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GoEnglish:Shopping (advanced)


Professor:Christine and Kevin are dating, and today is Christine's birthday. Kevin bought himself a $1,000 suit so that he would look good for their special date, but then only had $20 left to spend on Christine's present. He has come to her apartment to give it to her.


Professor:Well, let's listen and find out.

Christine:Wow, Kevin, you look amazing! What a nice suit! Is it new?

Kevin:That's right baby, it was a big sacrifice on my part because it cost $1,000, but I was willing to do it for you because I know you want your boyfriend to look good.

Christine:Hmm ... so you did something nice for me by spending $1,000 on yourself? That's an interesting way of looking at it... But never mind, let's go out for our dinner date.

Kevin:Wait a minute! Before we go out you should open your present. Something tells me you're going to want to wear it to the restaurant.



Christine:Umm ... Kevin, what size do you think I wear?

Kevin:Well you know, I wasn't sure so I just kind of guessed. I didn't worry about getting the size exactly right because you look so great in everything.

Christine:Well do you think I'm really fat? This shirt is an extra-extra-extra large. This shirt would never fit me.

Kevin:Yeah, but that's why it was such a steal! They couldn't find anybody to buy it, so they had to lower the price to $8. But don't worry, I think baggy clothing is really popular right now.

Christine:I don't think I would call this clothing. This looks like a sail for a sailboat.


Professor:That sounds more like a rip-off to me.

Christine:Alright Kevin ... thank you for such a lovely shirt ... But hey, it looks like you got me some really nice pants! Wow, are these Prada? Thanks!

Kevin:No problem. You know I spare no expense when I'm buying you things, right Christine?

Christine:Oh, you're the best boyfriend a girl ... wait a minute, one leg of these pants is longer than the other. Kevin, did you get me a pair of defective pants for my birthday?

Kevin:Well you don't think I could afford a real pair of designer pants, do you? A regular pair of designer pants would have put me back like $100. These pants cost only $11.

MC: 啊?没想到,除了抹布衬衫,Kevin还准备了其它烂礼物!

Professor:Yes, he bought a pair of designer pants, but they were defective.

MC:对啊,虽然是designer pants——名牌裤子,但却是defective——残次品!裤腿不一边长!Professor Bowman, Kevin 还说 put him back, 这是什么意思呢?

Professor:To "put you back" means to cost you. For example, an expensive sports car will put me back $50,000.

MC:哦,put you back 意思就是 "花多少钱”。好,到现在为止,Kevin的预算——20块,已经花出去19块了,剩下1块钱,不知道他还买了什么恶心的礼物!

Christine:Alright Kevin, there better be something really good at the bottom of this box. Otherwise you're going to be single in about 30 seconds.

Kevin:Don't worry, take a look.

Christine:Hmm... oh wow! This is such a cute hat. It totally makes up for all your other bad presents ... wait, there's a hole in it!

Kevin:But it's just a little hole! It was so cheap because somebody returned it and I thought ...

Christine:You got me a used hat? Well, Kevin, I hope you really like that suit, because you're going to need it to find a new girlfriend!

Professor:Ouch! It seems like Christine got really mad!


B:Yeah! Great finale!

A:呵呵,这一巴掌可够解恨的!An unflattering shirt, a pair of defective pants and a hat with a hole in it! 这些礼物烂透了!

B:They are even worse when you compare them with Kevin’s fancy suit.

A:可不是,I don’t blame Christine for snapping.

B:Neither do I. 不过,说到买衣服,杨林,还记得black-tie event么?

A:记得,就是特别正式的社交场合嘛!上次节目说参加这种活动,男士要穿tuxedo——燕尾服,女士要穿evening gown——晚礼服。不知道还有什么别的要求么?

B:Listen to today's business etiquette and you'll know!

文章关键字: 训练班 怎么 美语





