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小学六年级英语(人教新课标版)下册 Recycle 2 A Farewell Party -4

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Unit 4 Will you come to my birthday party?
lesson 19 Just read and speak.
Lisa's birthday is on October 20th. She is goin to have a birthday party.
She wants to invit Peter,Gao Wei and Kate to her birthday party.
Hi,Peter,Gao Wei and Kate.I'd like to invite you to my birthday party.
Cool.When is it Lisa: It's on October 20th.Will you come to my party?
Sure! I'd love to. Lisa: What about you, Gao Wei?Will you come.
What day is it on?
It's on Thursday,
That's good! I can come.
I'll come, too. We can celebrate after school.
Yeah.My mum will come and pick us up.
Lesson 20 just practise,
Will you come to my birthday party? She/I will have a party on Oct 20th.
one first two second three third four fourth.
five fifth six sixth seven,
seventh eight eighth.
nine ninth ten tenth,
October 1st October 2nd.
October 3rd,
October 20th,
October 21st,
October 25th.
4 Let's read and chant th,
Lesson 21 Just read and speak.
Lisa's uncle and aunt go shopping with Lisa.
They want to buy a birthday cake and some other things for her birthday party.
What kind of cake would you like?
I'd like a chocolate cake,please.
What shape would you like? A round one or a square one?
I'd like that round cake. How nice!
Yes,it looks lovely.
Let's get some ice cream, too.
Yes,and I'II get some jelly for you.
Thank you.I love jelly.Can we get some round balloons and long balloons, too?
Thank you.I'll have a great birthday party.
Lesson 22 just practise.
I'll go some ice cream for you.
ice cream,
What kind of cake would you like? What shape would you like?
trangle cake,
square cake,
round cake,
rectangle cake.
4 Let's read and chant Oo.
Lesson 23 just read and speak Welcome to my birthday party.
Peter,Gao Wei and Kate come to Lisa's home.
They are going to celebrate Lisa's birthday.
They give their presents to Lisa and Lisa feels very happy
The birthday party begins.
First,they light the candles on the cake and sing the birthday song.
Lisa makes a wish and then she blows out the candles.
After that, Lisa cuts the cake and gives each one a piece.
The children also have fruit and candies.
They have a good time,
Would you like a cup of tea? Yes,please.
Would you like some milk? No, thanks. I'd like a glass of juice.
Lesson 24 1 just practise.
Would you like a cup of tea?Yes,please. No,thanks.I'd like a glass of juice.
a cup of tea,
a glass of juice,
a piece of cake.
Lisa lights the candles.
make a wish,
blow out the candles,
cut the cake.
3 Let's act and sing.
Let's light the candles. I want to have a computer.
Let me blow out the candles. Here you are.Thanks.
4 Let's read and chant fr,
Revision fun story.
Micky's birthday is on October 1st.
He wants to know who else has a birthday on the same day.
Micky's asks Mimi, Is your birthday on the same day?
Mimi says, No,my birthday is on October 2nd.
Micky's ask the rabbit.Her birthday is on October 3rd.
Micky asks the elephant Is your birthday on October 1st? yes.
answers the elephant Micky is very happy now.
Micky and the elephant want to celebrate their birthdays together.
So they have a big birthday party. How old are they? Do you know?

重点单词   查看全部解释    
celebrate ['selibreit]


v. 庆祝,庆贺,颂扬

revision [ri'viʒin]


n. 校订,修正,修订本,复习

rectangle ['rektæŋgl]


n. 长方形,矩形

chant [tʃɑ:nt]


n. 圣歌,赞美诗,旋律,喊叫 vt. 吟唱,诵扬,叫喊


关键字: 小学 年级




