No pain, no gain.我们的安排是这样的,第一遍用听力软件精听材料(建议做单句听写,听写的时候不要偷看我给的挖空题),然后按照我给的挖空题填关键词,回复后即可看到听力原文和文章精解,我将把难点和易错点one by one 分析给大家。
Before we start our first lab, I'd like to tell you a little bit about the______we'll be using. The first thing I'd like to point out is that the workbook contains a very large amount of material, far more than you could ever handle in a single semester. What you're supposed to do is choose the experiments and activities that you want to do—within a certain______, of course. Part of my job is to help you make your choices. Next, I'd like to mention that in each workbook chapter, there are usually two______. The first is called "Experiments" and the second is called "Activities." In the "Experiments" section, the workbook gives full instructions for all the experiments, including______,______. Choose the procedure you wish—there's plenty of equipment available. In the "Activities" section, you will find suggestions for projects that you can do on your own time. You'll see that there are usually no______instructions for the activities—you're supposed to do them your own way. If there are no questions, let's turn to Chapter One now.