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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"Stop," said the Witch, just as he reached the door. "Do not dream of treachery. My eyes can see through walls and into the minds of men. They will be on you wherever you go. At the first sign of disobedience I will lay such spells on you that anything you sit down on will feel like red hot iron and whenever you lie in a bed there will be invisible blocks of ice at your feet. Now go."他刚走到门口,女巫说,“站住,别想耍花招。我的眼睛可以穿透墙壁,看到人的内心。你走到哪儿都逃不出我的眼睛。只要你再出不服从我的苗头,我就会诅咒你,你坐的任何东西都会像烧红的铁,任何时候你躺上床,脚下朝会有看不见的冰块。现在走吧。”
The old man went out, looking like a dog with its tail between its legs.那老家伙像夹着尾巴的狗一样走了出去。
The children were now afraid that Jadis would have something to say to them about what had happened in the wood. As it turned out, however, she never mentioned it either then or afterwards. I think (and Digory thinks too) that her mind was of a sort which cannot remember that quiet place at all, and however often you took her there and however long you left her there, she would still know nothing about it. Now that she was left alone with the children, she took no notice of either of them. And that was like her too. In Charn she had taken no notice of Pony (till the very end) because Digory was the one she wanted to make use of. Now that she had Uncle Andrew, she took no notice of Digory. I expect most witches are like that. They are not interested in things or people unless they can use them; they are terribly practical. So there was silence in the room for a minute or two. But you could tell by the way Jadis tapped her foot on the floor that she was growing impatient.孩子们害怕简蒂此会向他们问起树林中的事。然而,她当时没有说,后来也没提到这件事。我想(迪格雷也想),她的内心根本记不住那片宁静的地方,即便你经常带她去,或者把她长久地留在那里,她仍然什么都不知道。现在,她单独与孩子们在一起,但她对他们一点儿也不留意。在恰恩,她根本不注意波莉(直到最后),因为她只想利用迪格雷。既然她现在有了安德鲁舅舅,便不再注意迪格雷了。我认为大多数女巫都是这样。她们极端实用,只对可以利用的人和物感兴趣。所以,屋子里有一阵很安静。但是,从简蒂丝用脚拍打地板的方式上看得出,她越来越不耐烦了。
Presently she said, as if to herself, "What is the old fool doing? I should have brought a whip." She stalked out of the room in pursuit of Uncle Andrew without one glance at the children.不一会儿,她仿佛自言自语地说道“这老傻瓜在千什么,我该带根鞭子来。“她看也不看孩子们一眼,就冲出去追安德鲁舅舅去了。”
"Whew!" said Polly, letting out a long breath of relief. "And now I must get home. It's frightfully late. I shall catch it."“嘘——”波莉长长地舒了口气,“我必须回家了。已经太晚了,我会受罚的。”
"Well do, do come back as soon as you can," said Digory. "This is simply ghastly, having her here. We must make some sort of plan."“那,尽早回来,”迪格雷说,“把她弄到这儿来简直糟糕透了。我们必须制定计划。”
"That's up to your Uncle now," said Polly. "It was he who started all this messing about with Magic."“这是你舅舅的事,”波莉说,“这些麻烦是他的魔法造成的。”
"All the same, you will come back, won't you? Hang it all, you can't leave me alone in a scrape like this."“不管怎么说,你会回来的,是吗,真该死,你不能让我一个人去理这团乱麻。”
"I shall go home by the tunnel," said Polly rather coldly. "That'll be the quickest way. And if you want me to come back, hadn't you better say you're sorry?"“我从隧道回家,”波莉冷冰冰地说,“这样最快。要是你想计我回来,是不是最好说声‘对不起’? ”
"Sorry?" exclaimed Digory. "Well now, if that isn't just like a girl! What have I done?"“对不起?”迪格雷叫道,“那不跟女孩一样了吗?我做了什么?”
"Oh nothing of course," said Polly sarcastically. "Only nearly screwed my wrist off in that room with all the waxworks, like a cowardly bully. Only struck the bell with the hammer, like a silly idiot. Only turned back in the wood so that she had time to catch hold of you before we jumped into our own pool. That's all."“当然,没什么。”波莉讥讽地说,“只不过在那间塑像厅早,像一个胆小的暴徒一样差点把我的手腕拧断。只不过像一个傻瓜似的用小锤去敲钟。只不过在树林里还没跳进水潭就转过身去,好让她有机会抓住你。就这些。”
"Oh," said Digory, very surprised. "Well, alright, I'll say I'm sorry. And I really am sorry about what happened in the waxworks room. There: I've said I'm sorry. And now, do be decent and come back. I shall be in a frightful hole if you don't." “啊,”迪格雷很吃惊地说,“好了,我说对不起,而且对塑像厅甲发生的事感到非常抱歉。现在,我已经说了对不起,你就应该同来,否则太不像话,你如果不回来,就是把我推进一个可怕的深渊里了。”

