1 情景:我们要去把某样东西送给别人,就这么简单地说:
Sb. takes something to sb.( or somewhere ).
源于台词:I'll take it up there now.
2 情景:我们看不到某人,也找不到某人的一点迹象,可以这么说:
There is no sign of sb.
源于台词:Any sign of William?
3 情景:每天你都很忙,睡觉都睡不安然,入睡很快,可是起不来,总是要别人叫你醒来,你希望能够睡个饱觉,自然醒来,你可以这么说:
I want to wake up natural.
源于台词:I'd like to sleep until I woke up natural.
4 情景:你觉得你的命运很糟,生活极度困难,总是没有时间去旅游,为了强调这种情况,你可以用上这个短句:
I hope something just once in my life.
源于台词:Just for once in my life, I'd like to sleep until I woke up natural.
5 情景:别人要去做某事会打搅到睡觉的人,可是距离那个人起床还有几个小时,你可以这么劝诫:
Sb. will be up for hours.
源于台词:None of them will be up for hours.
6 情景:表示某人已经把火生好了,就这么简单的说:
One’s fire is in.
源于台词:Is your fire still in?
6 情景:我们已经把晚餐的饭菜在桌上摆好了,可以这么说:
Sb. lays the guest’s dinner.
源于台词:Have you laid the servants' hall breakfast?
7 情景:有的父母总是有权利,自觉小孩子的一切要听他们的,对与错他们说了算,可以这么简单地说:
You are right ( or wrong ) when I say right ( or wrong )
源于台词:You're late when I say you're late.
8 情景:你的小孩已经醒来,可是还是在床上动来动去,想睡懒觉,拖拖摸摸地,这种情形这样形容:
Sb. Is stirring in his bed.
源于台词:Anna stirs in her bed.