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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
It was about ten minutes later when all four of them (the two children wet nearly all over) came out and began to notice their surroundings. The moon was now high enough to peep down into the valley. There was soft grass on both sides of the river, and beyond the grass, trees and bushes sloped up to the bases of the cliffs. There must have been some wonderful flowering shrubs hidden in that shadowy undergrowth for the whole glade was full of the coolest and most delicious smells. And out of the darkest recess among the trees there came a sound Shasta had never heard beforea nightingale.大约十分钟以后,他们四个(两个孩子几乎浑身上下都湿透了)才从池塘里出来,看看周围的环境。月亮现在升得高高的,足以照进山谷里来。大河的两边都长着柔嫩的青草,青草外,大树和灌木往上绵延到悬崖绝壁的底部。在那阴暗的灌木丛里必定隐藏着一些奇花香草,因为林中空地里弥漫着最清凉最芳香的气息。从树木间最幽暗的隐秘之地传来了一个声音——沙斯塔以前从未听见过的——夜莺的歌声。
Everyone was much too tired to speak or to eat. The Horses, without waiting to be unsaddled, lay down at once. So did Aravis and Shasta.大家都太疲倦了,懒得说话,也懒得吃东西。马儿不待解下鞍子便立刻躺下了。阿拉维斯和沙斯塔也躺下了。
About ten minutes later the careful Hwin said, "But we mustn't go to sleep. We've got to keep ahead of that Rabadash."大约十分钟后,谨慎小心的赫温说道”可是我们必须不要睡觉才好。我们要赶在拉巴达什的前面。”
"No," said Bree very slowly. "Mustn't go sleep. Just a little rest."“是啊,”布里慢吞吞地说道,”必须不睡。光是休息一会儿。”
Shasta knew (for a moment) that they would all go to sleep if he didn't get up and do something about it, and felt that he ought to. In fact he decided that he would get up and persuade them to go on. But presently; not yet: not just yet...沙斯塔明白(片刻之间):如果他不站起来,做点什么的话,他们大家都会沉沉入睡的,他觉得他应该做点什么。事实上,他下定决心自己要站起来,还要劝他们大家继续赶路。但不一会儿他又改变主意了;等一下,只不过稍微等一下……
Very soon the moon shone and the nightingale sang over two horses and two human children, all fast asleep.不久,月亮便照到两匹马儿和两个孩子身上,夜莺的歌声也传到了两匹马儿和两个孩子的耳边,可他们大家都睡熟了。
It was Aravis who awoke first. The sun was already high in the heavens and the cool morning hours were already wasted. "It's my fault," she said to herself furiously as she jumped up and began rousing the others. "One wouldn't expect Horses to keep awake after a day's work like that, even if they can talk. And of course that Boy wouldn't; he's had no decent training. But I ought to have known better."首先醒来的是阿拉维斯。太阳已经升得高高的,清晨凉快的时光已经浪费掉了。”这是我的过错。”她愤愤地对自己说道,一面跳起身来,开始叫醒别人。”马儿像这样跑了一天的路,不该指望它们不睡觉的,即使它们是能说人话的马儿。当然也不该指望这男孩子不睡,他没有教养。但我应该更加懂事明理啊。”
The others were dazed and stupid with the heaviness of their sleep.其他人马都酣睡得迷迷糊糊,都睡傻了。
"Neigh-ho - broo-hoo," said Bree. "Been sleeping in my saddle, eh? I'll never do that again. Most uncomfortable-"“嗨——嘀!——布罗——呵!”布里说,”不解鞍子就睡熟了,嗯?我再也不这么干了。最最不舒服的是……”
"Oh come on, come on," said Aravis. "We've lost half the morning already. There isn't a moment to spare."“走吧,走吧,”阿拉维斯说道,”我们已经损失了半个早晨。再也没有多余的时间了。”
"A fellow's got to have a mouthful of grass," said Bree.“总得吃一口青草吧。”布里说。
"I'm afraid we can't wait," said Aravis.“恐怕我们不能等待了。”阿拉维斯说。

It was about ten minutes later when all four of them (the two children wet nearly all over) came out and began to notice their surroundings. The moon was now high enough to peep down into the valley. There was soft grass on both sides of the river, and beyond the grass, trees and bushes sloped up to the bases of the cliffs. There must have been some wonderful flowering shrubs hidden in that shadowy undergrowth for the whole glade was full of the coolest and most delicious smells. And out of the darkest recess among the trees there came a sound Shasta had never heard beforea nightingale.

Everyone was much too tired to speak or to eat. The Horses, without waiting to be unsaddled, lay down at once. So did Aravis and Shasta.

About ten minutes later the careful Hwin said, "But we mustn't go to sleep. We've got to keep ahead of that Rabadash."

"No," said Bree very slowly. "Mustn't go sleep. Just a little rest."

Shasta knew (for a moment) that they would all go to sleep if he didn't get up and do something about it, and felt that he ought to. In fact he decided that he would get up and persuade them to go on. But presently; not yet: not just yet...

Very soon the moon shone and the nightingale sang over two horses and two human children, all fast asleep.

It was Aravis who awoke first. The sun was already high in the heavens and the cool morning hours were already wasted. "It's my fault," she said to herself furiously as she jumped up and began rousing the others. "One wouldn't expect Horses to keep awake after a day's work like that, even if they can talk. And of course that Boy wouldn't; he's had no decent training. But I ought to have known better."

The others were dazed and stupid with the heaviness of their sleep.

"Neigh-ho - broo-hoo," said Bree. "Been sleeping in my saddle, eh? I'll never do that again. Most uncomfortable-"

"Oh come on, come on," said Aravis. "We've lost half the morning already. There isn't a moment to spare."

"A fellow's got to have a mouthful of grass," said Bree.

"I'm afraid we can't wait," said Aravis.













重点单词   查看全部解释    
decent ['di:snt]


adj. 体面的,正派的,得体的,相当好的

spare [spɛə]


adj. 多余的,闲置的,备用的,简陋的

fault [fɔ:lt]


n. 缺点,过失,故障,毛病,过错,[地]断层

recess [ri'ses]


n. 休息,幽深处,凹缝,壁龛,放假 vt. 放入壁龛,

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

persuade [pə'sweid]


vt. 说服,劝说

glade [gleid]


n. 林间空地

saddle ['sædl]


n. 鞍,车座,山脊,拖具
vt. 装以马鞍,





