Good morning.
Hey. Wow, Ash. That dress is criminal.
早 阿什 这裙子太美了
Thank you. It's my dress-to-impress outfit.
谢了 这是我留下好印象的必备装束
I'm hoping Victoria pays more attention to it than the disaster I made of her mother-daughter tea.
Those patient recordings had nothing to do with you. She has to know that.
你和那些病人的视频录像一点关系也没有 她该知道这点的
Mm. What the queen does and does not know is a complete mystery to everyone but her and that creepy security goon Frank.
除了女王那个令人发毛的保镖弗兰克 谁也猜不透女王到底知道些什么
Oddly enough, they asked me more questions Oddly enough, they asked me more questions about your potential involvement than mine.
奇怪的是 他们没怎么责问我倒问了不少关于你介入此事的问题
My involvement? Because that's exactly what I want — my most embarrassing confessions about her son broadcast for all to see.
我的介入吗 好像我巴不得那段我对她儿子的尴尬表白能公布于众似的
Like I said, ridiculous. Speaking of Daniel, looks like he's back to his old ways.
我就说嘛 真是荒唐 说到丹尼尔 他好像故态复萌了
He came home absolutely wankered last night. Tyler had to practically carry him in.
他昨晚烂醉如泥地回到家 泰勒几乎是把他背进屋的
How noble.
Anyway, it's safe to say that Victoria's week is off to a monumentally rotten start.
不管怎样 维多利亚这周一开始就是史无前例地一团糟啊
Any ideas on how to thaw the ice queen?
Hmm. Well, Victoria relishes her status as queen bee, right?
维多利亚很享受众星捧月的感觉 是吧
Find an opportunity to get her back in the spotlight. What events does she have coming up?
那就找机会让她重新被万众瞩目 她接下来还有什么活动
This week, the Open Arms charity gala.
Mm. Me, too.
See if you can get them to honor Victoria for her tireless efforts.
You're a genius. I'm gonna see you at Victoria's luncheon today, right?
你真是天才 你今天会来维多利亚的午餐会吧
Of course.
Okay, bye. Bye.
那回见 回见