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小学英语(深港版)第二册 Lessons 5-6

来源:可可英语 编辑:Amy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Unit 5 Rivision
  • B Look,say and act.
  • You're big.Are you Tom?
  • Yes,I am.
  • You're small.Are you Bill?
  • No,I'm not.I'm Nick.
  • D Listen and teace the correct lines.
  • Unit 6 Toys
  • A Point and say. Listen
  • What's this? It's a doll.
  • What's this? It's a robot.
  • Now say.
  • What's this? It's a doll.
  • What's this? It's a robot.
  • a kite a bear a robot
  • a doll a ball a toy box
  • B Say and act. Listen
  • My robot is on the desk.
  • My kite is under the bed.
  • My ball is in the toy box.My...Good boy!
  • Now say.
  • My robot is on the desk.
  • My kite is under the bed.
  • My ball is in the toy box.My...Good boy!
  • C Storytime
  • Put your toys in the box.
  • Yes,Dad.That's a big box.
  • My toys are in this box.
  • Oops!Are you ok?
  • I'm here!I'm under the box.
  • Oh,no!My ball is on the desk.
  • My bear is under the bed.
  • My robot is in the bin.
  • E Say the sounds and the words. Listen
  • a Jane game e Pete athlete
  • Now say.
  • a Jane game e Pete athlete
  • Circle the correct names.
  • Say the rhyme.
  • My name's Pete.I'm an athlete.
  • Pete is my name.Let's play a game.


Unit 5 Rivision
B Look,say and act.
You're big.Are you Tom?
Yes,I am.
You're small.Are you Bill?
No,I'm not.I'm Nick.
D Listen and teace the correct lines.
Unit 6 Toys
A Point and say. Listen
What's this? It's a doll.
What's this? It's a robot.
Now say.
What's this? It's a doll.
What's this? It's a robot.
a kite a bear a robot
a doll a ball a toy box
B Say and act. Listen
My robot is on the desk.
My kite is under the bed.
My ball is in the toy box.My...Good boy!
Now say.
My robot is on the desk.
My kite is under the bed.
My ball is in the toy box.My...Good boy!
C Storytime
Put your toys in the box.
Yes,Dad.That's a big box.
My toys are in this box.
Oops!Are you ok?
I'm here!I'm under the box.
Oh,no!My ball is on the desk.
My bear is under the bed.
My robot is in the bin.
E Say the sounds and the words. Listen
a Jane game e Pete athlete
Now say.
a Jane game e Pete athlete
Circle the correct names.
Say the rhyme.
My name's Pete.I'm an athlete.
Pete is my name.Let's play a game.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
athlete ['æθli:t]


n. 运动员

bin [bin]


n. 箱柜,[计] DOS文件名, 二进制目标文件

circle ['sə:kl]


n. 圈子,圆周,循环
v. 环绕,盘旋,包围

rhyme [raim]


n. 韵,押韵,韵文 vt. 押韵,用韵诗表达 vi.





