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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
As the man got up the point of the dagger never left his neck. It only travelled round (cold and rather ticklish) as Tirian got behind him and settled it at a convenient place under his ear. Trembling he went round to the back of the stable.岗哨站起来后,匕首的刀尖从未离开过他的脖子。蒂莲在他前后时,匕首只是绕着脖子移动(冰冷而又令人痒痒的),后来在他耳朵下一个方便的地方停住了。哨兵颤栗着绕到了马厩背后。
Though it was dark Tirian could see the white shape of Jewel at once.虽然天色黑暗,蒂莲立刻看到了珍宝的白色形体。
"Hush!" he said. "No, do not neigh. Yes, Jewel, it is I. How have they tied thee?""嘘!"他说,"不,别嘶鸣。是的,珍宝,是我呀。他们怎么缚住你的?""把我四条腿拴住,用一根马勒把我缚车在马厩里的一个铁环上。"传来珍宝的声音。
"Hobbled by all four legs and tied with a bridle to a ring in the stable wall," came Jewel's voice."哨兵,站在那儿,背靠着墙。就这样。听着,珍宝,用你独角的尖端,顶住这卡乐门人的胸膛。"
"Stand here, sentry, with your back to the wall. So. Now, Jewel: set the point of your horn against this Calormene's breast.""一定尽心竭力,陪下。"珍宝说。
"With a good will, Sire," said Jewel."如果他动一动,你就直捅到他的心脏。"蒂莲在几钟之内就把绳索割断了。他用那剩下的绳索拴住哨兵的手脚。最后叫他张开嘴巴,给他塞得满嘴青草,从头皮到下巴颊儿缚得牢牢的,使他没法儿叫出声音来,还把这人压到坐着的姿势,背靠着墙头。
"If he moves, rive him to the heart." Then in a few seconds Tirian cut the ropes. With the remains of them he bound the sentry hand and foot. Finally he made him open his mouth, stuffed it full of grass and tied him up from scalp to chin so that he could make no noise, lowered the man into a sitting position and set him against the wall."士兵,我对你做了些不礼貌的事,"蒂莲说道,"但我必须这么做。如果我们再见面的话,我说不定会较好地款待你一番。珍宝,现在让我们悄悄地走吧。"
"I have done thee some discourtesy, soldier," said Tirian. "But such was my need. If we meet again I may happen to do thee a better turn. Now, Jewel, let us go softly."他用左臂抱住独角兽的颈子,俯下来吻它的鼻子,彼此都很开心。他们尽可能悄悄地回到他留下孩子们的地方。那儿树木底下更加黑暗,他在看到尤斯塔斯之前,几乎撞在对方的怀里。
He put his left arm round the beast's neck and bent and kissed its nose and both had great joy. They went back as quietly as possible to the place where he had left the children. It was darker in there under the trees and he nearly ran into Eustace before he saw him."一切顺利,"蒂莲低语道,"一次成功的夜袭。现在回家吧。"
"All's well," whispered Tirian. "A good night's work. Now for home."他们转过身去,还没走几步,尤斯塔斯说道"波尔,你在哪儿?"没有回答。"陛下,吉尔可在你那边?"他问。"什么?"蒂莲说,"难道她不在你那吗?"这是个可怕的时刻。他们不敢大声叫喊,但他们以尽可能最响的低语呼唤她的名字。可是没有回答的声音。"我出去的时候,她离开你没有?"蒂莲问。"我没有看见或听见她离开,"尤斯塔斯说,"但她能做到她走掉而我却不知不觉。她能做到像猫一样的悄没声儿,你自己亲眼看见过的。"
They turned and had gone a few paces when Eustace said, "Where are you, Pole?" There was no answer. "Is Jill on the other side of you, Sire?" he asked.就在这时候,远远传来打鼓的声音。珍宝把耳朵往前探索。"小矮人们。"它说。
"What?" said Tirian. "Is she not on the other side of your""背信弃义的小矮人,很可能是敌人。"蒂莲咕咕哝哝地说道。
It was a terrible moment. They dared not shout but they whispered her name in the loudest whisper they could manage. There was no reply.两个人和一头独角兽呆呆地站在那儿,动也不动。现在有许多不同的事情要担忧烦恼,弄得他们不知道怎么办了。蹄声得得,稳稳地愈走愈近。接着,紧挨着他们,一个声音轻轻说道"哈啰,你们大家都在这儿吗?"
"Did she go from you while I was away?" asked Tirian.谢天谢地,这是吉尔的声音啊。
"I didn't see or hear her go," said Eustace. "But she could have gone without my knowing. She can be as quiet as a cat; you've seen for yourself."
At that moment a far off drum beat was heard. Jewel moved his ears forward. "Dwarfs," he said.
"And treacherous Dwarfs, enemies, as likely as not," muttered Tirian.
"And here comes something on hoofs, much nearer," said Jewel.
The two humans and the Unicorn stood dead still. There were now so many different things to worry about that they didn't know what to do. The noise of hoofs came steadily nearer. And then, quite close to them, a voice whispered:
"Hallo! Are you all there?"
Thank heaven, it was Jill's.

