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  • As the firefighters, the police officers, the rescue workers who have been laboring all night here in Lower Manhattan tell us now that they have daybreak,
  • 在曼哈顿南区工作了整个通宵的消防员、警员、拯救人员告诉我们现在他们已看见黎明,
  • that they confront three basic problems. Number one:there are still fires burning here in Lower Manhattan.
  • 他们面临三个基本问题:第一,在曼哈顿南区仍然有残火。
  • If you look behind me you can see some of the smoke that's still billowing out of what remains here of the World Trade Centers as we look Soth here on West Broadway.
  • 当我们站在西百老汇上向南看时,如果你也在场,你就会发现,世贸中心的残砾中仍有大量的浓烟冒出。
  • But you can also see the fire hoses twenty-two hours after the first explosion still spraying water on the buildings.
  • 但你也能看到在第一次爆炸二十二小时后很多灭火水龙头带还在向建筑物喷水。
  • Problem number two is that there are buildings that they still fear will collapse.
  • 第二个问题是他们仍然担心会有建筑物已经倒塌,
  • Of course what you have is three major structures have collapsed, but there is a great fear that many more buildings have been severely damaged.
  • 当然你们已知道三栋主要建筑物已经倒塌,但很大可能会有更多的建筑物严重损毁。
  • The third problem is that there is so much debris that they cannot mount a serious rescue effort.
  • 第三个问题是由于残砾碎瓦太多,他们很难扩大成果。
  • Therein some caverns some firefighters tell us looking for survivors. But it is a cruelly slow process.
  • 在其中的一些凹陷处,一些消防员告诉我们正在寻找生还者。但这是一个非常缓慢的进程。
  • Overnight in New York City, a faint glimmer of hope,
  • 在纽约市的整个通宵,
  • at least two victims pulled alive from the rubble and there may be others still trapped inside the World Trade Center's collapsed remains.
  • 希望之光在变得黯淡,从瓦砾堆中至少有两个生还的受害者被救了出来,然而,世贸中心的废墟里面还仍然有其他的人受困其中。
  • Reports of cell-phone calls from the few survivors pleading for help.
  • 据报道几乎没有幸存者用手机求救。
  • We do know there are people in the building that are alive.
  • 我们确定知道大厦里仍然有人还活着。
  • We know that for a fact.
  • 我们认为这是事实,
  • We're very hopeful there are pockets where there are people not only the ones that we know about but hopefully others.
  • 我们非常希望在废墟穴中除了我们认识的人活着外,还有其他人也活着。
  • But elsewhere the news is grim.
  • 但其他地方的传来消息却是残酷的,
  • The president last night puts the death toll from the attacks in the thousands after an estimated 12 to 20 terrorists wielding make-shift knives hijacked four domestic airliners.
  • 估计12至20名恐怖主义分子利用伸缩刀劫持四架国内航机后,昨晚总统已经宣布由于袭击而死亡的人数增至数千人。
  • Brand new video obtained over-night shows the first attack plane crashing into the World Trade Center's North Tower.
  • 据刚得到的新录影带整夜播放了第一架袭击飞机撞进了世贸中心的北塔。
  • Minutes later television helicopters record the second plane crashing into the south tower.
  • 几分钟后电视广播的直升飞机拍摄到第二架飞机撞进世贸中心南塔,
  • The two, one hundred and ten story buildings so badly damaged that they collapse.
  • 两次撞击使这座110层的高楼严重受损而倒塌。
  • One after the other.
  • 一架接着一架。
  • Among the missing the rescuers themselves. Last night New York City firefighters and police confirmed over three hundred of their own are believed dead.
  • 昨晚纽约市消防员和警方确定在失踪的拯救人员中,相信超过三百人已经遇难。
  • And at the Pentagon the sight of the third plane attack.
  • 在被第三架飞机撞击的五角大楼现场,
  • Firefighters last night said the death toll could rise as high as almost 800 people.
  • 昨晚消防员说死亡人数几乎上升到八百人。
  • Last night Air Force One, escorted by two fighter jets returned President Bush to Washington where he brands the attacks as evil and despicable,
  • 昨晚空军一号在两架喷气式战机的护航下,护送布什总统回到华盛顿,总统在那指责这些袭击是邪恶和卑劣的,
  • vowing that America will win the war against terrorism.
  • 并发誓美国会赢得反对恐怖主义战争的胜利,
  • The Saudi born terrorist, Osama Bin Ladan, the prime suspect.
  • 指出阿拉伯裔恐怖主义者,奥萨玛·本·拉登,是主要嫌疑人。
  • Mr. Bush makes a thinly veiled threat of reprisal against his backers in Afghanistan.
  • 布什总统对阿富汗的拉登背后支持者发出极其模糊的威胁信息。
  • We will make no distinction between the terrorist who committed these acts and those who harbor them.
  • 进行这些行动的恐怖主义分子和那些包庇他们的人对我们来说都有没区别的。
  • The two hijacked planes which toppled the World Trade Center both originated out of Boston.
  • 两架被劫持撞倒世贸中心的客机都是由波士顿起飞的。
  • This morning, the Boston Herald reports that authorities have identified at least five Arab men as suspects,
  • 今晨,波士顿先驱报报道说当局已确认至少五个阿拉伯人为嫌疑犯,
  • one of them a trained pilot.
  • 其中一个是接受过训练的飞行员。
  • And a car laden with Arabic language flight training manuals was found at Logan Airport's central parking garage.
  • 并且在洛根机场的中央停车场发现了一辆装满阿拉伯语飞行训练手册的小车。
  • As for Bin Laden's suspected role,
  • 至于本·拉登被作为嫌疑人,
  • Sen. Orin Hatch tells the Associated Press that the United States intercepted communications between Bin Laden supporters discussing targets that were hit.
  • 森·奥林·汉奇告诉美联社,说美国截听到本·拉登支持者间讨论目标被击中的通话。
  • And at least one of the suspected hijackers had known ties to the terrorist.
  • 而至少有一个劫机犯已被查证与恐怖分子有关。
  • One of the biggest mysteries:why did the fourth hijacked plane not hit a target?
  • 现在其中一个最大的谜团就是:为什么第四架被劫持的飞机没有击中目标?
  • Crashing instead in western Pennsylvania.
  • 却相反在宾夕法尼亚州西部坠毁。
  • One possible explanation:a passenger on the doomed flight reportedly called his wife telling her "We're all going to die, I love you."
  • 一个可能的解释是:据报道这死亡航机上的一位乘客曾给他的妻子打电话说“我们都难逃一死,我爱你。”
  • But indicating that he and two other passengers had decided to try to overpower the hijackers.
  • 还暗示他和另外两名乘客已经决定尝试制服劫机者。
  • Attorney General John Ashcroft told Congress last night that that plane was believed to be headed for Washington, D.C.
  • 昨晚司法部长约翰·阿什克罗特告知国会那架飞机相信是以华盛顿为目标的。


