中国日报以"Apple's iPhone 5 bigger, faster but lacks 'wow'"(iphone5 手机更大、更快,但并不惊艳)为题进行了报道。我们来看看详细消息:
Apple Inc's new iPhone goes on sale on Friday with a bigger screen and 4G wireless technology, as the company seeks to maintain its edge over rivals such as Samsung Electronics Co Ltd and Google Inc.
The iPhone 5 on display after its introduction during Apple Inc.'s iPhone media event in San Francisco, California September 12, 2012.
2012年9月12号,iphone 5 手机在产品介绍会之后被放在柜台上展示。
文中的"introduction media event"就是我们常说的“产品发布会”。这个短语直译为“产品介绍媒体公布会”,也就是将一个产品的信息通过介绍给媒体,再由媒体进行报道宣传的营销策略,目的是提高公众对产品的认知度,增加对产品的了解。
display 是‘展示,陈列’的意思,还有显示、表现等含义。既是动词,又是名词。
作为名词:made a display of strength: 展示力量;a display of emotion 感情流露---公开情绪
作为动词:Her attention was engaged by the display of the new dress in the ship windows.她的注意力被商店橱窗里陈列的新式女服所吸引。