伦敦残奥会开幕 霍金首场亮相
1【Civil War ship washed ashore by Hurricane Isaac】飓风"艾萨克"重现内战船只
TEXT:The ghostly remains of a ship sit on a beach in Alabama. Believed to be from the era of the Civil War, the remains washed ashore as Hurricane Isaac battered the coastline. Strong winds and rain helped unearth the ship, revealing a historical find to residents venturing out after the storm. UNIDENTIFIED RESIDENT SAYING (English): "I am stoked that it is as well preserved as it is." JENNY TUCKER, LOCAL RESIDENT SAYING (English): "It's just really incredible to see history laying here right here on Fort Morgan, on the beach." Opinion differs as to what the ship could have been used for. Some believe the boat was a blockade runner during the Civil War. Others say it could have used to smuggle alcohol ashore during era of the Prohibition.
参考译文:一艘幽灵船出现在了阿拉巴马州海滩上Jenny说:“看到历史就在里摩根堡的海滩上展现,真是太不可思议了 。”对于这艘船的作用人们众说纷纭 。有人认为这是内战时穿过封锁的走私船 。另一些人认为这可能是在禁酒期用来偷渡酒上岸的 。 。因飓风"艾萨克"猛烈袭击海岸线,该船被冲到岸上,被认为是内战时期的产物 。强风和暴雨帮助船只得以发掘,为暴风雨后冒险出去的居民揭开了历史性发现 。一名身份不明的居民说:“他保存完好我,我很振奋 。”当地居民
2【Car bomb kills five outside Damascus】大马士革外遭炸弹袭击5人死亡
TEXT:Mangled metal and cars fried to a crisp --- the aftermath of a bomb that killed five people and injured 27, just outside of Damascus. And inside the capitol ----this message from the government. Syrian information Omran Zoabi. "Nobody should worry. Our situation in Syria is very good on the level of leadership, government, institutions and army. Everything is under control and nothing will be different. Their kind of terrorist acts ensures what I am talking about." His went on to say that peace won't be possible if international support for armed groups continues. Syrian Information Minister Omran Zoabi saying: "What is needed is for the weapons, money and training to stop. Any initiative or effort will not succeed if some countries continue to adopt this position." Violence, particularly on the outskirts of the capital has intensified in recent weeks. Opposition groups says that the military is back in control in Damascus and are shelling neighboring areas as part of a push to drive rebels from the capital.
参考译文:大马士革外遭一枚炸弹袭击,变形的金属和汽车已被烧焦,目前已造成5人死亡27人受伤Omran Zoabi说:“没人应该担心 。在领导、政府、机构和军队层面叙利亚局势是很好的 。一切都在掌控之下,没有什么会有所改变 。他们的恐怖行径决定了我现在所说的 。”他接着表示如果国际世界对武装组织继续提供支持,和平将是不可能的 。叙利亚信息部长Omran Zoabi说:“现在需要的是停止对武器,金钱和培训的提供 。如果一些国家继续采取这个主张,任何行动和努力都将不会成功 。”在最近几周暴力活动已经加剧,特别是在首都郊区 。反对派组织称军方已经从新控制大马士革并轰炸周边地区以此将叛军从首都驱逐 。 。在国会大厦当局政府公布了这条信息 。叙利亚信息部长
3【Obama tours storm hit Louisiana】奥巴马巡游受暴风袭击的路易斯安那州
TEXT:U.S. President Barack Obama tours parts of storm damaged Louisiana ahead of the Democratic National Convention. Obama commended local and federal relief efforts after their much criticised response to Katrina under President Bush in 2005. U.S. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA SAYING: " I want to particularly thank FEMA and the state and local authorities, because sometimes in the past we haven't seen the kind of coordination that is necessary in response to these kinds of disasters. This time we've seen it." Hurricane Isaac roared through the southern U.S. last week leaving thousands without power. Flooding and downed tree limbs in several parts of New Orleans had residents cleaning up for days after the storm hit.
参考译文:在民主党全国代表大会前,美国总统奥巴马巡游了受暴风破坏的路易斯安那州部分地区 。在2005年布什总统任职期间,当地和联邦应对卡特里娜飓风备受评判,此次救灾工作得到了奥巴马的称赞 。美国总统奥巴马说:“我要特别感谢联邦应急管理局和地方当局,因为在过去的有些时候,我们并没有看到协调合作在应对这类灾害时的必要 。这一次我们看到了 。”上周,飓风艾萨克席卷美国南部地区导致数千人断电 。在遭暴风袭击的新奥尔良一些地区,居民发了数天时间将洪灾残留和倒下的树枝清理 。
4【Dozens feared dead after Guinea ferry accident】几内亚船难数十人恐遇难
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