Five different ways of expressing and receiving love: 五种不同的方式来传递爱、收获爱
The entire purpose of exploring your love languages together is to learn how to love your partner in a way that is meaningful to them: 探索爱的语言目的是学习如何以一种有意义的方式爱他/她。
1.Words of Affirmation 肯定的言辞
Insults especially detrimental/cut deeply: 冒犯、辱骂尤其有害/伤害很深
Give genuine compliments: 给予真诚的赞美
Uplifting words that demonstrate you are supportive of them: 表达你支持他们、振奋人心的话
2.Quality time 精心的时刻
Do you value full undivided attention? 你重视全身心投入/全神贯注吗?
No distraction: 不要分心
More on your plate, but make time for your lover: 你有很多事情要做,但要为你的爱人留出时间
3.Receiving gifts 接受礼物
Not cost, but the thought behind it: 不在于价格,而是背后的想法
Thoughtless gifts: 不用心的礼物
Doesn't mean that they are materialistic: 并不意味着他们就是物质的
4.Acts of service 服务的行动
Lend a helping hand: 伸出援手
Chores around the house: 帮助做家务
Ease the burden of responsibility: 减轻负担、责任
"Actions speak louder than words": 行动比语言更重要
5.Physical touch 身体的接触
Thoughtful touches: 用心的接触
Reaffirming physical contact: 坚定的肢体接触
Affectionate touches over kind words and compliments: 亲切的接触胜过亲切的话语和赞美
Touchy-feely: 感情外露的、善于表达感情的
"Fill up their love tank": 装满爱的储存器
Love is a choice: 爱是选择
It's something that you can control: 是你可以控制的
Choose to do the actions first, and the feelings of love will follow: 选择先行动,爱的感觉就会随之而来
Examine your childhood: 测试你的童年
How did your parents love you? 你的父母是怎么爱你的?
Trust your instinct: 相信你的直觉
What hurts you the most: 什么对你的伤害最大
Go take the quiz. 快去做这个测试吧!