I feel terrible about what you’re going through, Mr. Diamond, but...
You have no idea what I’m going through, Ms. Powell. You have no idea.
你根本就不知道我正经历些什么 Powell小姐,你根本什么都不知道
- Please don’t yell at me. - This whole thing is completely inefficient.
- 请别对我嚷嚷了 - 这整件事简直是太蠢了
- My 3-year-old is more capable of helping. - I am your friend.
- 我三岁大的孩子也比你们有用 - 我是你的朋友
And now the doctor says there’s fiberglass in his lungs.
He coughs. He never stops coughing. I don’t know what to do.
他一直在咳嗽,咳个不停 我不知道该怎么办才好了
His wife says there’s so much crap in his lungs he can’t breathe,
他的妻子说他的肺里有很多有害物质 现在他都呼吸困难了
and now his insurance is refusing to pay for this drug that might really work.
现在他的保险公司不想支付药费 那些药很重要
- Tell her to call the Health Department. - That’s an answering machine.
- 让她打电话到卫生部门 - 没有人接电话
Andrea Gomez in the mayor’s office.
去市长办公室找Aehree Dames
Thank you. Thank you.
Chocolate cream pie.
- You know what I love about cooking? - What’s that?
- 知道我为什么喜欢烹饪吗? - 为什么?
I love that after a day when nothing is sure,
and when I say "nothing" I mean nothing, you can come home and absolutely know
我说什么都没准,所有的事 你能回到家来,完全有把握
that if you add egg yolks to chocolate and sugar and milk,
it will get thick. It’s such a comfort.
Bad day?
When will this pie be ready?
Soon, but I have to make the whipped cream first and let it set.
I’ll be here. It’s a masterpiece.