1【New Orlean's French Quarter attracts tourism despite hurricane】新奥尔良法国区不惧飓风受游客欢迎
TEXT:Even as Hurricane Isaac menaced New Orleans on Wednesday, the city's historic French Quarter was refuge to a steady stream of tourists and locals. With about 60 percent of the city darkened by downed power lines, people flocked to the few restaurants in the district with electricity. The hearty crowd at Oceana Grill ventured out before the city-wide curfew at dusk for some cold drinks and southern food. GEORGE DUBAZ, NEW ORLEANS TOUR GUIDE, SAYING: "Oceana was open so I came down and it was the only place open so I decided to come down and get a drink and a little something to eat." Oceana's owner was hopeful that the city's new flood protection plans will stop the worst of the flooding. MOE BADER, OWNER OF OCEANA, SAYING: "This is definitely a proof to us that the 11 billion dollars they spent to strengthen the levees was spent wisely." Oceana has stayed open during all 19 hurricanes that have hit New Orleans since the restaurant's 1973 founding-- including the devastating 2005 Hurricane Katrina.
参考译文:周三当飓风Issac威胁至新奥尔良时,该市历史闻名的法国区成了大量游客和当地人的避难所 。该市约60%的人口因电线倒塌而断电,人们聚集在该区为数不多的几家有电的餐厅 。在全市宵禁前,Oceana Grill热忱的人群黄昏时冒险出去喝一些冷饮和吃一些食物 。新奥尔良导游George Dubaz说:“Oceana营业所以我来到这里,这也是唯一营业的地方,因此我决定过来弄点吃喝的 。”Oceana的老板希望该市的新防洪计划能阻止洪水带来的最糟情况 。Oceana的老板Moe Barder说:“对于我们来说这绝对是个很好的证明,他们用在加强堤坝上的110亿美元是明智之举 。”自1973年以来袭击新奥尔良的19次飓风中,Ocearl一直保持营业,包括2005年毁灭性飓风卡特里娜来袭时 。
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3【Egypt's president criticises "oppressive" Syrian regime】埃及总统批评叙利亚"残酷"政权
TEXT:Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi arrives in Tehran - the first Egyptian leader to visit since Iran's Islamic revolution in 1979. Mursi, who gained office after Egypt's own revolution in 2011, was quick to support another regional struggle - the Syrian uprising. Speaking at the Non-Aligned Movement summit in the Iranian capital, he declared his support for Syrian's fighting to overthrow president al-Assad. EGYPTIAN PRESIDEN MOHAMED MURSI: "Our solidarity with the struggle of the Syrian people against an oppressive regime that has lost its legitimacy is an ethical duty as well as a political and strategic necessity." His comments reportedly sparked a walkout by the Syrian delegation. The NAM summit's final declaration is set to express deep concern over the violence in Syria and support UN-Arab League efforts broker a peaceful resolution to the conflict.
参考译文:埃及总统穆罕默德?穆尔抵达德黑兰——这是自1979年伊朗伊斯兰革命以来首位访问埃及的领导人 。穆尔在2011年埃及爆发革命后开始执政,之后迅速支持另一区域战争—叙利亚起义 。在伊朗首都不结盟首脑运动会议上,他宣传支持叙利亚武装推翻总统阿萨德 。埃及总统穆罕默德?穆尔说:“我们与奋战的叙利亚人民团结在一起,反对已经失去合法性的专制政权,这不仅是一个道德要求也是政治和战略的必要 。”据报道称他的言论引发了叙利亚代表团的离席 。不结盟运动首脑会议最后宣布表示深切担忧叙利亚暴乱,并支持联合国与阿拉伯联盟,努力促成解决冲突和平决议 。
4【Iran Supreme Leader rules out atomic bomb】伊朗最高领导人宣布不发展原子弹
TEXT:Iran will never develop a nuclear bomb but will not give up its pursuit of peaceful nuclear energy, says Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. "Our motto is nuclear energy for all and nuclear weapons for none," Khamenei told 120 representatives at the Non-Aligned Movement summit in Tehran. The West suspects Iran's nuclear programme is focused on developing a nuclear bomb, an accusation dismissed by Tehran. Late on Wednesday, visiting United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon urged Iran to take concrete steps to prove the country's nuclear programme was peaceful. Khamenei's speech the following day also took aim at the U.N. Security Council, describing it as an illogical, unjust and defunct relic of the past that the United States uses to, quote "impose their bullying manner on the world."
参考译文:伊朗最高领袖哈梅内伊表示,伊朗将绝不发展核弹但并不排除追求和平核能源 。哈梅内伊在德黑兰不结盟运动首脑会议上告诉120个代表“我们的宗旨是尽力发展核能源,放弃核武器 。”西方国家怀疑伊朗核计划注重发展核武器,德黑兰对此指责表示否认 。周三晚些时候,来访的联合国秘书长潘基文敦促伊朗采取具体行动,证明该国的核计划是和平的 。第二天哈梅内伊同样将矛头指向了联合国安理会,称这是美国“向世界强加欺凌”不合逻辑、不公平以及过时的遗留物 。
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