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Chapter 8 In the House of The Tisroc第8章 在蒂斯罗克的密室里
"OH-my-father-and-oh-the-delight-of-my-eyes," began the young man, muttering the words very quickly and sulkily and not at all as if the Tisroc were the delight of his eyes. "May you live for ever, but you have utterly destroyed me. If you had given me the swiftest of the galleys at sunrise when I first saw that the ship of the accursed barbarians was gone from her place I would perhaps have overtaken them. But you persuaded me to send first and see if they had not merely moved round the point into better anchorage. And now the whole day has been wasted. And they are gone - gone - out of my reach! The false jade, the-" and here he added a great many descriptions of Queen Susan which would not look at all nice in print. For of course this young man was Prince Rabadash and of course the false jade was Susan of Narnia.“啊——我的父亲,我——眼睛——中——的——喜悦,”年轻人开言道,咕咕哝哝,吐字很快,很不开心,压根儿不像他所说的蒂斯罗克是他眼中的喜悦。”愿你万寿无疆,但你已经把我完全毁了。如果你在日出时给了我最快的单层甲板大帆船,如果我最初看见那该死的外邦人的船开出去时就追的话,说不定已经追上他们了。可是你劝我先送行,瞧瞧他们是否只是绕着海呻找个更好的碇泊所。如今整整一天已经浪费了。而他们走掉了——走掉了——走得我们追不上了!那个虚假的女人,那个……”他在这儿还加了许多对女王苏珊的形容词,如果印出来,就压根儿不雅观了。因为,这个年轻人当然是王子拉巴达什,那个虚假的女人当然是纳尼亚的苏珊。
"Compose yourself, O my son," said the Tisroc. "For the departure of guests makes a wound that is easily healed in the heart of a judicious host."“我的儿子啊,把你的情绪镇静下来,”蒂斯罗克说道,”因为,客人的离去所造成的创伤,在一个明智的主人的心里是容易治好的。”
"But I want her," cried the Prince. "I must have her. I shall die if I do not get her- false, proud, black-hearted daughter of a dog that she is! I cannot sleep and my food has no savour and my eyes are darkened because of her beauty. I must have the barbarian queen."“可是我要她,”王子大声嚷嚷道,”我必须占有她。如果我弄不到她,我就要死了。她是一只老狗的虚伪的、骄傲的、黑心肠的女儿。我没法睡觉,我吃东西不香,没有滋味,由于她的美丽,我的眼睛都发黑了。我一定要把这外邦的女王弄到手。”
"How well it was said by a gifted poet," observed the Vizier, raising his face (in a somewhat dusty condition) from the carpet, "that deep draughts from the fountain of reason are desirable in order to extinguish the fire of youthful love."“一位天才诗人说得好,”首相说道,从地毯上抬起他那满是灰尘的脸,”为了消灭年轻的爱情之火,从理智的泉水深饮几口是合乎需要的。”
This seemed to exasperate the Prince. "Dog," he shouted, directing a series of well-aimed kicks at the hindquarters of the Vizier, "do not dare to quote the poets to me. I have had maxims and verses flung at me all day and I can endure them no more." I am afraid Aravis did not feel at all sorry for the Vizier.这话似乎激怒了王子。”狗东西,”他吼道,一连几脚对准首相的展股踢去,”别对我放肆引证诗人的话。整天都有格言和诗句向我扔过来,我再也忍受不了啦!”我想,阿拉维斯恐怕压根儿不为大臣感到难过。
The Tisroc was apparently sunk in thought, but when, after a long pause, he noticed what was happening, he said tranquilly:蒂斯罗克显然陷入了沉思,但过了半晌,当他注意到正发生什么事情时,他平静地答道:
"My son, by all means desist from kicking the venerable and enlightened Vizier: for as a costly jewel retains its value even if hidden in a dung-hill, so old age and discretion are to be respected even in the vile persons of our subjects. Desist therefore, and tell us what you desire and propose."“我的儿子,无论如何,别再踢年高德劭和博学开明的大臣了;正如昂贵的珠宝,即使藏在粪堆里,也仍旧保持它的价值,所以老年和谨慎都是该尊敬的,即使它们存在于我们臣民中微不足道的人身上。因此,别再踢了,把你的愿望和建议告诉我们吧。”
"I desire and propose, O my father," said Rabadash, "that you immediately call out your invincible armies and invade the thrice-accursed land of Narnia and waste it with fire and sword and add it to your illimitable empire, killing their High King and all of his blood except the queen Susan. For I must have her as my wife, though she shall learn a sharp lesson first."“我的父亲啊,我的愿望和建议是,”拉巴达什说,”你立刻召集你那战无不胜的军队,入侵纳尼亚这万分该死的土地,用火和剑扫荡这个国家,把它吞并到你无限的帝国里来,杀掉它的至尊王以及他的王族,只放过女王苏珊一人口因为我一定要娶她做我的妻子,尽管她得先领教一下辛辣的教训!。”

