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北师大版初中英语七年级下Unit 11 lesson 41-1

来源:可可英语 编辑:yanfeng123   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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UNIT 11 Lesson 41
1.2 Marcus and Daniel lived in San Francisco.
They were best friends.
They studied together.
They played basketball on the same team.
Last year,
they decided to travel all the way
across the USA-from San Franciso to New York.
Of course,they needed money for the trip.
So,for six months,they worked in a restaurant
washing dishes on weekends.
They saved up all their money.
After they finished work,
they often looked at their map of the USA
and talked about the places they wanted to visit
They planned their route carefully.
Finally,with enough money saved,
they packed their bags
and at the beginning of June,
they started their trip.
1.4 Work it out
They played basketball.
They needed money for the trip.
They lived in San Francisco.
They worked at a restaurant.
They studied together.
They looked at the map.
They planned their route.
They packed their bags.
They started their trip.
They talked about the place.
They finished work.
They decided to travel.

关键字: 北师大 初中 英语




