Words and Idioms:A Case in Point
现在播送<美国习惯用语>第 952讲。我是杨琳。<美国习惯用语>美国习惯用语>
M:我是 Douglas Johnson.
M:A case in point. Case is spelled c-a-s-e and point; p-o-i-n-t. A case in point.
我们知道,case是例子的意思,a case in point, 意思就是恰当的例子。我的外交官朋友过着我描述的梦想生活。It's a case in point. 再比如,我们全家性格都很内向,但是也有例外。My niece is a case in point. 我侄女就一个典型的例子。
M:"People assume that the super wealthy live extravagant lifestyles. But you can find exceptions. My cousin is A CASE IN POINT. He's worth several million dollars. Still, he drives the same used car he's had for years, rents a modest apartment, and donates most of his money to charity. "
[这段话是说: 人们认为特别有钱的人都应该过着奢侈的生活,但实际上是也有例外。我的堂兄就是个例子。他身价好几百万美元,可还是开着那辆开了好多年的旧车,租着一间普通公寓,把赚来的绝大部分钱都捐给了慈善机构。]
这听起来很像我认识的一个朋友耶!她也非常有钱,可是她认为,成就感和美好的回忆比钱更重要。A case in point was her belief in living here and now. 一个恰当的例子就是她相信要活在当下。梦想是重要的,但是也不能错过享受眼前的时光。这对我们也是个提醒呢!好了,我们再来听听刚才那段话。
M:"People assume that the super wealthy live extravagant lifestyles. But you can find exceptions. My cousin is A CASE IN POINT. He's worth several million dollars. Still, he drives the same used car he's had for years, rents a modest apartment, and donates most of his money to charity. "
M:"It' true. I'm no fan of technology. Not only do I avoid computers and personal communication devices, but so do the characters in the short stories I write. My latest best-seller is A CASE IN POINT. There are no references to e-mails, blogs, the Internet or even cellphones. How's that for an example of what I believe? "
[这段话是说: 没错,我确实不是新科技的粉丝。我从来不使用电脑和任何个人通讯装置,而且我写的短篇小说里的人物也不会使用这些玩艺。我最新出版的畅销小说就很能说明问题。里面的人物完全脱离了电子邮件,博客,网络,甚至手机。听起来是不是我的理念的充分体现呢?]
女:我们管这种人啊叫Luddite, 就是反对科技创新的人。A case in point was a man named Lud. 最恰当的例子就是一个叫Lud的人。他是19世纪早期的一名纺织工,曾经焚毁纺织机器,因为他觉得这些机器威胁到了他的生计。这也就是Luddite, 反对科技创新者,这个词的来历。好的,我们再来听听刚才那段话:
M:"It's true. I'm no fan of technology. Not only do I avoid computers and personal communication devices, but so do the characters in the short stories I write. My latest best-seller is A CASE IN POINT. There are no references to e-mails, blogs, the Internet or even cellphones. How's that for an example of what I believe? "
女:各位听众,今天我们学习的习惯用语是A CASE IN POINT,意思是“恰当的例子”。好的,这次[美国习惯用语]就到此结束,我是杨琳,我是 Douglas Johnson。谢谢各位的收听。