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来源:可可英语 编辑:Rainbow   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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American sports English:surfing

P:I can't believe we are in Hawaii, Yang Chen!

Y:I can't believe it, either. 夏威夷的沙滩好美,我们是不是要在沙滩上晒太阳? Patrick, did you bring your bikini?

P:Let me check. Oh, wait. I don't wear bikini,. Yang Chen., could you be serious for just one moment?

Y:OK. I'm all serious.

P:I'm going to teach you how to surf. Look at the wave. The waves are huge─and just perfect for surfing!

Y:噢,你要教我冲浪。Surfing in Hawaii. Awesome!

P:So, Yang Chen... are you ready to try surfing?

Y:Yes. Aye aye, Captain! I'm ready to try surfing!

P:Let's take our surfboards out into the water and ride some waves, Yang Chen.

Y:Ok, here we go!

P:Not yet, Yang Chen. First, you lie down on your stomach on your surfboard and paddle with your arms out to where the waves are.

Y:Okay, lying down on my stomach, 爬在冲浪板上,paddle with my arms两手向前滑。

P:I think this is far enough, Yang Chen.

Y:我会冲浪了! Surfing is soooooooo easy.

P:Well, to really surf you have to stand up on the surf board, while riding a wave. So, you still think it's easy?

Y:光爬着不行,还要站起来? Are you crazy, Patrick?

P:Not in the slightest, Yang Chen. That is what surfing is: Standing up on a surfboard and riding a wave.

Y:Well, you can try standing up on your surfboard and riding some waves, Patrick. But-- I'm staying right here! Michael Phelps will save me!

P:Aw, there is nothing to be afraid of, Yang Chen. Don't be a chicken. Bawk, Bawk, Bawk!

Y:I am NOT a chicken, Patrick. Look, I'm standing up! Patrick, see you later!

A:Stand up on a surfboard and ride the waves! 听着可够难的,我八成儿是学不会。

B:Come on! Have faith in yourself, Yanglin!


B:Hula dance? Not a bad choice!



文章关键字: 训练班 怎么 美语





