其他的毛病。”
He knelt beside her, laid his hand on her forehead, and felt her pulse.他跪在床边,把手按在她的额上,还给她号脉。
"There is no fever," he said. "You will do well. Indeed there is no reason why you should not get up tomorrow. But now, drink this."“没有发烧,”他说,”你就会痊愈的。事实上,明儿个你就该起床了。但是现在要喝这个。”
He fetched the wooden bowl and held it to her lips. Aravis couldn't help making a face when she tasted it, for goats' milk is rather a shock when you are not used to it. But she was very thirsty and managed to drink it all and felt better when she had finished.他拿起木碗,送到她的唇边。她喝下去时不由得做了个鬼脸,因为羊奶还没有喝惯时总是叫人害怕的。她很口渴,设法把那碗羊奶都喝下去了,喝完时,觉得好多了。
"Now, my daughter, you may sleep when you wish," said the Hermit. "For your wounds are washed and dressed and though they smart they are no more serious than if they had been the cuts of a whip. It must have been a very strange lion; for instead-of catching you out of the saddle and getting his teeth into you, he has only drawn his claws across your back. Ten scratches: sore, but not deep or dangerous."“听着,女儿,你想睡时不妨睡睡,”隐士说道,”因为你的伤口洗过了,敷了药,包裹好了,伤口虽然疼痛,可不比鞭打后的伤痕严重。这必定是一头十分奇怪的狮子,它并没有用牙齿咬到你的肉里,把你从马鞍子上叼下来,只是用爪子在你背上挠了一下。十道伤痕,痛,可是不深,不危险。”
"I say!" said Aravis. "I have had luck."“嗨!”阿拉维斯说,”我运气好!”
"Daughter," said the Hermit, "I have now lived a hundred and nine winters in this world and have never yet met any such thing as Luck. Them is something about all this that I do not understand: but if ever we need to know it, you may be sure that we shall."“女儿啊,”隐士说道,”我在这个世界上活了一百零九个春秋了,可从来不曾碰到过什么类似运气的东西。在这一切里,有些东西我不理解,但如果我们确实需要弄明白的话,你不妨深信不疑,我们一定会弄明白的。”
"And what about Rabadash and his two hundred horse?" asked Aravis.“拉巴达什和他的二百人马情况怎么样了呢?”阿拉维斯问道。
"They will not pass this way, I think," said the Hermit. "They must have found a ford by now well to the east of us. From there they will try to ride straight to Anvard."“他们不会走这条路,我想。”隐士说,”此刻他们必定已经找到一个可以涉水而过的地方,远在我们的东边儿。他们将试图从那儿直奔安瓦德。”
"Poor Shasta!" said Aravis. "Has he far to go? Will he get there first?"“可怜的沙斯塔!”阿拉维斯说道,”他得跑很远的路吧?他会先到达安瓦德吗?”
"There is good hope of it," said the old man.“大有希望。”老人说道。
Aravis lay down again (on her side this time) and said, "Have I been asleep for a long time? It seems to be getting dark."阿拉维斯重新躺下(这回是侧卧了),她说”我睡了好长时间吗?天色好像在暗下来了。”
The Hermit was looking out of the only window, which faced north. "This is not the darkness of night," he said presently. "The clouds are falling down from Stormness Head. Our foul weather always comes from there in these parts. There will be thick fog tonight." 隐士从那惟一的窗子——朝北的窗子——望出去。”这不是夜间的黑暗,”他立刻说道,”云霾是从暴风雨峰汹涌而下的,我们这些个地方的恶劣天气都是从那儿发端的。今夜将有浓重的大雾了。”

When Aravis came to herself she found that she was lying on her face on a low bed of extraordinary softness in a cool, bare room with walls of undressed stone. She couldn't understand why she had been laid on her face; but when she tried to turn and felt the hot, burning pains all over her back, she remembered, and realized why. She couldn't understand what delightfully springy stuff the bed was made of, because it was made of heather (which is the best bedding) and heather was a thing she had never seen or heard of.

The door opened and the Hermit entered, carrying a large wooden bowl in his hand. After carefully setting this down, he came to the bedside, and asked:

"How do you find yourself, my daughter?"

"My back is very sore, father," said Aravis, "but there is nothing else wrong with me."

He knelt beside her, laid his hand on her forehead, and felt her pulse.

"There is no fever," he said. "You will do well. Indeed there is no reason why you should not get up tomorrow. But now, drink this."

He fetched the wooden bowl and held it to her lips. Aravis couldn't help making a face when she tasted it, for goats' milk is rather a shock when you are not used to it. But she was very thirsty and managed to drink it all and felt better when she had finished.

"Now, my daughter, you may sleep when you wish," said the Hermit. "For your wounds are washed and dressed and though they smart they are no more serious than if they had been the cuts of a whip. It must have been a very strange lion; for instead-of catching you out of the saddle and getting his teeth into you, he has only drawn his claws across your back. Ten scratches: sore, but not deep or dangerous."

"I say!" said Aravis. "I have had luck."

"Daughter," said the Hermit, "I have now lived a hundred and nine winters in this world and have never yet met any such thing as Luck. Them is something about all this that I do not understand: but if ever we need to know it, you may be sure that we shall."

"And what about Rabadash and his two hundred horse?" asked Aravis.

"They will not pass this way, I think," said the Hermit. "They must have found a ford by now well to the east of us. From there they will try to ride straight to Anvard."

"Poor Shasta!" said Aravis. "Has he far to go? Will he get there first?"

"There is good hope of it," said the old man.

Aravis lay down again (on her side this time) and said, "Have I been asleep for a long time? It seems to be getting dark."

The Hermit was looking out of the only window, which faced north. "This is not the darkness of night," he said presently. "The clouds are falling down from Stormness Head. Our foul weather always comes from there in these parts. There will be thick fog tonight."

















重点单词   查看全部解释    
setting ['setiŋ]


n. 安装,放置,周围,环境,(为诗等谱写的)乐曲

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

bowl [bəul]


n. 碗,碗状物,季后赛,圆形露天剧场

saddle ['sædl]


n. 鞍,车座,山脊,拖具
vt. 装以马鞍,

thirsty ['θə:sti]


adj. 口渴的,渴望的

fever ['fi:və]


n. 发烧,发热,狂热
v. (使)发烧,(使

extraordinary [iks'trɔ:dnri]


adj. 非凡的,特别的,特派的

smart [smɑ:t]


adj. 聪明的,时髦的,漂亮的,敏捷的,轻快的,整洁的





