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1【Clinton urges Kenya to hold free, fair elections】克林顿敦促肯尼亚自由公平举办选举


TEXT:U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton makes the rounds in Kenya. On Saturday she holds comprehensive talks with President Mwai Kibaki. She later meets with Justice officials. Clinton arrived in Kenya Saturday, the fourth country on her African itinerary. She also met with the Prime Minister who is part of a coalition government formed in 2008 after more than 1,000 Kenyans were killed in disputed elections in December 2007. At a press conference she spoke about upcoming elections in 2013. U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE HILLARY CLINTON SAYING: "I have absolute confidence that Kenya has a chance to be a model for other nations, not just here in Africa but around the world. On the other hand, the unrest that can result from a disputed election has a terrible cost both in lives lost an economic impact." After Kenya, Clinton heads to Malawi and South Africa. Deborah Lutterbeck, Reuters
参考译文:美国国务卿希拉里在肯尼亚四处游访@&pY1Z4~VpHhl|st。星期六她与总统Mwai Kibaki进行了广泛的会晤,随后又会见了司法官员TMangTa2D~fP-r。克林顿于周六抵达肯尼亚,这是她非洲旅程的第四站qRQec#UCPJr。同样她还会见了联合政府总理,该政府是在2007年12月因有争议选举造成1,000名肯尼亚人死亡事件后在2008年成立的P[sE.y!0vON%CSa。在一次新闻发布会上,克林顿谈到了2013年的选举ik*~EOt2r1gJA.]v。美国国务卿希拉里说:“我完全有信心肯尼亚能成为其它国家的榜样,不仅仅是在非洲,而是全世界#nai,A[JT6F7[。另一方面,有争议的选举可能引发的动乱不仅会造成严重的人员伤亡,还会对经济产生冲击mqZ&(DDwXA)o0a|GkZ[。”结束肯尼亚的访问后,克林顿将前往马拉维和南非qaBH%*C5Fhm]4_T@ggU


2【The dogs of Bolivia's drug wars.】玻利维亚缉毒狗顺利毕业


TEXT:Graduation day in Bolivia. After a year of intense training, some 14 police dogs in Bolivia show off their skills at the International Canine Drug Training Center in El Paso, Bolivia. They are the latest weapon in the country's anti-drug arsenal. They have been trained to track down cocaine, marijuana, and other illicit drugs as well as explosives. Director of the U.S. Narcotics Affairs Section, Reginald James McHugh. REGINALD JAMES MCHUGH, DIRECTOR OF THE U.S. NARCOTICS AFFAIRS SECTION SAYING: "In the fight against drug trafficking, it is indispensable to be able to work with anti-drug police units who have a solid professional formation and an attitude towards committed service in this objective and fulfilling it within the parameters set forth." The center has been around for 20 years and has trained hundreds of dogs and instructors who have gone on to help police forces locate and seize drugs. Deborah Lutterbeck, Reuters
参考译文:玻利维亚毕业典礼RT7jRAxImFBxJHN4h。经过一年的强化训练,14只玻利维亚警犬在厄尔巴索国际犬类药物培训中心展示他们的技能i7E3P.IlBZ;vqs3H。它们是国家禁毒库中的新型武器#5-;uKI1QU6&|p。它们已经训练用来追查可卡因,大麻和其它非法药物也包括炸弹ufLCw7r|QmYI0m。美国毒品事务处主管Reginald James McHugh说:“在于打击毒品走私的活动中,警犬能够与具有扎实专业编制和忠诚服务意识的缉毒警队协调合作完成目标是并不可少的,并且要完成此前设定的参数指标X-nQ++wc4f。”该中心已经建立了近20年,培养了数百只警犬和大量指导员协助警方定位并缴获毒品39itggA;nhU8)^=AE=C