As the man got up the point of the dagger never left his neck. It only travelled round (cold and rather ticklish) as Tirian got behind him and settled it at a convenient place under his ear. Trembling he went round to the back of the stable.
Though it was dark Tirian could see the white shape of Jewel at once.
"Hush!" he said. "No, do not neigh. Yes, Jewel, it is I. How have they tied thee?"
"Hobbled by all four legs and tied with a bridle to a ring in the stable wall," came Jewel's voice.
"Stand here, sentry, with your back to the wall. So. Now, Jewel: set the point of your horn against this Calormene's breast."
"With a good will, Sire," said Jewel.
"If he moves, rive him to the heart." Then in a few seconds Tirian cut the ropes. With the remains of them he bound the sentry hand and foot. Finally he made him open his mouth, stuffed it full of grass and tied him up from scalp to chin so that he could make no noise, lowered the man into a sitting position and set him against the wall.
"I have done thee some discourtesy, soldier," said Tirian. "But such was my need. If we meet again I may happen to do thee a better turn. Now, Jewel, let us go softly."
He put his left arm round the beast's neck and bent and kissed its nose and both had great joy. They went back as quietly as possible to the place where he had left the children. It was darker in there under the trees and he nearly ran into Eustace before he saw him.
"All's well," whispered Tirian. "A good night's work. Now for home."
They turned and had gone a few paces when Eustace said, "Where are you, Pole?" There was no answer. "Is Jill on the other side of you, Sire?" he asked.
"What?" said Tirian. "Is she not on the other side of your"
It was a terrible moment. They dared not shout but they whispered her name in the loudest whisper they could manage. There was no reply.
"Did she go from you while I was away?" asked Tirian.
"I didn't see or hear her go," said Eustace. "But she could have gone without my knowing. She can be as quiet as a cat; you've seen for yourself."
At that moment a far off drum beat was heard. Jewel moved his ears forward. "Dwarfs," he said.
"And treacherous Dwarfs, enemies, as likely as not," muttered Tirian.
"And here comes something on hoofs, much nearer," said Jewel.
The two humans and the Unicorn stood dead still. There were now so many different things to worry about that they didn't know what to do. The noise of hoofs came steadily nearer. And then, quite close to them, a voice whispered:
"Hallo! Are you all there?"
Thank heaven, it was Jill's.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
treacherous ['tretʃərəs]


adj. 背信弃义的,叛逆的,不可靠的,危险的

ticklish ['tikliʃ]


adj. 难对付的,易怒的,怕痒的

stable ['steibl]


adj. 稳定的,安定的,可靠的
n. 马厩,

beat [bi:t]


v. 打败,战胜,打,敲打,跳动
n. 敲打,

unicorn ['ju:nikɔ:n]


n. (传说中的)独角兽

dagger ['dægə]


n. 短剑,匕首

horn [hɔ:n]


n. 动物角,喇叭,触角,角状物,力量源泉

whisper ['wispə]


n. 低语,窃窃私语,飒飒的声音
vi. 低声

convenient [kən'vi:njənt]


adj. 方便的,便利的

pole [pəul]


n. 杆,柱,极点
v. (用杆)支撑





