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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Suddenly from somewhere behind him there came a terrible sound. Shasta's heart gave a great jump and he had to bite his tongue to keep himself from screaming. Next moment he realized what it was: the horns of Tashbaan blowing for the closing of the gates.突然从他的背后传来一个可怕的声音。沙斯塔的心猛烈地一跳,他咬住舌头才没有叫出声来。一会儿以后他明白这是什么声音了。这是塔什班城宣告关闭城门的号角声。
"Don't be a silly little coward," said Shasta to himself. "Why, it's only the same noise you heard this morning." But there is a great difference between a noise heard letting you in with your friends in the morning, and a noise heard alone at nightfall, shutting you out. And now that the gates were shut he knew there was no chance of the others joining him that evening. "Either they're shut up in Tashbaan for the night," thought Shasta, "or else they've gone on without me. It's just the sort of thing that Aravis would do. But Bree wouldn't. Oh, he wouldn't. - now, would he?"“别做一个愚蠢的小懦夫,”沙斯塔跟他自己说,”这不过是你今儿早晨听到过的同样的号角声啊。”但在早晨听到的、放你和你的朋友进城的号角声,跟在傍晚独自听到的、把你关在城外的号角声,是截然不同的。如今城门已经关闭,他知道今晚他们和他会合的机会是没有了。”或者是他们给关在塔什班城里过夜了,”沙斯塔想,”要不就是他们丢下我走掉了。这样的事情阿拉维斯是做得出来的,但布里是不会干的。啊,它不会干——哦,它会干吗?”
In this idea about Aravis Shasta was once more quite wrong. She was proud and could be hard enough but she was as true as steel and would never have deserted a companion, whether she liked him or not.沙斯塔关于阿拉维斯的这个推想,又一次错了。她是骄傲的,也够厉害的,但她像钢铁一样忠诚,从不抛弃伙伴,不论她是否喜欢他。
Now that Shasta knew he would have to spend the night alone (it was getting darker every minute) he began to like the look of the place less and less. There was something very uncomfortable about those great, silent shapes of stone. He had been trying his hardest for a long time not to think of ghouls: but he couldn't keep it up any longer.沙斯塔既然知道他不得不独自过夜了(天色愈来愈黑),他也就愈来愈不喜欢坟场的气氛。在那些缄默无声的各种形状的巨大石头里自有一种令人不舒畅的东西。他一直在竭尽全力不去想食尸鬼,但他没法儿再坚持下去。
"Ow! Ow! Help!" he shouted suddenly, for at that very moment he felt something touch his leg. I don't think anyone can be blamed for shouting if something comes up from behind and touches him; not in such a place and at such a time, when he is frightened already. Shasta at any rate was too frightened to run. Anything would be better than being chased round and round the burial places of the Ancient Kings with something he dared not look at behind him. Instead, he did what was really the most sensible thing he could do. He looked round; and his heart almost burst with relief. What had touched him was only a cat.“啊啃!啊啃!救命!”他突然叫喊了起来,因为就在这个时刻,他感觉有个东西碰了碰他的腿。随便什么人,如果有个东西从背后过来碰碰他,他因而叫喊了起来,我想谁也不会责备他的,特别是在这样的地方,在这样的时间里,在他本来已经很害怕的时候。沙斯塔无论如何是吓得不敢跑动了。被背后一个他不敢回头看的什么东西追逐着,绕着古代国王的坟墓兜圈子,那可是最糟糕的事情了。他没跑,他作出了确实是他能作出的最理智的举动。他向四周打量;他的心几乎宽慰得要跳出来了。原来碰他腿的不过是一只猫。
The light was too bad now for Shasta to see much of the cat except that it was big and very solemn. It looked as if it might have lived for long, long years among the Tombs, alone. Its eyes made you think it knew secrets it would not tell.光线太糟,沙斯塔没看清楚那只猫,只看到它又大又严肃。看起来那猫独自在坟场里已经生活了好多好多年。它的眼睛使你觉得它知道许多秘密,可不愿告诉你。
"Puss, puss," said Shasta. "I suppose you're not a talking cat."“猫咪,猫咪,”沙斯塔说,”我猜你是一只说人话的猫。”
The cat stared at him harder than ever. Then it started walking away, and of course Shasta followed it. It led him right through the tombs and out on the desert side of them. There it sat down bolt upright with its tail curled round its feet and its face set towards the desert and towards Narnia and the North, as still as if it were watching for some enemy. Shasta lay down beside it with his back against the cat and his face towards the Tombs, because if one is nervous there's nothing like having your face towards the danger and having something warm and solid at your back. The sand wouldn't have seemed very comfortable to you, but Shasta had been sleeping on the ground for weeks and hardly noticed it. Very soon he fell asleep, though even in his dreams he went on wondering what had happened to Bree and Aravis and Hwin.猫只是越发盯住他直瞧。接着,猫开始走动了,沙斯塔当然跟着它走。猫带着他穿过坟场,把他带到了坟场外大沙漠一边。猫在那儿笔挺地坐了下来,尾巴绕在脚上,脸向着大沙漠,向着纳尼亚和北方,身体一动也不动,仿佛在守望着什么敌人似的。沙斯塔在猫的身边躺下,他的背靠着猫,他的脸朝着坟场,因为如果心里紧张不安,最好还是脸朝着危险,背靠着温暖而结实的东西。你会觉得沙土不舒服,但沙斯塔在地上睡过好几个星期,对沙土没有在意。他不久就睡熟了,尽管他在睡梦中还在继续想着布里、阿拉维斯、赫温碰到了什么事情。
He was wakened suddenly by a noise he had never heard before. "Perhaps it was only a nightmare," said Shasta to himself. At the same moment he noticed that the cat had gone from his back, and he wished it hadn't. But he lay quite still without even opening his eyes because he felt sure he would be more frightened if he sat up and looked round at the Tombs and the loneliness: just as you or I might lie still with the clothes over our heads. But then the noise came again - a harsh, piercing cry from behind him out of the desert. Then of course he had to open his eyes and sit up. 他突然被一个他从未听到过的声音吵醒了。”也许只是梦魔罢了。”沙斯塔跟自己说。就在这个时候,他发现猫已经从他背后走掉了,他但愿猫不曾走掉。但他仍旧十分安静地躺在那儿,连眼睛也不肯睁开,因为他深信,如果他坐起来,环顾坟场和孤寂,他就会更加害怕;他的情况,就像你或我宁可用衣服蒙着脑袋一动也不动地躺在那儿一样。然而,这时又传来了声音——从他背后的大沙漠里传来了粗糙刺耳的叫声。当然啦,他这就不得不睁开眼睛坐起来了。

