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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"And to think," said Lasaraleen, almost crying, "that if only you had sense you could be the wife of a Grand Vizier!" Aravis went away to have a private word with the horses.“你倒想想看,”拉斯阿拉莉恩说,几乎是在嚷嚷了,”只要你自己有头脑,你就可以做大臣的妻子了!”阿拉维斯跑了出去,和两匹马儿说些悄悄话。
"You must go with a groom a little before sunset down to the Tombs," she said. "No more of those packs. You'll be saddled and bridled again. But there'll have to be food in Hwin's saddle-bags and a full water-skin behind yours, Bree. The man has orders to let you both have a good long drink at the far side of the bridge."“你们必须跟一个侍从赶在日落之前的那会儿到达坟场,”她说,”不再背这些个驮包了。重新给你们配上鞍子和辔头。但赫温的鞍囊里得放些食品,布里,你背上得装满满一皮袋水。侍从奉命让你们在远离大桥的岸边花点时间美美地把水喝足。”
"And then, Narnia and the North!" whispered Bree. "But what if Shasta is not at the Tombs."“喝足了水,直奔纳尼亚和北方!”布里低声说道,”但如果沙斯塔不在坟场里怎么办呢?”
"Wait for him of course," said Aravis. "I hope you've been quite comfortable."“当然要等他啦,”阿拉维斯说,”我想你在这儿过得挺舒适吧。”
"Never better stabled in my life," said Bree. "But if the husband of that tittering Tarkheena friend of yours is paying his head groom to get the best oats, then I think the head groom is cheating him."“我生平从来没待过比这更好的马底,”布里说道,”但你那位朋友,吃吃笑的泰克希娜,如果她的丈夫付给侍从头儿的是买最好的燕麦的钱,那么,我认为那侍从头儿是在欺骗主人了。”
Aravis and Lasaraleen had supper in the pillared room.阿拉维斯和拉斯阿拉莉恩在圆柱房间里吃晚饭。
About two hours later they were ready to start. Aravis was dressed to look like a superior slave-girl in a great house and wore a veil over her face. They had agreed that if any questions were asked Lasaraleen would pretend that Aravis was a slave she was taking as a present to one of the princesses.两个钟头以后,她们准备出发了。阿拉维斯穿戴得像个大户人家的高级女奴,脸上还戴了一个面纱。她们已经商量妥当,如果有人问起,拉斯阿拉莉恩就装模作样地说:阿拉维斯是个女奴,她要把这女奴作为礼物献给某一位公主。
The two girls went out on foot. A very few minutes brought them to the palace gates. Here there were of course soldiers on guard but the officer knew Lasaraleen quite well and called his men to attention and saluted. They passed at once into the Hall of Black Marble. A fair number of courtiers, slaves and others were still moving about here but this only made the two girls less conspicuous. They passed on into the Hall of Pillars and then into the Hall of Statues and down the colonnade, passing the great beatencopper doors of the throne room. It was all magnificent beyond description; what they could see of it in the dim light of the lamps.两个姑娘光着脚走出门去。没有几分钟就到了王宫大门口。门口当然有士兵警卫,但军官对拉斯阿拉莉恩十分熟稔,他叫他的士兵立正、敬礼。她们立刻走进了黑大理石大厅。好多廷臣、奴隶和其他人等仍在厅里走动,这倒使这两个姑娘更加不引人注目了。她们继续前行,进入圆柱大厅,然后又进入雕像大厅,沿着柱廊行去,经过了觐见室的铜箔大门。她们在朦胧灯光中所能见到的一切,全都是富丽堂皇,非言语所能形容。
Presently they came out into the garden-court which sloped downhill in a number of terraces. On the far side of that they came to the Old Palace. It had already grown almost quite dark and they now found themselves in a maze of corridors lit only by occasional torches fixed in brackets to the walls. Lasaraleen halted at a place where you had to go either left or right.不久她们就出了宫殿,进入御花园,花园依着山势经过许多台地迤逦而下。她们在花园另一边来到旧王宫。天色已经变得十分昏暗了,现在她们发觉自己置身于回廊的迷宫之中,墙上偶尔有个托架插着火炬照明。拉斯阿拉莉恩在一个岔路口停步不前了:非此即彼,你要么往左走,要么往右走。
"Go on, do go on," whispered Aravis, whose heart was beating terribly and who still felt that her father might run into them at any corner.“往前走啊,往前走啊。”阿拉维斯低声催促道,她的心怦怦地跳得可怕,她仍旧觉得她的父亲很可能在任何一个角落里撞见她们。
"I'm just wondering..." said Lasaraleen. "I'm not absolutely sure which way we go from here. I think it's the left. Yes, I'm almost sure it's the left. What fun this is!"“我正在琢磨…”拉斯阿拉莉恩说道,”我们从这儿出去,该从哪一条路走,我没有绝对的把握。我想是左边那一条。是的,我几乎确信是左边那一条了。这多么有趣!”
They took the left hand way and found themselves in a passage that was hardly lighted at all and which soon began going down steps.她们走上了左边的那条路,发觉置身在一条压根儿没有什么亮光的通道里,这通道不久就变成了一级又一级向下延伸的台阶。

