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【Would New Leader Change Egypt's Foreign Policy?】



TEXT:A possible win by the Muslim Brotherhood's Morsi has some wondering if Egypt could soon see a realignment of its foreign policy.


A spokesman for the Islamist candidate, Walid el Haddad, says a Morsi administration would strive to move beyond the U.S.-centered agenda of the past, but keep those decades-long ties strong.


"As we have a very good relation with America as one of the leaders of the world, so we have to have a good relation also with the Asian countries. We will have a good relation with African countries, as the European countries," he said.


The key, el Haddad says, is balance. Fifteen turbulent months after the old government fell, radical change is something the Morsi campaign is trying to play down. Even on controversial issues such as Israel, the candidate vows to keep the peace.


"We are respecting any treaties," he said. "This is one of our Islamic references: to respect any treaties. But also we are requesting the other side to respect [it]."


Morsi's opponent, Ahmed Shafiq, the last prime minister of the old government, also stresses staying the course in foreign relations.


Political observers note that, throughout the campaign, no one called for the treaty to be broken, even those who verbally attacked Israel.


"It can be done for domestic issues, for, you know, raising the popularity of a weak presidential candidate. But it is rhetoric that means nothing," said Said Sadek of the American University in Cairo.


Sadek says Egypt's need to keep friends was seen when Saudi Arabia recalled its ambassador following a violent protest at its Cairo embassy.


"Immediately, what did they do? The Islamist-controlled parliament sent a big delegation, [saying] 'please come back. We don't want trouble.' They actually, I believe them, they don’t want. Nobody wants any major trouble in foreign policy," he said.


Another factor at play is Egypt's influential military, which was dragged into three wars during the last century. Political analyst Hisham Kassem says, since then, it has pledged not to be the victim of political ambitions.


"So the war decision will remain theirs," said Kassem. "Add to that anything in foreign policy that will lead to war, which means basically Israel, the Nile basin and Iran. You cannot make foreign policy isolated from the military in the next coming 10 years on issues like that."


There is also what appears to be an overriding need for the candidate who wins to keep his eye on problems at home.


"We have a lot of issues internally actually," said Morsi spokesman el Haddad. "We have the economic problem, the security disturbance."


Morsi, he says, will focuss on domestic issues, first. Changing foreign policy, he adds, is just not a top priority. At least for now.


【US Considers Approving Drug to Prevent HIV】




TEXT:This is the VOA Special English Health Report.

Studies show that a drug called Truvada can prevent HIV infections. The pill is taken once a day. Studies showed it was ninety percent effective when people took it every day. It was only half aseffective when people did not take it every day.

Currently, in the United States, the drug is only approved for use as a treatment for people already infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

Now a government advisory committee says Truvada should become the first drug approved for use to prevent HIV.

The Food and Drug Administration is not required to follow the advice of its Antiviral Drugs Advisory Committee, but usually does. The FDA is expected to decide by June fifteenth.

Mitchell Warren, head of the HIV prevention group AVAC, explains that Truvada is a combination pill.

MITCHELL WARREN: "It's made up of two different antiretrovirals -- tenofovir and emtricitabine. And those two drugs had already been approved by the FDA a number of years ago individually, and then about eight years ago they were approved as the combination drug. But all of those approvals related to the use of the drug for treating people who are already infected with HIV."

The advisory committee held a twelve-hour hearing on May tenth to consider the effect. The committee urged the FDA to approve the drug for use by those who are considered at high risk for getting infected. The committee held two separate votes on recommending Truvada. One vote dealt with gay and bisexual men. The other dealt with heterosexual couples where one person has HIV.

Mr. Warren says Truvada offers hope for a new way to fight HIV.

MITCHELL WARREN: "If you are at risk of HIV, if you perceive yourself to be at risk, if you're able to take this pill every day as part of a combination of activities, including getting frequent HIV testing, you can reduce your risk of infection quite substantially."

The manufacturer of Truvada, Gilead, would have to produce what is known as a risk evaluation and mitigation strategy. This would be a plan to help ensure the safe and effective use of Truvada. The plan would include extensive training for health care providers.

Some doctors say Truvada is a step toward ending the threat from AIDS. But some critics say the drug could give people a false sense of security and make them less likely to use condoms. Critics say it could also take financial resources away from more cost- effective methods of prevention, like using condoms.

Truvada currently sells for about fourteen thousand dollars a year. The drug would cost much less in developing countries, possibly several hundred dollars a year. But that could still be too high for some countries.

And that's the VOA Special English Health Report. I'm Christopher Cruise.
FDA有望于6月15日对此作出决定o*D#(c%~ElQ=YHG=^j9]。 Mitchell Warren是HIV预防组织AVAC负责人,他解释说,Truvada是一种复合型药片gm_g2THzMAYz-
Mitchell Warren:“它由两种抗逆转录病毒组成,替诺福韦和恩曲他滨o7s5LOVHti4o5mx
咨询委员会于5月10日举行了一场12小时的听审会来考虑有关证据,委员会敦促FDA允许那些被视为高感染风险者 使用这种药物4vj1(4pwyjQrG0n。委员会就推荐使用Truvada进行了两次投票,一次涉及男同性恋和双性恋男子,另一次涉及其中一人感染HIV的异性恋伴侣QG90qW%NaZ5
MITCHELL WARREN: “如果你有感染HIV的风险,如果感到自己有危险,如果每天服药,作为一系列活动的一部分 ,包括经常进行HIV测试,就可以大大减少感染的风险jVxJyidI;hxsC。”



重点单词   查看全部解释    
conceal [kən'si:l]


vt. 隐藏,隐瞒,掩盖

threat [θret]


n. 威胁,凶兆
vt. 威胁, 恐吓

combination [.kɔmbi'neiʃən]


n. 结合,联合,联合体

previously ['pri:vju:sli]


adv. 先前,在此之前

incident ['insidənt]


n. 事件,事变,插曲
adj. 难免的,附带

virus ['vaiərəs]


n. 病毒,病原体

administration [ə'streiʃən]


n. 行政,管理,行政部门

fell [fel]


n. 兽皮

security [si'kju:riti]


n. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券

considerable [kən'sidərəbl]


adj. 相当大的,可观的,重要的