Reporter:As the firefighters, the police officers, the rescue workers who have been laboring all night here in Lower Manhattan tell us now that they have daybreak,


that they confront three basic problems. Number one:there are still fires burning here in Lower Manhattan.


If you look behind me you can see some of the smoke that's still billowing out of what remains here of the World Trade Centers as we look Soth here on West Broadway.


But you can also see the fire hoses twenty-two hours after the first explosion still spraying water on the buildings.


Problem number two is that there are buildings that they still fear will collapse.Of course what you have is three major structures have collapsed, but there is a great fear that many more buildings have been severely damaged.


The third problem is that there is so much debris that they cannot mount a serious rescue effort.


Therein some caverns some firefighters tell us looking for survivors. But it is a cruelly slow process.


Overnight in New York City, a faint glimmer of hope,at least two victims pulled alive from the rubble and there may be others still trapped inside the World Trade Center's collapsed remains.


Reports of cell-phone calls from the few survivors pleading for help.


We do know there are people in the building that are alive.


We know that for a fact. We're very hopeful there are pockets where there are people not only the ones that we know about but hopefully others.


But elsewhere the news is grim. The president last night puts the death toll from the attacks in the thousands after an estimated 12 to 20 terrorists wielding make-shift knives hijacked four domestic airliners.


Brand new video obtained over-night shows the first attack plane crashing into the World Trade Center's North Tower.


Minutes later television helicopters record the second plane crashing into the south tower.The two, one hundred and ten story buildings so badly damaged that they collapse.


One after the other. Among the missing the rescuers themselves. Last night New York City firefighters and police confirmed over three hundred of their own are believed dead.


And at the Pentagon the sight of the third plane attack.


Firefighters last night said the death toll could rise as high as almost 800 people.


Last night Air Force One, escorted by two fighter jets returned President Bush to Washington where he brands the attacks as evil and despicable,vowing that America will win the war against terrorism.


The Saudi born terrorist, Osama Bin Ladan, the prime suspect.Mr. Bush makes a thinly veiled threat of reprisal against his backers in Afghanistan.


Mr.Bush:We will make no distinction between the terrorist who committed these acts and those who harbor them.


The two hijacked planes which toppled the World Trade Center both originated out of Boston.


This morning, the Boston Herald reports that authorities have identified at least five Arab men as suspects,


one of them a trained pilot.


And a car laden with Arabic language flight training manuals was found at Logan Airport's central parking garage.


As for Bin Laden's suspected role, Sen. Orin Hatch tells the Associated Press that the United States intercepted communications between Bin Laden supporters discussing targets that were hit.


And at least one of the suspected hijackers had known ties to the terrorist.


One of the biggest mysteries:why did the fourth hijacked plane not hit a target?


Crashing instead in western Pennsylvania. One possible explanation:a passenger on the doomed flight reportedly called his wife telling her "We're all going to die, I love you."


But indicating that he and two other passengers had decided to try to overpower the hijackers.


Attorney General John Ashcroft told Congress last night that that plane was believed to be headed for Washington, D.C.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
pilot ['pailət]


n. 飞行员,领航员,引航员
vt. 领航,驾

rescue ['reskju:]


vt. 营救,援救
n. 营救,救援

attorney [ə'tə:ni]


n. (辩护)律师

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

confirmed [kən'fə:md]


adj. 习惯的,积习的,确认过的,证实的 动词conf

plane [plein]


adj. 平的,与飞机有关的
n. 飞机,水平

explosion [iks'pləuʒən]


n. 爆炸,爆发,激增

committed [kə'mitid]


adj. 献身于某种事业的,委托的

confront [kən'frʌnt]


vt. 面临,对抗,遭遇

hatch [hætʃ]


n. 孵化,舱口
vt. 孵,孵出





