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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
He saw at once that the body of the lion—skin would be too long for Puzzle and its neck too short. So he cut a good piece out of the body and used it to make a long collar for Puzzle's long neck. Then he cut off the head and sewed the collar in between the head and the shoulders. He put threads on both sides of the skin so that it would tie up under Puzzle's chest and stomach. Every now and then a bird would pass overhead and Shift would stop his work, looking anxiously up. He did not want anyone to see what he was doing. But none of the birds he saw were Talking Birds, so it didn't matter.诡谲立刻看出来了,要给驴子做外套的话,狮子毛皮的躯体部分是太大了,脖子部分又太短了。所以它就从太大的部分剪下一大块来,给驴子的长脖子做一条长长的领子。它把狮子脑袋的毛皮剪下来,在脑袋和肩膀之间的部位上把那长领子缝上去。它把整张狮子毛皮的两边都用线缝上,使驴子外套的胸腹部都得以收紧。时不时鸟儿在它头上飞过,它就停止缝制,焦急地向上张望。它不要任何飞禽走兽看到它正在干什么。但,它看到的鸟儿,没有一只是会说人话的鸟儿,所以它们看到了也没多大关系。
Late in the afternoon Puzzle came back. He was not trotting but only plodding patiently along, the way donkeys do.下午很晚的时候迷惑回来了。它不是小跑着回来的,只不过是耐心地一路踏着沉着的步子慢吞吞地回来的,驴子都是这样走道的。
"There weren't any oranges," he said, "and there weren't any bananas. And I'm very tired." He lay down.“什么橘子也没有,”驴子说道,“什么香蕉也没有。我疲倦得很。”它躺下了。
"Come and try on your beautiful new lion—skin coat," said Shift.“来,试试你那美丽的狮皮新外套吧。”诡谲说道。
"Oh bother that old skin," said Puzzle. "I'll try it on in the morning. I'm too tired tonight."“啊,讨厌的旧毛皮,”迷惑说,“我明儿早晨试穿吧,今天夜里我太累了。”
"You are unkind, Puzzle," said Shift. "If you're tired what do you think I am? All day long, while you've been having a lovely refreshing walk down the valley, I've been working hard to make you a coat. My paws are so tired I can hardly hold these scissors. And you won't say thank you —and you won't even look at the coat —and you don't care — and— and—"“迷惑,你太不近人情了,”诡谲道,“如果你累了,你以为我又如何呢?整整一天,你走下山谷作一番赏心悦目、精神为之一振的散步,我却在拼命干活,给你缝制一件外套。我的脚爪搞得那么累,几乎剪刀都拿不住了。如今你却不肯说一声谢谢——甚至不肯对外套看一眼——你不关心——你——你——”
"My dear Shift," said Puzzle getting up at once, "I am so sorry. I've been horrid. Of course I'd love to try it on. And it looks simply splendid. Do try it on me at once. Please do."“我亲爱的诡谲,”躺着的迷惑立刻站起身来,“我很抱歉。我态度粗暴。我当然喜欢试穿的。外套看上去简直华贵极了。立刻让我穿上试试吧。请让我试穿吧。”
"Well, stand still then," said the Ape. The skin was very heavy for him to lift, but in the end, with a lot of pulling and pushing and puffing and blowing, he got it on to the donkey. He tied it underneath Puzzle's body and he tied the legs to Puzzle's legs and the tail to Puzzle's tail. A good deal of Puzzle's grey nose and face could be seen through the open mouth of the lion's head. No one who had ever seen a real lion would have been taken in for a moment. But if someone who had never seen a lion looked at Puzzle in his lion—skin he just might mistake him for a lion, if he didn't come too close, and if the light was not too good, and if Puzzle didn't let out a bray and didn't make any noise with his hoofs.“好吧,那就安安静静地站着。”无尾猿说道。狮子毛皮很重,无尾猿几乎举不动它,但,经过许多拉啊推啊,气喘吁吁啊,它终于把狮皮外套套到驴子身上去了。它把狮子躯体上的毛皮缚在驴子的身体上,把狮腿上的毛皮缚在驴腿上,把狮子尾巴上的毛皮缚在驴子尾巴上。通过狮子脑袋张开嘴巴的毛皮,可以看得见驴子的大部分鼻子和脸孔。凡见过真正的狮子的,没有一个会受骗上当的。然而,如果有谁从未见过狮子,假如他并没走得很近,假使光线不是太好,假如迷惑并不发出驴叫声,并不用蹄子弄出什么声音来,瞧见迷惑穿上了狮子毛皮外套,倒可能把它误认为是狮子。
