MSB9D!)Bo@t&pjW奥运奖牌榜 可可英语为奥运健儿加油!!!
fCx^ND3_+)U!)1【Phelps: "I couldn't have asked for anything else"】菲尔普斯:“我不再奢求什么”
,OJinYhSe4QDpSZV)|Dl51QHj0N=QTEXT:The world's most decorated Olympian Michael Phelps tells Reuters he could not asked for a better way to end his swimming career than with victory at the London Games. MICHAEL PHELPS, AMERICAN SWIMMER, SAYING: "I couldn't have asked for anything else. This is exactly how I wanted to do everything. I prepared myself how I wanted to and I got the results I deserve. It was definitely cool last night to end with a gold medal, a part of the 400 medley relay that we have never lost in Olympic history. That was a title that we wanted to keep and I was lucky to share the pool with the competitors that I did last night." Phelps has won twice as many Olympic titles as any other athlete in the modern Games. MICHAEL PHELPS, AMERICAN SWIMMER, SAYING: "I think the best thing was being able to show the world that whatever you want to do you can. You know I put my mind and I put a lot of hard work into trying to become the first Michael Phelps and try to something that no one else had ever done. And I wasn't letting anything stand in my way to achieve that. And through a 20-year career I can look back and say I did everything I ever wanted." Phelps collected 22 medals after starting Olympic life as a 15-year-old at the 2000 Sydney Olympics. Deborah Lutterbeck, Reuters
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来源:可可英语 //www.utensil-race.com/menu/201208/193858.shtml