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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Chapter 3 The Ape in its Glory第3章 无尾猿煊赫一时
"MASTER Horse, Master Horse," said Tirian as he hastily cut its traces, "how came thesealiens to enslave you? Is Narnia conquered? Has there been a battle?"“马儿师傅,马儿师傅,”蒂莲一边匆匆忙忙地割断马身上的挽缰,一边说道,“这些外国人是怎么来奴役你的?难道纳尼亚被征服了?可曾打过一仗?”
"No, Sire," panted the horse, "Aslan is here. It is all by his orders. He has commanded-"“不,陛下,”马儿喘息着说道,“阿斯兰在这儿。一切都是按照他的命令办的。他曾经吩咐——”
"'Ware danger, King," said Jewel. Tirian looked up and saw that Calormenes (mixed with afew Talking Beasts) were beginning to run towards them from every direction. The two deadmen had died without a cry and so it had taken a moment before the rest of the crowd knewwhat had happened. But now they did. Most of them had naked scimitars in their hands.“我们处境危险,陆下。”珍宝说道。蒂莲抬起头来,看到卡乐门人(其中还夹杂着几头说人话的野兽)正开始从四面八方向他们跑来。两个人一声也没叫喊就死了,所以一时之间其余的人不知道发生了什么事。但现在他们知道了。他们大部分人手中拿着出了鞘的弯刀。
"Quick. On my back," said Jewel.“赶快。骑在我背上。”珍宝说道。
The King flung himself astride of his old friend who turned and galloped away. Hechanged direction twice or thrice as soon as they were out of sight of their enemies,crossed a stream, and shouted without slackening his pace, "Whither away, Sire? To CairParavel?"国王飞身跨上他老朋友独角兽的背脊,它转过身子,疾驰而去。它改变方向两三次,及至敌人看不见他们时,便立刻渡过了一条溪流,脚下的步子没有松懈,口中大声叫道,“陛下,跑到哪儿去?到凯尔帕拉维尔去吗?”
"Hold hard, friend," said Tirian. "Let me off." He slid off the Unicorn's back and facedhim.“朋友,你停下步来,”蒂莲说道,“让我下来。”他从独角兽的背上滑了下来,面对着独角兽。
"Jewel," said the King. "We have done a dreadful deed."“珍宝啊,”国王说道,“我们干了一件可怕的事。”“我们都被痛苦地激怒了。”珍宝说。
"We were sorely provoked," said Jewel.“然而,他们毫无武装——我们也没有向他们发出挑战——却人不知鬼不觉地向他们扑了上去——呸!珍宝,咱俩是杀人犯。我永远丢脸出丑了。”
"But to leap on them unawares - without defying them while they were unarmed - faugh! Weare two murderers, Jewel. I am dishonoured forever."珍宝垂下了头。它也感到羞愧。
Jewel drooped his head. He too was ashamed.“还有,"国王说道,"那马儿说是按照阿斯兰的命令办的。老鼠也这么说。他们都说阿斯兰是在这儿。但这消息是否确实呢?”
"And then," said the King, "the Horse said it was by Aslan's orders. The Rat said thesame. They all say Aslan is here. How if it were true?"“但是,陆下,阿斯兰怎么会下令干如此可怕的事呢?”
"But, Sire, how could Aslan be commanding such dreadful things?"“阿斯兰并不是一头驯服的狮子,”蒂莲说道,“我们怎么会知道阿斯兰会干什么呢?我们,是杀人犯啊。珍宝,我决意要回到那儿去。我要交出我的剑,把我自己也交到那些卡乐门人手里,并且要求他们把我带到阿斯兰面前。让阿斯兰公平地审判我。”
"He is not a tame lion," said Tirian. "How should we know what he would do? We, who aremurderers. Jewel, I will go back. I will give up my sword and put myself in the hands ofthese Calormenes and ask that they bring me before Aslan. Let him do justice on me."“那么,你就会走向死亡了。”珍宝说。
"You will go to your death, then," said Jewel.“如果阿斯兰判我死刑,你认为我会介意吗?”国王说道,“那就微不足道了,压根儿微不足道了。与其担心害怕阿斯兰已经来了,但他又不像是我们所信仰所渴望的阿斯兰,恐怕还是死掉倒要好得多。这就像有一天太阳升起来了,却是个漆黑的太阳。”
"Do you think I care if Aslan dooms me to death?" said the King. "That would be nothing,nothing at all. Would it not be better to be dead than to have this horrible fear that Aslanhas come and is not like the Aslan we have believed in and longed for? It is as if the sunrose one day and were a black sun."

Chapter 3 The Ape in its Glory
"MASTER Horse, Master Horse," said Tirian as he hastily cut its traces, "how came thesealiens to enslave you? Is Narnia conquered? Has there been a battle?"
"No, Sire," panted the horse, "Aslan is here. It is all by his orders. He has commanded-"
"'Ware danger, King," said Jewel. Tirian looked up and saw that Calormenes (mixed with afew Talking Beasts) were beginning to run towards them from every direction. The two deadmen had died without a cry and so it had taken a moment before the rest of the crowd knewwhat had happened. But now they did. Most of them had naked scimitars in their hands.
"Quick. On my back," said Jewel.
The King flung himself astride of his old friend who turned and galloped away. Hechanged direction twice or thrice as soon as they were out of sight of their enemies,crossed a stream, and shouted without slackening his pace, "Whither away, Sire? To CairParavel?"
"Hold hard, friend," said Tirian. "Let me off." He slid off the Unicorn's back and facedhim.
"Jewel," said the King. "We have done a dreadful deed."
"We were sorely provoked," said Jewel.
"But to leap on them unawares - without defying them while they were unarmed - faugh! Weare two murderers, Jewel. I am dishonoured forever."
Jewel drooped his head. He too was ashamed.
"And then," said the King, "the Horse said it was by Aslan's orders. The Rat said thesame. They all say Aslan is here. How if it were true?"
"But, Sire, how could Aslan be commanding such dreadful things?"
"He is not a tame lion," said Tirian. "How should we know what he would do? We, who aremurderers. Jewel, I will go back. I will give up my sword and put myself in the hands ofthese Calormenes and ask that they bring me before Aslan. Let him do justice on me."
"You will go to your death, then," said Jewel.
"Do you think I care if Aslan dooms me to death?" said the King. "That would be nothing,nothing at all. Would it not be better to be dead than to have this horrible fear that Aslanhas come and is not like the Aslan we have believed in and longed for? It is as if the sunrose one day and were a black sun."

第3章 无尾猿煊赫一时

重点单词   查看全部解释    
hastily ['heistili]


adv. 匆忙地,急速地

ware [wɛə]


n. 制品,器具,货物 vt. 留心,意识到 adj.

glory ['glɔ:ri]


n. 光荣,荣誉,壮丽,赞颂
vi. 为 ..

stream [stri:m]


n. (人,车,气)流,水流,组
v. 流动,

sword [sɔ:d]


n. 剑,刀

tame [teim]


adj. 驯服的,柔顺的,乏味的
vt. 驯养

unicorn ['ju:nikɔ:n]


n. (传说中的)独角兽

deed [di:d]


n. 事迹,行为,[法]契约
vt. 立契转让