"You look wonderful, wonderful," said the Ape. "If anyone saw you now, they'd think you were Aslan, the Great Lion, himself."“你看上去真了不起,真了不起,”无尾猿说道,“如今不论谁看见你,都会认为你就是阿斯兰,就是伟大的狮王本人。”
"That would be dreadful," said Puzzle.“那就可怕了。”迷惑说道。
"No it wouldn't," said Shift. "Everyone would do whatever you told them."“不,不会可怕的,”诡谲说道,“你叫大家做什么,大家就会做什么了。”
"But I don't want to tell them anything."“但我不想叫大家做什么。”
"But you think of the good we could do!" said Shift. "You'd have me to advise you, you know. I'd think of sensible orders for you to give. And everyone would have to obey us, even the King himself. We would set everything right in Narnia."“可是你想想我们可以干的好事吧,”诡谲说,“你知道,你有我在替你出主意哩。我会替你想出种种明智的命令,由你去发布。于是大家都得服从我们的命令,连国王本人也得服从。我们就可以在纳尼亚把一切都整顿得好好的。”
"But isn't everything right already?" said Puzzle.“但,纳尼亚不是一切已经都好好的吗?”迷惑说道。
"What!" cried Shift. "Everything right?—when there are no oranges or bananas?"“什么话!”诡谲嚷道,“一切都好好的吗?——现在不是连橘子或香蕉都没有吗?”
"Well, you know," said Puzzle, "there aren't many people — in fact, I don't think there's anyone but yourself who wants those sort of things."“哦,你知道,”迷惑道,“没有多少人——事实上,我认为除了你没有什么人——要吃这种东西的。”
"There's sugar too," said Shift.“也没有糖哩。”诡谲说。
"H'm yes," said the Ass. "It would be nice if there was more sugar."“唔,是的,”驴子说,“如果糖再多一点,那就妙了。”
"Well then, that's settled," said the Ape. "You will pretend to be Aslan, and I'll tell you what to say."“那么,事情就这么定了,”无尾猿说道,“你一定要假扮成阿斯兰,我会嘱咐你说什么话。”
"No, no, no," said Puzzle. "Don't say such dreadful things. It would be wrong, Shift. I maybe not very clever but I know that much. What would become of us if the real Aslan turned up?"“不,不,不,”迷惑说道,“别提这种可怕的事儿。这会犯错误的,诡谲。我也许不大聪明,然而这种事我可明白利害的。如果真正的阿斯兰出现时,我们会落得个什么下场?”
"I expect he'd be very pleased," said Shift. "Probably he sent us the lion—skin on purpose, so that we could set things to right. Anyway, he never does turn up, you know. Not nowadays."“我料想狮王会十分高兴的,”诡谲说,“很可能是狮王故意把狮子毛皮捎来的,这样我们就可以把事情整顿好了。无论如何,你要知道,狮王是从来不出现的。当今之世,狮王是不出现的了。”
At that moment there came a great thunderclap right overhead and the ground trembled with a small earthquake. Both the animals lost their balance and were flung on their faces.就在这当儿,头顶上响起一个巨大的晴天霹雳,大地抖动着,爆发小地震了。两头野兽都站不住脚,失掉了平衡,面孔朝下摔倒在地上。
"There!" gasped Puzzle, as soon as he had breath to speak. "It's a sign, a warning. I knew we were doing something dreadfully wicked. Take this wretched skin off me at once."“啊!”迷惑刚缓过一口气来,便喘息着说道,“这是一个征兆,一个警告。我知道我们是在干着邪恶得可怕的事情啊。立刻从我身上脱掉这件讨厌的毛皮外套吧!”
"No, no," said the Ape (whose mind worked very quickly). "It's a sign the other way. I was just going to say that if the real Aslan, as you call him, meant us to go on with this, he would send us a thunderclap and an earth—tremor. It was just on the tip of my tongue, only the sign itself came before I could get the words out. You've got to do it now, Puzzle. And please don't let us have any more arguing. You know you don't understand these things. What could a donkey know about signs?"“不,不,”无尾猿(它的脑筋动得很快)说道,“恰巧相反,这是个吉祥之兆。我刚才正要说:如果那位真正的阿斯兰(正如你所称呼他的)有意要我们进行这件事情,他就会给我们送来一个霹雳和一个地震——只是我还没把话说出口,吉祥之兆便出现了。迷惑啊,如今你非干这个不可了。让我们别再争辩了。你自己心里明白:这些个事情你并不了解。一头驴子,怎么能懂得征兆呢。”

