【Young, and Training for a Good Job -- at Sea】
TEXT:This is the VOA Special English Education Report.
这里是美国之音慢速英语教育报道 。
Many new college graduates in the United States have trouble finding a job in the weak economy. But not graduates from the California Maritime Academy.
在经济疲软期间,美国许多大学新毕业生很难找到工作 。但这不包括加州海事学院的毕业生 。
The academy is the only school of its kind on the West Coast. Students attend classes on the university campus in northern California. But they also gain experience by going to sea in a floating classroom, the training ship Golden Bear.
该学院是西海岸唯一一所此类型的学校 。 学生们在加利福尼亚州北部的大学校园中上课,但他们同时也通过金熊训练舰,该海上浮动教室出海来获得经验 。
Two hundred eighty-eight cadets recently sailed on a two-month international training cruise. The ship travels south to the Panama Canal. Along the way, it visits countries in Central America and the Caribbean.
最近,288名学员开始了为期两个月的国际训练航行 。该船向南前往巴拿马运河,沿途将访问中美洲和加勒比国家 。
Vasile Tudoran is a mechanical engineering student at the California Maritime Academy.
Vasile Tudoran是加州海事学院机械工程专业的学生 。
He spends much of his time working deep in the heart of the ship.
他大部分时间都在船舶心脏深处工作 。
VASILE TUDORAN: “I knew I wanted to fix stuff since I was a little kid.”
VASILE TUDORAN:“我从小就知道自己想干什么 。”
He says he is not worried about finding a job.
他说,他不担心找不到工作 。
VASILE TUDORAN: “When we get out of school you are basically guaranteed a job. There are not enough bodies for the positions that are needed to be filled.”
VASILE TUDORAN:“当我们离开学校时,工作就基本有了保证,毕业生供不应求 。”
Robert Jackson is one of his teachers.
Robert Jackson是他的老师之一 。
ROBERT JACKSON: “I would say the majority of our students have between one to two job offers before they graduate."
ROBERT JACKSON:“我想说,我们大多数学生在毕业前就获得一到两个工作机会 。”
He says most of those job offers are between sixty and one hundred twenty thousand dollars a year. In addition to working on ships, he says, engineering graduates from the academy also get jobs with power companies and satellite companies.
他说,这些工作机会大多年薪为6万到12万美元 。除了船舶上的工作,他说,该学院工程专业的毕业生还得到了电力公司和卫星公司的工作 。
Instructor Bill Schmid says the situation for marine transportation students is not as bright as it was before the economic downturn, but it is recovering.
导师Bill Schmid说,海上运输专业学生的情况没有经济衰退前光明,但它正在复苏 。
BILL SCHMID: “I think probably the vast majority of our graduates are employed in the industry, if they want to be, now.”
BILL SCHMID:“我想可能我们绝大多数毕业生都在同行业中工作,现在只要他们愿意 。”
He says the coursework is demanding because ship's officers are kind of like surgeons or airplane pilots.
他说,见习是必须的,因为船上工作人员和医生或飞行员有点类似 。
BILL SCHMID: “You do not want them to be right only seventy percent of the time. We pretty much have to be right all the time, so that is a hard thing to teach young people, that there is zero tolerance for mistakes.”
BILL SCHMID:“我们不希望他只有70%的正确率,我们任何时候都需要百分之百正确 。所以教导年轻人是一件困难的事情,我们对失误零容忍 。”
The California Maritime Academy has a ninety-four percent job placement rate. Still, only about nine hundred students are currently studying there. Cadet Andrew Di Tucci says he understands why.
加州海事学院的就业率为94%Andrew Di Tucci说,他知道为什么这样 。 。尽管如此,目前只有约九百名学生在那里学习 。学员
ANDREW DI TUCCI: “The school, it is not like your normal college experience would be. We are a paramilitary school. We have uniforms. We have formations. Just disciplining yourself to show up and keep grooming standards and be where you need to be, sit down, buckle your belt and study.”
ANDREW DI TUCCI:“这所学校不像普通的大学,我们是一个准军事学校 。我们有制服,我们有编制 。严格要求自己,保持仪容标准,到你应该在的位置,坐下,扣紧皮带并学习 。”
Andrew Di Tucci is majoring in marine transportation. He says when he was growing up, he was always told it takes a special person to want to go to sea for a living.
Andrew Di Tucci主修海洋运输 。他说,当他长大时经常被告知,想去海上谋生就得超乎常人 。
ANDREW DI TUCCI: “My favorite thing about it is waking up every morning and seeing nothing but the ocean on all sides of you. I get a thrill out of that.”
ANDREW DI TUCCI:“我最喜欢的事情就是每天早上起床,周围就只看得到大海 。我从中得乐 。”