1【Calls for renewed international action over Syria】呼吁对叙利亚新一轮国际行动
TEXT:British Foreign Secretary William Hague arrives in Moscow to push his RussiancounterpartSergei Lavrov to take action over the on-going violence in Syria. The long-planned trip took on increased urgency following a massacre last week of more than 100 people in the Syrian town of Houla. Hague is asking Moscow to put pressure on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to adopt atrucebacked by former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan."It is not as if the alternatives in Syria are the Annan plan or the Assad regime retaining control of the country. The alternatives are the Annan plan or ever increasing chaos in Syrian and a descent closer and closer into all out civil war and collapse," Russia, along with China, has vetoed two Security Council resolutions calling for tougher action against Damascus. Lavrov said that Russia supports political dialogue in Syria, but called upon external players to respect the independence and territorialintegrityof the state. Although the ceasefire plan has failed to stop the violence, the head of the U.N. Mission in Syria General Robert Mood says he sees "positive signs" of change. "We are pushing very hard for activities in villages, for dialogue and for stability I am seeing positive signs on the situation related to that dialogue." Mood was to brief Kofi Annan when the U.N.-Arab League envoy arrives in Damascus later on Monday. Sarah Sheffer, Reuters.
参考译文:针对叙利亚持续的暴乱,英国外交大臣William Hague抵达莫斯科,推动俄罗斯外长Sergei Lavrov采取行动 。因上周100多人在叙利亚城镇Houla遭到大屠杀,这项长期计划的会晤变得迫在眉睫 。Hague要求莫斯科向叙利亚总统巴沙尔阿萨德施压,要求他(阿萨德)接受前联合国秘书长安南提出的停火协议 。“这似乎不是安南在叙利亚的预备方案,阿萨德政权仍然掌控着这个国家,这备选方案是安南的计划,但却增加了叙利亚的动乱,使它越来越濒临全面内战和崩溃” 。俄罗斯和中国已经否决了两项安理会呼吁对叙利亚采取更加强硬行动的决议 。Lavrow表示,俄方支持叙利亚政治对话,但呼吁事外国家尊重叙利亚的独立和领土完整 。尽管停火协议未能制止暴力的发生,联合国驻叙利亚代表团Robert Mood将军说,他看到了"积极的迹象" 。“在各个村庄,我们正努力地推行活动,促进谈话和维持稳定,在形势相关的对话中,我正看到积极的迹象” 。周一晚些时候,当联合国驻阿拉伯联盟特使抵达大马士革后,Mood将军向安南做了简单汇报 。
2【At least 28 people injured in Kenya blast】肯尼亚发生爆炸至少28人死亡
3【Australia's Gina Rinehart is world’s wealthiest woman】
澳大利亚Gina Rinehart世界上最富有的女人
TEXT:Australia's Gina Rinehart has been named the world's wealthiest woman. Business Review Weekly magazine says she's worth around 28 billion US dollars. Rinehart inherited her father Lang Hancock's mining fortune in 1992. At the time she was reportedly worth about 73 million U.S. dollars. Since then, Rinehart has taken advantage of Australia's resources boom and greatly multiplied her assets. But it seems one can never be too rich to ask for a tax reduction. Tara Cleary, Reuters.
参考译文:澳大利亚的Gina Rinehart被称为“世界上最富有的女人 。据《商业评论》周刊称,她的身价达280亿美元左右 。Rinehar在1992年继承了她父亲Lang Hancock的矿业财富 。当时,据说她的身价约7300万美元 。自那时起,Rinehart利用了澳大利亚的资源,极大的促进并增大了自己的资产 。但似乎再怎么富有,都希望能够减税 。
4【Cuba floods kill two 】古巴洪水两人死亡
TEXT:Flood waters continue to inundate central Cuba. Heavy rainfall a week earlier fell on the mountainous region, causing damage. Some 8,500 residents had to leave their homes for evacuation centres on higher ground. Rivers and sewage systems overflowed, streets flooded, and landslides in some areas damaged homes. Tobacco and rice fields remain flooded, as farmers try to salvage what they can. The Cuban government reported that the bodies of two missing residents were found on Saturday. They disappeared last week as they tried to cross swelling rivers. Sophia Soo, Reuters.
参考译文:洪水继续淹没古巴中部 。一周前在这个山区下起了暴雨,给山区带来了巨大损害 。大约8500居民不得不离开家园,疏散到地势高的地方 。河流和污水溢流而出,街道被淹没,一些房屋因山体滑坡被破坏 。烟草和稻田仍然被淹没在水中,尽管农民想尽一切办法企图挽救一些损失 。古巴政府报道称,两名失踪的居民已在周六发现 。上周,他们因试图跨越上涨的河流而被洪水冲走 。
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