"Stop," said the Witch, just as he reached the door. "Do not dream of treachery. My eyes can see through walls and into the minds of men. They will be on you wherever you go. At the first sign of disobedience I will lay such spells on you that anything you sit down on will feel like red hot iron and whenever you lie in a bed there will be invisible blocks of ice at your feet. Now go."

The old man went out, looking like a dog with its tail between its legs.

The children were now afraid that Jadis would have something to say to them about what had happened in the wood. As it turned out, however, she never mentioned it either then or afterwards. I think (and Digory thinks too) that her mind was of a sort which cannot remember that quiet place at all, and however often you took her there and however long you left her there, she would still know nothing about it. Now that she was left alone with the children, she took no notice of either of them. And that was like her too. In Charn she had taken no notice of Pony (till the very end) because Digory was the one she wanted to make use of. Now that she had Uncle Andrew, she took no notice of Digory. I expect most witches are like that. They are not interested in things or people unless they can use them; they are terribly practical. So there was silence in the room for a minute or two. But you could tell by the way Jadis tapped her foot on the floor that she was growing impatient.

Presently she said, as if to herself, "What is the old fool doing? I should have brought a whip." She stalked out of the room in pursuit of Uncle Andrew without one glance at the children.

"Whew!" said Polly, letting out a long breath of relief. "And now I must get home. It's frightfully late. I shall catch it."

"Well do, do come back as soon as you can," said Digory. "This is simply ghastly, having her here. We must make some sort of plan."

"That's up to your Uncle now," said Polly. "It was he who started all this messing about with Magic."

"All the same, you will come back, won't you? Hang it all, you can't leave me alone in a scrape like this."

"I shall go home by the tunnel," said Polly rather coldly. "That'll be the quickest way. And if you want me to come back, hadn't you better say you're sorry?"

"Sorry?" exclaimed Digory. "Well now, if that isn't just like a girl! What have I done?"

"Oh nothing of course," said Polly sarcastically. "Only nearly screwed my wrist off in that room with all the waxworks, like a cowardly bully. Only struck the bell with the hammer, like a silly idiot. Only turned back in the wood so that she had time to catch hold of you before we jumped into our own pool. That's all."

"Oh," said Digory, very surprised. "Well, alright, I'll say I'm sorry. And I really am sorry about what happened in the waxworks room. There: I've said I'm sorry. And now, do be decent and come back. I shall be in a frightful hole if you don't."









“我从隧道回家,”波莉冷冰冰地说,“这样最快。要是你想计我回来,是不是最好说声‘对不起’? ”




重点单词   查看全部解释    
glance [glɑ:ns]


v. 一瞥,扫视,匆匆一看,反光,闪烁,掠过

hammer ['hæmə]


n. 锤,榔头
vi. 锤击,反复敲打

invisible [in'vizəbl]


adj. 看不见的,无形的
n. 隐形人(或物

cowardly ['kauədli]


adj. 懦弱的,卑怯的,胆小的 adv. 懦弱地,卑怯

impatient [im'peiʃənt]


adj. 不耐烦的,急躁的

wrist [rist]


n. 手腕,护腕

decent ['di:snt]


adj. 体面的,正派的,得体的,相当好的

bully ['buli]


n. 欺凌弱小者,土霸,开球
vt. 威胁,恐

relief [ri'li:f]


n. 减轻,解除,救济(品), 安慰,浮雕,对比

tunnel ['tʌnl]


n. 隧道,地道
v. 挖隧道,挖地道