3【In search of signs of life on Mars】寻找火星存在生命的迹象


TEXT:The search for signs of life on Mars. NASA'S Mars rover makes its final approach to the red planet ahead of a planned landing Sunday for a mission that hopes to unlock clues as to whether there was ever life on Mars. NASA Engineer Adam Steltzner NASA ENGINEER ADAM STELTZNER ON THE MISSION, SAYING: "The purpose of this is that we are taking a big rover to the surface of Mars. We are looking to do big science and big science requires big instruments, requires big rover and novel entry, descent and landing system which I just spoke about. The science, the goal is to understand the past environment and present environment of Mars, to see if it has a possibility for being habitable for life." The rover, also known as Curiosity, has been careening towards Mars since its November launch. The nuclear-powered rover -- the size of a compact car is expected to end its 352-million-mile journey on August 6. Earth and Mars are so far apart that radio signals, which travel at the speed of light, take 13.8 minutes for a one-way journey. Deborah Lutterbeck, Reuters
参考译文:寻找火星存在生命的迹象!rVKaFf6-E@5k^En。计划于周日登陆的美国宇航局火星探测器漫游者正靠近这颗红色星球,希望能够找到火星上是否存在生命的线索bdGG#m,I.l)RSAtdS3.P。负责该项使命的美国宇航局工程师Adam Steltzner说:“我们的目的是在火星表面布置一个大的探测器,我们正在计划做大科学,大科学需要大型仪器,大型的探测器以及我刚刚提及的新颖的进入,降落和着陆系统v(~SZDBf3)xUwENC。这项科学的目标在于了解火星过去和现在的环境,从而探究是否适宜生命的存在YP)NV,JYXaptDT#Y。”该探测器(同样被称作“好奇者”)如同小型汽车一般大,靠核动力驱动于去年11月发射直冲火星,预计在8月16日将结束它3.52亿英里的旅行sNh8d=(jEMd5。地球和火星之间距离之远,即使以光速传播的无线电信号走一趟都要13.8分钟oRuqbfQWiW&Ad


4【Hollywood looks back on the life and legend of Marilyn Monroe】好莱坞回顾玛丽莲梦露的传奇人生


TEXT:Actress Marilyn Monroe remains one of the best recognized movie stars in the world, 50 years after her death. Suzie Kennedy pays tribute to the actress by being a Marilyn Monroe impersonator for 14 years, acting in films and plays personifying the late star. "She's the sort of girl that I want as my best friend because she's honest, she's sincere. She can be a pain, but then can't we all. I identify with that." Monroe died from an apparent drug overdose at her Brentwood home. Fans and friends still gather at the iconic star's pink marble gravesite to remember her, who was 36 years old when she died in 1962. Greg Schreiner, who has one of the largest Monroe collections in the world, said it wasn't just about her style that made people love her. "It's so unusual to see someone who's a beautiful person to have this need inside," Schreiner said. "You think they'd be perfect, that they'd be so happy. But there was this unrest inside of her that we're attracted to and in equally men and women, which is unusual for someone who is a sexy blonde, you'd think only men would be attracted, but women loved her too." Sunday, August 5, marks the 50th anniversary of her untimely passing. Roselle Chen, Reuters.
参考译文:女星玛丽莲梦露在死50年,仍被公认是世界上最优秀的电影明星之一DgPc*sQzrlMTKSuzie Kennedy在电影和戏剧中模仿已故的玛丽莲梦露长达14年之久,以此来表达对这名女演员的赞颂)S_T0k;V!r)B9w(%vP=。“她是那种我想成为最好朋友的女孩,她既诚实又真诚ohcou&f8z*5p^ios。她可能遭受过痛苦,但谁不是呢ZL@2KcivD4^xjwB#。我认同那些@SV.dsJt+k4。”梦露在Brentwood家中因明显服用过量药物死亡.i2gqBxG~B2mN。如今粉丝和朋友仍然聚集在粉红色大理石墓碑旁纪念这名死于1962年年仅36岁的明星;g&8=Yu#@Qof&)AfwRmUGreg Schreiner拥有全世界最多有关梦露的收藏品,她说梦露能惹人爱不仅仅在于她的风格ptJY3E;~@*Y7Z(.nN。“漂亮的人内心却有这种需求;7Uca[X_E2,,DEz*。”Schreiner 说:“你认为她们会完美,她们会高兴a6V1eR6u2nIcg_9sqe。但她内心却有这种不安,不管男女都被吸引,这对于一个性感的金发女郎来说是不寻常的,你也许会认为只有男士会被吸引,但女士也不例外0c[RBsnD!hL1!-YjhIf。”8月5日即周日,是梦露英年早逝50周年纪念日atrF+%ER2Io2E*;2



重点单词   查看全部解释    
terrain ['terein]


n. 地带,地域,地形

impact ['impækt,im'pækt]


n. 冲击(力), 冲突,影响(力)

charity ['tʃæriti]


n. 慈善,慈善机关(团体), 仁慈,宽厚

legend ['ledʒənd]


n. 传说,传奇

conference ['kɔnfərəns]


n. 会议,会谈,讨论会,协商会

committed [kə'mitid]


adj. 献身于某种事业的,委托的

identify [ai'dentifai]


vt. 识别,认明,鉴定
vi. 认同,感同身

formation [fɔ:'meiʃən]


n. 构造,编队,形成,队形,[地]地层

indispensable [.indis'pensəbl]


adj. 不可缺少的

marble ['mɑ:bl]


n. 大理石
vt. 使有大理石的花纹


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