1. There is no system for processing and storing the paper.
2. Decisions about what to do with papers are postponed and papers land in undifferentiated piles.
3. Paper comes in at a rate that is faster than the rate at which it is processed.
4. The person is not being selective about what papers to keep and what to throw away.
5. The person is not devoting enough time to managing the paper flow.
How could this person turn this paper challenge around?
1. Commit time to complete an initial organization (sorting, purging and filing) of the papers in the space. Then plan to make time at least once a week to process incoming papers and file papers that are worthy of being kept.
2. Reduce the volume of paper coming in by sorting mail over the recycling bin or trash, keeping only those papers that require an action or filing. In other words, don't let the junk mail make it into your home office!
3. Reduce the volume of paper coming in by leaving church bulletins at church, and getting rid of papers and handouts given to you at conferences, workshops, and at meetings with financial planners and insurance agents that you know you'll never reference before you enter your office.