"And to think," said Lasaraleen, almost crying, "that if only you had sense you could be the wife of a Grand Vizier!" Aravis went away to have a private word with the horses.

"You must go with a groom a little before sunset down to the Tombs," she said. "No more of those packs. You'll be saddled and bridled again. But there'll have to be food in Hwin's saddle-bags and a full water-skin behind yours, Bree. The man has orders to let you both have a good long drink at the far side of the bridge."

"And then, Narnia and the North!" whispered Bree. "But what if Shasta is not at the Tombs."

"Wait for him of course," said Aravis. "I hope you've been quite comfortable."

"Never better stabled in my life," said Bree. "But if the husband of that tittering Tarkheena friend of yours is paying his head groom to get the best oats, then I think the head groom is cheating him."

Aravis and Lasaraleen had supper in the pillared room.

About two hours later they were ready to start. Aravis was dressed to look like a superior slave-girl in a great house and wore a veil over her face. They had agreed that if any questions were asked Lasaraleen would pretend that Aravis was a slave she was taking as a present to one of the princesses.

The two girls went out on foot. A very few minutes brought them to the palace gates. Here there were of course soldiers on guard but the officer knew Lasaraleen quite well and called his men to attention and saluted. They passed at once into the Hall of Black Marble. A fair number of courtiers, slaves and others were still moving about here but this only made the two girls less conspicuous. They passed on into the Hall of Pillars and then into the Hall of Statues and down the colonnade, passing the great beatencopper doors of the throne room. It was all magnificent beyond description; what they could see of it in the dim light of the lamps.

Presently they came out into the garden-court which sloped downhill in a number of terraces. On the far side of that they came to the Old Palace. It had already grown almost quite dark and they now found themselves in a maze of corridors lit only by occasional torches fixed in brackets to the walls. Lasaraleen halted at a place where you had to go either left or right.

"Go on, do go on," whispered Aravis, whose heart was beating terribly and who still felt that her father might run into them at any corner.

"I'm just wondering..." said Lasaraleen. "I'm not absolutely sure which way we go from here. I think it's the left. Yes, I'm almost sure it's the left. What fun this is!"

They took the left hand way and found themselves in a passage that was hardly lighted at all and which soon began going down steps.













重点单词   查看全部解释    
dim [dim]


adj. 暗淡的,模糊的,笨的
v. 使暗淡,

marble ['mɑ:bl]


n. 大理石
vt. 使有大理石的花纹

pretend [pri'tend]


v. 假装,装作
adj. 假装的

description [di'skripʃən]


n. 描写,描述,说明书,作图,类型

groom [gru:m]


n. 马夫,新郎,男仆
vt. 刷洗,照看马,

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

absolutely ['æbsəlu:tli]


adv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地

superior [su:'piəriə]


n. 上级,高手,上标
adj. 上层的,上好

throne [θrəun]


n. 王座,君主

veil [veil]


n. 面纱,掩饰物,修女
vt. 给 ...


关键字: 小说 能言马 男孩