Suddenly from somewhere behind him there came a terrible sound. Shasta's heart gave a great jump and he had to bite his tongue to keep himself from screaming. Next moment he realized what it was: the horns of Tashbaan blowing for the closing of the gates.

"Don't be a silly little coward," said Shasta to himself. "Why, it's only the same noise you heard this morning." But there is a great difference between a noise heard letting you in with your friends in the morning, and a noise heard alone at nightfall, shutting you out. And now that the gates were shut he knew there was no chance of the others joining him that evening. "Either they're shut up in Tashbaan for the night," thought Shasta, "or else they've gone on without me. It's just the sort of thing that Aravis would do. But Bree wouldn't. Oh, he wouldn't. - now, would he?"

In this idea about Aravis Shasta was once more quite wrong. She was proud and could be hard enough but she was as true as steel and would never have deserted a companion, whether she liked him or not.

Now that Shasta knew he would have to spend the night alone (it was getting darker every minute) he began to like the look of the place less and less. There was something very uncomfortable about those great, silent shapes of stone. He had been trying his hardest for a long time not to think of ghouls: but he couldn't keep it up any longer.

"Ow! Ow! Help!" he shouted suddenly, for at that very moment he felt something touch his leg. I don't think anyone can be blamed for shouting if something comes up from behind and touches him; not in such a place and at such a time, when he is frightened already. Shasta at any rate was too frightened to run. Anything would be better than being chased round and round the burial places of the Ancient Kings with something he dared not look at behind him. Instead, he did what was really the most sensible thing he could do. He looked round; and his heart almost burst with relief. What had touched him was only a cat.

The light was too bad now for Shasta to see much of the cat except that it was big and very solemn. It looked as if it might have lived for long, long years among the Tombs, alone. Its eyes made you think it knew secrets it would not tell.

"Puss, puss," said Shasta. "I suppose you're not a talking cat."

The cat stared at him harder than ever. Then it started walking away, and of course Shasta followed it. It led him right through the tombs and out on the desert side of them. There it sat down bolt upright with its tail curled round its feet and its face set towards the desert and towards Narnia and the North, as still as if it were watching for some enemy. Shasta lay down beside it with his back against the cat and his face towards the Tombs, because if one is nervous there's nothing like having your face towards the danger and having something warm and solid at your back. The sand wouldn't have seemed very comfortable to you, but Shasta had been sleeping on the ground for weeks and hardly noticed it. Very soon he fell asleep, though even in his dreams he went on wondering what had happened to Bree and Aravis and Hwin.

He was wakened suddenly by a noise he had never heard before. "Perhaps it was only a nightmare," said Shasta to himself. At the same moment he noticed that the cat had gone from his back, and he wished it hadn't. But he lay quite still without even opening his eyes because he felt sure he would be more frightened if he sat up and looked round at the Tombs and the loneliness: just as you or I might lie still with the clothes over our heads. But then the noise came again - a harsh, piercing cry from behind him out of the desert. Then of course he had to open his eyes and sit up.










重点单词   查看全部解释    
touched [tʌtʃt]


adj. 受感动的 adj. 精神失常的

companion [kəm'pænjən]


n. 同伴,同事,成对物品之一,(船的)甲板间扶梯(或扶

relief [ri'li:f]


n. 减轻,解除,救济(品), 安慰,浮雕,对比

uncomfortable [ʌn'kʌmftəbl]


adj. 不舒服的,不自在的

burst [bə:st]


n. 破裂,阵,爆发
v. 爆裂,迸发

solemn ['sɔləm]


adj. 庄严的,严肃的,隆重的

harsh [hɑ:ʃ]


adj. 粗糙的,使人不舒服的,刺耳的,严厉的,大约的

sensible ['sensəbl]


adj. 可察觉的,意识到的,实用的
n. 可

upright ['ʌp'rait]


adj. 正直的,诚实的,合乎正道的

coward ['kauəd]


n. 懦夫
adj. 胆小的


关键字: 男孩 能言马 小说




