Social media hashtags: 社交媒体标签
White girls: 白人女生
White people: 白人
Black people: 黑人
以White和Black 形容肤色种族是很常用的。但是千万不能用yellow来形容黄种人,而要用Asian来形容。
Persona: 人设
Social media persona: 社交媒体人设
Key characteristics: 核心特质
Archetype: 最具代表性的典型、模版
Stereotype: 刻板印象、通常带有负面偏见
The archetypal White girl persona on social media: 典型的白人女生社交媒体人设
Their key characteristics: 她们的核心特点
Wear athleisure clothes: 穿时尚运动装 (athleisure是一个新的混成词,来自athletic: 运动的;和leisure:休闲的。这种风格就是把运动装设计得更有时尚元素,即使不运动时穿也很合宜。像lululemon, 始祖鸟这些品牌都属于athleisure风格)
Eat healthy, clean and organic food, e.g. yogurt bowls, acai bowls, avocado toast, fruit and veggie smoothies: 吃健康、干净、有机的食品, 比如酸奶碗、巴西莓果碗、牛油果吐司、果蔬奶昔
Drink a ton of water, especially from big Stanley water bottles: 喝很多水,尤其爱用Stanley品牌的超大喝水瓶
Sleep early, get up early: 早睡早起
A disciplined and structured lifestyle: 自律、规律的生活
Generally speaking, it’s all about being natural and effortless: 总体而言,就是崇尚自然、毫不费力的生活方式
But ironically, this seemingly effortless lifestyle takes a lot of effort: 但讽刺的是,这种表面看起来毫不费力的生活方式其实却大费气力
A highly curated lifestyle: 高度修饰过的生活
Marketing campaigns: 市场行销推广活动
Sponcon: 看似是内容分享,其实是带货 (来自于sponsored content: 赞助的推广性内容)
Content industrial complex: 内容商业生态
Don’t be easily influenced by influencers’ curated content: 不要轻易被网红分享的内容左右Be the curator of your own life: 做自己生活的策划人、做自己生活的主人