独(竹)岛之争再起 日本要求打国际官司
1【Fugitive serial killer shot dead】连环杀人犯周克华被击毙
TEXT:The search for a serial killer ends. Chinese state TV broadcast this photo of Zhou Kehua, who was shot by police outside a shoe factory in southwestern China. Implicated in various crimes since 2004, the 42-year-old was suspected of killing nine people across several provinces. Local residents said they were happy he was no longer a threat. ANOTHER UNIDENTIFIED LOCAL RESIDENT SAYING: "It is great news indeed. We are all very happy. We feel safe now, with him gone." Last week, authorities said he shot and killed a woman outside this bank in Chongqing. Thousands of police and military forces were mobilized in the manhunt.
参考译文:对一连环杀人案凶手的搜索到此结束 。中国国家电视台播出了在中国西南部一鞋厂外周克华被警方击毙的照片 。由此涉及的各类犯罪案件可追溯到2004年,42岁的周克华涉嫌在多个省内杀害9人 。当地居民称消除周克华他们很开心 。一名身份不明的当地居民说:“这的确是个好消息 。我们都很高兴 。他被击毙了我们感觉安全了 。”当局称,上个星期他持枪射击,并在重庆这个银行外开枪打死一名妇女,数千名警察和军队被动员起来展开追捕 。
2【Tunisians rally for women's rights】突尼斯集会争夺女权
TEXT:Tunisians chant their national anthem as they parade through the capital. Men march alongside women in protest against what they see as a blow to equality. The Islamist-led government is under pressure from conservatives to implement Islamic law in the new constitution. Protesters fear that would put women in second place. THURAYA HAJEJ PRESIDENT OF THE ASSOCIATION OF POLITICAL CONSCIENCE SAYING: "We have many new political movements in Tunisia that weren't here before. These movements are threatening women's rights and now we are here to defend them and to show that we'll not lower our guards." The 6,000 demonstrators are pushing to protect a 1956 law granting women full equality. Dr JALEL EZZINE A UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR, SAYING: "This march as you see with this humongous number of people, be it men or women, here to stress the fact that for the last 50 years Tunisia has really stressed the equality between men and women and today they are afraid that they are maybe slipping backwards." The Ennahda Movement that came to power after the country's revolution has promised not to impose strict Islamic codes and to respect women's rights.
参考译文:突尼斯人一路高唱国歌游行至首都Thurary Hajej说:“突尼斯有很多新的政治运动,但不是发生在这里 。这些运动威胁到了妇女的权利,我们来到这里捍卫这些权利,我们不会退缩的 。”这6,000名示威者正在推动保护1956年允许妇女完全平等的法律 。大学教授Jalel Ezzinea说:“看这些大规模人群游行,不管男女在这里强调这个事实,就是50多年来突尼斯确实尊重男女平等,今天他们担心可能会倒退回去 。”在国家改革派承诺不完全采用伊斯兰法典以及尊重妇女权利后复兴运动党才开始执政 。 。男士跟随女士共同抗议他们认为对平等的破坏 。伊斯兰领导的政府在新宪法中贯彻伊斯兰法律时遭到保守派的不满 。抗议者担心这可能会将女性的权利排在第二位 。政治良知协会主席
3【Olympic flag arrives in Brazil】奥林匹克会旗抵达巴西
TEXT:The Olympic flag lands in Rio de Janeiro, marking the official start of preparations for 2016. Hot off the heels of London's closing ceremony, the flag arrived in the Brazilian city which will host the Olympics in four years time. Rio has been criticised for construction delays and cost overruns. But the authorities have insisted they can deliver. In London, Brazil's Olympic team prepared for the journey home. Many are hoping Rio can emulate London's success by getting local crowds behind the home team. Brazil's female volleyball squad have already been welcomed home after winning gold. Crowds gathered as the team held a victory parade through the streets of Sao Paulo. Brazil won a record number of medals in London and are hoping to improve the tally in 2016. Head coach Ricardo D'Angelo was hopeful Rio could emulate London's success. HEAD COACH OF BRAZILIAN OLYMPIC ATHLETICS TEAM, RICARDO D'ANGELO, SAYING (Portuguese): "The impressive thing here in London was the crowds. The crowds were fantastic. They cheered Team GB with all their heart, and they were very polite. We hope that in Rio all Brazilians will also participate in the Olympics Games as the British did."
参考译文:奥林匹克会旗抵达里约热内卢,标志着2016年准备工作的正式开始 。在刚结束伦敦闭幕式后,会旗抵达了四年后下届巴西奥运会的举办城市 。里约热内卢一直因建设延期和成本超支备受责备,但当局坚持称可以按预期交付 。在伦敦,巴西的奥运团队准备回国 。许多人希望里约热内卢能效仿伦敦的成功,将当地观众安排在主队之后 。巴西女排在夺冠后已经回国,受到欢迎 。球队在圣保罗的街道上举行胜利游行,大量人群聚集在一起 。巴西奖牌数在伦敦奥运上创造了记录,并希望在2016年再有突破 。教练里卡多?德安杰洛希望里约热内卢能学习伦敦的成功 。巴西奥林匹克运动队主教练里卡多?德安杰洛说:“在伦敦给人印象深刻的是观众 。这些观众太棒了 。他们全心的为英国队欢呼,并且他们和有礼貌 。我们希望在里约热内卢所有的巴西人能像英国样参加奥运会 。
4【Two missing in Japan floods】日本洪水已造成两人失踪
TEXT:Torrential rains sweep through Japan. Two people were missing as of Tuesday as the wet weather caused flooding and mudslides and disrupted public transport. UNIDENTIFIED UJI CITY RESIDENT SAYING: "I woke up at 6 o'clock in the morning and the water had already flooded the street and I couldn't get my car out." More than 110 millimetres of rain fell in a single hour in some parts of Kyoto and Osaka. Residents in Osaka, Japan's third largest city, said they hadn't seen rain like this in decades. Others were stuck waiting for the subway to come back on line, including part of Japan's bullet-train system. Authorities say the country's Self Defense Force has been deployed to conduct rescue operations in affected regions with volatile weather expected throughout Tuesday.
参考译文:暴雨席卷日本 。截至周二,由于潮湿天气引发了洪水和泥石流,并扰乱了公共交通,目前已有两人失踪 。一名身份不明的城市居民说:“我早上六点醒来,洪水已经淹没了街道,我无法把我的车开出来 。” 在京都、大阪的部分地区,短短1小时内降雨量超过了110毫米 。日本第三大城市大阪的居民称几十年来他们都没见过这样的大雨 。其他一些人被困等待地铁恢复航线,包括部分日本子弹头列车系统 。当局称因周二反复无常的天气,已经派遣国家自卫队到受影响的地区指挥营救 。
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