A: 大家好!我是杨林,欢迎来到美语训练班!
B: 我是Kat.
A: Kat,上次我不在,听说是你介绍的节目内容?
B: 对啊!
A: 那今天还你来吧!
B: 好! 今天,咱们要去美国大学的篮球联赛, 吃顿全素席,要聊聊怎么戒赌,还要告诉大家用美语怎么说“虎妈”。
A: 不过在节目一开始,咱们先来学个词儿!
Learn A Word #1454 long-standing
今天我们要学的词是long-standing. Long-standing is spelled l-o-n-g-s-t-a-n-d-i-n-g, long-standing. Long-standing 形容词,意思是长期存在的。Former South African president Nelson Mandela has been released from the hospital after a surgical procedure for a long-standing abdominal condition. 南非前总统曼德拉由于长期腹痛接受手术后出院。在英国城市普利茅斯, With over 66% of the adult population overweight, obesity continues to be a long-standing health issue for Plymouth. 普利茅斯66%的成年人口超重,肥胖问题是这个城市长期面临的健康问题。好的,今天我们学习的词是 long-standing, long-standing, long-standing.
A: 我有个朋友,最近就解决了个long-standing issue,长期以来一直存在的问题。
B: What's the issue?
A: 学历问题!他这个人工作能力强,人缘也好,就是学历低,所以在公司升不上去,现在好了,学历拿到了,前途光明了。
B: Good for him! I hope he didn't get his degree from one of the schools that we call "degree mills."
A: Degree mills? 学历磨坊?
B: That's right. It's the kind of school that churns out graduates as fast as possible without really paying attention to the quality of their education.
A: 哦,你说的就是“文凭工厂”!而且你还用到了一个习惯用语:churn out,咱们现在就来听听这个短语的用法。