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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"Hullo! What's that?" thought Digory. "Fire-engine? I wonder what house is on fire. Great Scott, it's coming here. Why, it's Her."“晦!那是什么?”迪格雷想,“救火车吗?不知道哪家起火了。天哪,来了,啊,是她。”
I needn't tell you who he meant by Her.我不用告诉你他说的“她”是谁。
First came the hansom. There was no one in the driver's seat. On the roof - not sitting, but standing on the roof swaying with superb balance as it came at full speed round the corner with one wheel in the air - was Jadis the Queen of Queens and the Terror of Charn. Her teeth were bared, her eyes shone like fire, and her long hair streamed out behind her like a comet's tail. She was flogging the horse without mercy. Its nostrils were wide and red and its sides were spotted with foam. It galloped madly up to the front door, missing the lamp-post by an inch, and then reared up on its hind legs. The hansom crashed into the lamp-post and shattered into several pieces. The Witch, with a magnificent jump, had sprung clear just in time and landed on the horse's back. She settled herself astride and leaned forward, whispering things in its ear. They must have been things meant not to quiet it but to madden it. It was on its hind legs again in a moment, and its neigh was like a scream; it was all hoofs and teeth and eyes and tossing mane. Only a splendid rider could have stayed on its back.先是一辆双轮马车。车夫座上空无一人,一只轮子悬在空中,整个马车以令人难以置信的平衡飞快地转过弯来。车顶上——不是坐着,而是站着——女王之王,恰思的死神简蒂丝。只见她龇牙咧嘴,目光火一般地闪动着,长发像彗星尾巴似的拖在脑后。她毫不留情地鞭笛着驾车的马。马的鼻子涨得洒红,两胁沾满了泡沫。它疯狂地冲向前门,在灯柱边一擦而过,然后,两条后腿着地站立起来。马车在灯柱上撞碎。女巫优美地一跳,恰到好处地落在了马背上。她分腿坐好,俯下身去,对马耳语了几句。那些话显然只会让它狂躁而不会使它安静。马立刻再次抬起前腿,尖厉地嘶叫了一声,马蹄、牙齿、眼睛和飞舞的鬃毛便晃作一团。只有出色的骑手才有可能坐在它的背上。
Before Digory had recovered his breath a good many other things began to happen. A second hansom dashed up close behind the first: out of it there jumped a fat man in a frock-coat and a policeman. Then came a third hansom with two more policemen in it. After it, came about twenty people (mostly errand boys) on bicycles, all ringing their bells and letting out cheers and cat-calls. Last of all came a crowd of people on foot: all very hot with running, but obviously enjoying themselves. Windows shot up in all the houses of that street and a housemaid or a butler appeared at every front door. They wanted to see the fun.迪格雷还来不及松口气,就又开始发生很多事情了。第二辆马车紧接着第一辆飞驰而来,车上跳下一个穿礼服的胖子和一名警察。然后,第三辆马车载着两名警察也快速过来。随着一阵嘘声、喝彩声,大约二十个人(大多数是童仆)骑着自行车,一路响着铃跟了上来。最后是一群步行者,虽然一个个跑得很热,但显然十分开心。所有临街的窗户都迅速地打开了。每一幢房子的前门都有一个看热闹的女佣或男仆。
Meanwhile an old gentleman had begun to struggle shakily out of the ruins of the first hansom. Several people rushed forward to help him; but as one pulled him one way and another another, perhaps he would have got out quite as quickly on his own. Digory guessed that the old gentleman must be Uncle Andrew but you couldn't see his face; his tall hat had been bashed down over it.这时,一位老绅士挣扎着从马车的残骸里往外面爬,几个人跑过去帮他,但这个扯腿那个拽胳膊,用力的方向不一致,也许,如果没人帮忙,他也已经出来了。迪格雷猜想那老绅士一定是安德鲁舅舅,但他的脸被塌下来的高筒礼帽住了,你看不见。
Digory rushed out and joined the crowd.迪格雷冲到人群中去。
"That's the woman, that's the woman," cried the fat man, pointing at Jadis. "Do your duty, Constable. Hundreds and thousands of pounds' worth she's taken out of my shop. Look at that rope of pearls round her neck. That's mine. And she's given me a black eye too, what's more."“就是这个女人!就是她!”那胖子指着简蒂丝大声喊,“警察,该你管啦!她从我的店里偷了值几百、几千磅的东西。看着她脖子上的珍珠项链吧,那是我的。而且她还把我的眼睛打青了。”
"That she 'as, guv'nor," said one of the crowd. "And as lovely a black eye as I'd wish to see. Beautiful bit of work that must 'ave been. Gor! ain't she strong then!"“那是因为有人给她撑腰,”有个人对大家说,“我喜欢看这样一只青眼睛。她一定干得很漂亮。啊哈!她多强壮!”
"You ought to put a nice raw beefsteak on it, Mister, that's what it wants," said a butcher's boy.“你该在青眼睛上放一块好吃的生牛排,先生,那才妙呢。”一个肉店的小伙计说。
"Now then," said the most important of the policemen, "what's all this 'ere?"“喂,”最管事的那个警察说,“这里发生了什么事啊?”
"I tell you she -" began the fat man, when someone else called out:“我告诉你,她……”胖了刚开了头就有人叫起来:
"Don't let the old cove in the cab get away. 'E put 'er up to it." “别让马车里那老家伙跑了,是他唆使她干的。”