Chapter 8 In the House of The Tisroc
"OH-my-father-and-oh-the-delight-of-my-eyes," began the young man, muttering the words very quickly and sulkily and not at all as if the Tisroc were the delight of his eyes. "May you live for ever, but you have utterly destroyed me. If you had given me the swiftest of the galleys at sunrise when I first saw that the ship of the accursed barbarians was gone from her place I would perhaps have overtaken them. But you persuaded me to send first and see if they had not merely moved round the point into better anchorage. And now the whole day has been wasted. And they are gone - gone - out of my reach! The false jade, the-" and here he added a great many descriptions of Queen Susan which would not look at all nice in print. For of course this young man was Prince Rabadash and of course the false jade was Susan of Narnia.
"Compose yourself, O my son," said the Tisroc. "For the departure of guests makes a wound that is easily healed in the heart of a judicious host."
"But I want her," cried the Prince. "I must have her. I shall die if I do not get her- false, proud, black-hearted daughter of a dog that she is! I cannot sleep and my food has no savour and my eyes are darkened because of her beauty. I must have the barbarian queen."
"How well it was said by a gifted poet," observed the Vizier, raising his face (in a somewhat dusty condition) from the carpet, "that deep draughts from the fountain of reason are desirable in order to extinguish the fire of youthful love."
This seemed to exasperate the Prince. "Dog," he shouted, directing a series of well-aimed kicks at the hindquarters of the Vizier, "do not dare to quote the poets to me. I have had maxims and verses flung at me all day and I can endure them no more." I am afraid Aravis did not feel at all sorry for the Vizier.
The Tisroc was apparently sunk in thought, but when, after a long pause, he noticed what was happening, he said tranquilly:
"My son, by all means desist from kicking the venerable and enlightened Vizier: for as a costly jewel retains its value even if hidden in a dung-hill, so old age and discretion are to be respected even in the vile persons of our subjects. Desist therefore, and tell us what you desire and propose."
"I desire and propose, O my father," said Rabadash, "that you immediately call out your invincible armies and invade the thrice-accursed land of Narnia and waste it with fire and sword and add it to your illimitable empire, killing their High King and all of his blood except the queen Susan. For I must have her as my wife, though she shall learn a sharp lesson first."

第8章 在蒂斯罗克的密室里

重点单词   查看全部解释    
endure [in'djuə]


vt. 忍耐,容忍
vi. 持久,持续

respected [ri'spektid]


adj. 受尊敬的 v. 尊敬;重视(respect的过

invade [in'veid]


vt. 侵略,侵害,拥入

quote [kwəut]


n. 引用
v. 引述,举证,报价

costly ['kɔstli]


adj. 昂贵的,代价高的

departure [di'pɑ:tʃə]


n. 离开,出发,分歧

merely ['miəli]


adv. 仅仅,只不过

sword [sɔ:d]


n. 剑,刀

discretion [di'skreʃən]


n. 谨慎,判断力,个人选择,选择的自由

compose [kəm'pəuz]


vt. 组成,写作,作曲,使镇静
vi. 创作





