1【Rescue teams battling quake aftershocks】救援队伍冒余震实施救助
TEXT:Anxious early hours after anmagnitude5.8 earthquake hit northern Italy. Rescue workers searching for locals trapped underrubblewere forced to proceed with caution as a series of aftershocks made their way through the region. Emergency services put the death toll at 15. Hundreds of people are injured and many businesses, including car maker Ferrari closed their plants due to safety concerns. The earthquake which was centered near the town of Modena was felt as far south as central Italy and is the second to hit Italy in just over a week. Deborah Gembara, Reuters
参考译文:意大利北部发生5.8级地震,人们处于焦急状态 。营救人员正在搜寻被困在废墟下的当地人们,但他们必须格外小心,因为这个地区仍有一系列余震 。紧急救助服务队称死亡人数达到15人,数百人受伤 。出于安全考虑,许多企业包括汽车制造商法拉利关闭了他们的工厂 。此次地震的震中靠近摩德纳镇,南至意大利中部 。是这是意大利短短一个星期内第二次遭到地震袭击 。
2【Suu Kyi makes first trip abroad in 24 years】昂山素季24年内首次出国旅行
TEXT:At the airport in Bangkok, there were cheers to greet Aung San Suu Kyi as the Nobel Peace Prize Winner made her first trip outside of Myanmar in 24 years. Her arrival in Thailand is being viewed as an encouraging sign for Myanmar which is in the process of massive reform --- freeing political prisoners and easing media censorship. Suu Kyi --- who spent 15 years in detention, had during brief periods of freedom refused to leave the country ---fearing she would not be allowed back. She is set to give a speech this week at the World Economic Forum on East Asia. Deborah Gembara, Reuters.
参考译文:在曼谷机场,人们欢呼的迎接这位诺贝尔和平奖获得者昂山素季,这是她24年内第一次离开缅甸出国旅行 。她此次的泰国之行被认为是一个令人鼓舞的迹象,因为缅甸正在进行大规模改革——释放政治犯并放松媒体审查制度 。昂山素季被拘留了15年,期间有短暂的自由,但因担心离开后回不去而拒绝离开自己的国家 。她将在本周东亚地区世界经济论坛上发表演讲 。
3【U.S., others expel top Syrian diplomats】美国以及其它国家驱逐叙利亚高级外交官
4【Rare pink diamond sells at auction】罕见粉钻在拍卖会上出售
TEXT:Auction house Christie's is in the pink for its spring jewelry sale in Hong Kong. The coveted prize of the day is the Martian Pink - a 12 carat fancy intense pink diamond, the biggest of its kind ever to appear at auction. After an intense bidding session, the gem sold to an anonymous bidder for 17.3 million US dollars - which is roughly 1.5 million dollars per carat,shatteringits pre-sale estimate. Christie's Rahul Kadakia ,head of Jewelry U.S. and Switzerland, explains its success. Saying "It's very difficult to have round colored diamonds that actually show their color with this intensity which is why most coloured diamonds that you see are cut into fancy shapes; either a rectangular shape, a heart, an oval. But to have a round diamond, the most classic cut of them all, with 57 facets and this kind of color intensity, is very rare." There are only two large round pink diamonds in the world with one being the Martian Pink. The other, the "Williamson Pink" is owned by Britain's Queen Elizabeth. Elly Park, Reuters.
参考译文:佳士得拍卖行在香港春季珠宝销售中如火如荼Rahul Kadakia对拍卖的成功做了解释:“这种圆形深色彩宝石是非常难得的,这就是为什么大部分的彩钻被雕刻的很花哨,要么是一个矩形,心形或椭圆形 。但这样一颗圆形钻石,所有当中最经典的雕刻,配上57个切削面以及这种彩色亮度,是非常罕见的 。世界上只有两颗粉色圆形大钻石,其中一颗就是"火星粉钻" 。另一颗"威廉姆森粉钻”在英国女王伊丽莎白手中 。 。今天最诱人的价格来自"火星粉钻"——一颗12克拉,格外别致的深粉红色钻石,这是拍卖会上此类钻石有史以最大的一颗 。经过一轮激烈的竞价,一位匿名的买家竞价1730万美元将其收入囊中——这接近150万美元一克拉,打破了竞价前的评估 。佳士得美国和瑞士总管
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