"Hullo! What's that?" thought Digory. "Fire-engine? I wonder what house is on fire. Great Scott, it's coming here. Why, it's Her."

I needn't tell you who he meant by Her.

First came the hansom. There was no one in the driver's seat. On the roof - not sitting, but standing on the roof swaying with superb balance as it came at full speed round the corner with one wheel in the air - was Jadis the Queen of Queens and the Terror of Charn. Her teeth were bared, her eyes shone like fire, and her long hair streamed out behind her like a comet's tail. She was flogging the horse without mercy. Its nostrils were wide and red and its sides were spotted with foam. It galloped madly up to the front door, missing the lamp-post by an inch, and then reared up on its hind legs. The hansom crashed into the lamp-post and shattered into several pieces. The Witch, with a magnificent jump, had sprung clear just in time and landed on the horse's back. She settled herself astride and leaned forward, whispering things in its ear. They must have been things meant not to quiet it but to madden it. It was on its hind legs again in a moment, and its neigh was like a scream; it was all hoofs and teeth and eyes and tossing mane. Only a splendid rider could have stayed on its back.

Before Digory had recovered his breath a good many other things began to happen. A second hansom dashed up close behind the first: out of it there jumped a fat man in a frock-coat and a policeman. Then came a third hansom with two more policemen in it. After it, came about twenty people (mostly errand boys) on bicycles, all ringing their bells and letting out cheers and cat-calls. Last of all came a crowd of people on foot: all very hot with running, but obviously enjoying themselves. Windows shot up in all the houses of that street and a housemaid or a butler appeared at every front door. They wanted to see the fun.

Meanwhile an old gentleman had begun to struggle shakily out of the ruins of the first hansom. Several people rushed forward to help him; but as one pulled him one way and another another, perhaps he would have got out quite as quickly on his own. Digory guessed that the old gentleman must be Uncle Andrew but you couldn't see his face; his tall hat had been bashed down over it.

Digory rushed out and joined the crowd.

"That's the woman, that's the woman," cried the fat man, pointing at Jadis. "Do your duty, Constable. Hundreds and thousands of pounds' worth she's taken out of my shop. Look at that rope of pearls round her neck. That's mine. And she's given me a black eye too, what's more."

"That she 'as, guv'nor," said one of the crowd. "And as lovely a black eye as I'd wish to see. Beautiful bit of work that must 'ave been. Gor! ain't she strong then!"

"You ought to put a nice raw beefsteak on it, Mister, that's what it wants," said a butcher's boy.

"Now then," said the most important of the policemen, "what's all this 'ere?"

"I tell you she -" began the fat man, when someone else called out:

"Don't let the old cove in the cab get away. 'E put 'er up to it."













重点单词   查看全部解释    
settled ['setld]


adj. 固定的;稳定的 v. 解决;定居(settle

wheel [wi:l]


n. 轮子,车轮,方向盘,周期,旋转

mercy ['mə:si]


n. 怜悯,宽恕,仁慈,恩惠

comet ['kɔmit]


n. 慧星

scream [skri:m]


n. 尖叫声
v. 尖叫,大笑

shattered ['ʃætəd]


adj. 破碎的;极度疲劳的 v. 打碎;削弱;使心烦意

butcher ['butʃə]


n. 屠夫,刽子手,肉商,小贩
vt. 屠宰,

terror ['terə]


n. 恐怖,惊骇,令人惧怕或讨厌的人或事物

madden ['mædn]


v. 使发狂,激怒,发怒


关键字: 舅舅 外甥 魔法师 小说




