fly high: to be successful 成功,兴旺The business is flying high at the moment, making large profits amd attracting a lot of investors.目前生意很红火,大量盈利,还吸引了众多投资者.be on the lookout for
bite/snap somebody's head off :to shout at somebody in an angry way, especially without reason 气愤地对某人大喊大叫;(尤指毫无道理地)呵斥某人 He was only making a suggestion---there's no need to sna
bite/snap somebody's head off :to shout at somebody in an angry way, especially without reason 气愤地对某人大喊大叫;(尤指毫无道理地)呵斥某人 He was only making a suggestion---there's no need to sna
on hold:delayed until a later time or date 推迟;中断 She put her career on hold to have a baby. 她中断了事业以便生孩子.The project is on hold until more money is available. 这项工程暂停,等到有更多的钱
be at the end of your rope:受够了,忍无可忍,筋疲力尽 having no more patience or strength left After two hours of hearing the children shout and argue, I really was at the end of my rope.听那些小孩吵吵
fair-weather (of people 人) behaving in a particular way or doing a particular activity only when it is pleasant for them 同甘不共苦的;顺境中的 adjective only before noun disapproving a fair-weather
精讲Don't take it personally. 我没有针对你!take sth personally:认为某泛指的话针对自己而不悦 I was talking about people having smelly socks, and I'm afraid Mike took it personally.我谈论那些袜子臭的
come in handy:to be useful when needed 有用处,派上用场,需要时可资利用The extra money came in very handy. 这笔额外的钱正好派上了用场. Don't throw that away─it might come in handy. 别把它扔了---它或许
be living proof of something/ show by your actions or qualities that a particular fact is true (用行动或品格)证明...属实 These figures are living proof of the government's incompetence. 这些
剧照真的挺囧的生活照不错^^D: Looks had nothing to do with it.这和外貌一点关系也没有.I can't believe you would even think that. 我都不相信你居然这么想.I am a widower, Betty. 我妻子刚死,贝蒂.B: You ce