He saw at once that the body of the lion—skin would be too long for Puzzle and its neck too short. So he cut a good piece out of the body and used it to make a long collar for Puzzle's long neck. Then he cut off the head and sewed the collar in between the head and the shoulders. He put threads on both sides of the skin so that it would tie up under Puzzle's chest and stomach. Every now and then a bird would pass overhead and Shift would stop his work, looking anxiously up. He did not want anyone to see what he was doing. But none of the birds he saw were Talking Birds, so it didn't matter.
Late in the afternoon Puzzle came back. He was not trotting but only plodding patiently along, the way donkeys do.
"There weren't any oranges," he said, "and there weren't any bananas. And I'm very tired." He lay down.
"Come and try on your beautiful new lion—skin coat," said Shift.
"Oh bother that old skin," said Puzzle. "I'll try it on in the morning. I'm too tired tonight."
"You are unkind, Puzzle," said Shift. "If you're tired what do you think I am? All day long, while you've been having a lovely refreshing walk down the valley, I've been working hard to make you a coat. My paws are so tired I can hardly hold these scissors. And you won't say thank you —and you won't even look at the coat —and you don't care — and— and—"
"My dear Shift," said Puzzle getting up at once, "I am so sorry. I've been horrid. Of course I'd love to try it on. And it looks simply splendid. Do try it on me at once. Please do."
"Well, stand still then," said the Ape. The skin was very heavy for him to lift, but in the end, with a lot of pulling and pushing and puffing and blowing, he got it on to the donkey. He tied it underneath Puzzle's body and he tied the legs to Puzzle's legs and the tail to Puzzle's tail. A good deal of Puzzle's grey nose and face could be seen through the open mouth of the lion's head. No one who had ever seen a real lion would have been taken in for a moment. But if someone who had never seen a lion looked at Puzzle in his lion—skin he just might mistake him for a lion, if he didn't come too close, and if the light was not too good, and if Puzzle didn't let out a bray and didn't make any noise with his hoofs.
"You look wonderful, wonderful," said the Ape. "If anyone saw you now, they'd think you were Aslan, the Great Lion, himself."
"That would be dreadful," said Puzzle.
"No it wouldn't," said Shift. "Everyone would do whatever you told them."
"But I don't want to tell them anything."
"But you think of the good we could do!" said Shift. "You'd have me to advise you, you know. I'd think of sensible orders for you to give. And everyone would have to obey us, even the King himself. We would set everything right in Narnia."
"But isn't everything right already?" said Puzzle.
"What!" cried Shift. "Everything right?—when there are no oranges or bananas?"
"Well, you know," said Puzzle, "there aren't many people — in fact, I don't think there's anyone but yourself who wants those sort of things."
"There's sugar too," said Shift.
"H'm yes," said the Ass. "It would be nice if there was more sugar."
"Well then, that's settled," said the Ape. "You will pretend to be Aslan, and I'll tell you what to say."
"No, no, no," said Puzzle. "Don't say such dreadful things. It would be wrong, Shift. I maybe not very clever but I know that much. What would become of us if the real Aslan turned up?"
"I expect he'd be very pleased," said Shift. "Probably he sent us the lion—skin on purpose, so that we could set things to right. Anyway, he never does turn up, you know. Not nowadays."
At that moment there came a great thunderclap right overhead and the ground trembled with a small earthquake. Both the animals lost their balance and were flung on their faces.
"There!" gasped Puzzle, as soon as he had breath to speak. "It's a sign, a warning. I knew we were doing something dreadfully wicked. Take this wretched skin off me at once."
"No, no," said the Ape (whose mind worked very quickly). "It's a sign the other way. I was just going to say that if the real Aslan, as you call him, meant us to go on with this, he would send us a thunderclap and an earth—tremor. It was just on the tip of my tongue, only the sign itself came before I could get the words out. You've got to do it now, Puzzle. And please don't let us have any more arguing. You know you don't understand these things. What could a donkey know about signs?"


重点单词   查看全部解释    
collar ['kɔlə]


n. 衣领,项圈,[机]轴环
vt. 抓住,为

sensible ['sensəbl]


adj. 可察觉的,意识到的,实用的
n. 可

puzzle ['pʌzl]


n. 谜,难题,迷惑
vt. 使困惑,使为难<

pretend [pri'tend]


v. 假装,装作
adj. 假装的

earthquake ['ə:θkweik]


n. 地震



adj. 单调乏味的;沉重缓慢的 v. 沉重地走;辛勤工

bother ['bɔðə]


v. 使恼怒,使不安,烦扰,费心
n. 烦扰,

shift [ʃift]


n. 交换,变化,移动,接班者
v. 更替,移

tremor ['tremə]


n. 震动,颤动,战栗,兴奋,地震

settled ['setld]


adj. 固定的;稳定的 v. 解决;定居(settle


关键字: 最后一战 小说




